It is on paper: the US Senate and House bills would prohibit Health Insurance Exclusions for pre-existing conditions

10:17 PM
It is on paper: the US Senate and House bills would prohibit Health Insurance Exclusions for pre-existing conditions -

U.S. Capitol Today, joint bills in the US Senate and House of representatives have been introduced to prohibit health insurance companies from imposing exclusions or limitations of coverage for pre-existing health conditions .

According to CNN, the bills also would prohibit insurers charging high premiums for diseases and special supplements for the treatment of certain conditions.

draft Senate bill was introduced by Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, and the version of the House by Representative Joe Courtney of Connecticut.

"This is a situation where the market will not solve the problem by itself. The insurance companies have always gotten away with what they can get away with," said Senator Rockefeller

the insurance industry is actually behind these bills as we mentioned before - a condition :. Congress must also pass a law that requires all Americans to obtain health insurance coverage.

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