Why women need regular checks

6:01 PM
Why women need regular checks -

Lauren Mandel

We all could use some reminders and we re here to share one of the most important reminders regarding your health: for regular checks

During the week of the health of national women today the national women's Checkup Day, an effort initiated by the US Department. Health and social services to help women prioritize their health.

So what can you do to prepare for your next well-woman visit? We have described some tips to help you feel comfortable and confident

Double check your health insurance

An annual trip to your doctor - .. Or to a well -woman visit - is a preventive care service under the affordable care Act, which means that if you have health insurance, your visit will be covered. If you do not have health insurance, however, these tours can get expensive. March - womensHistoryMonth

You also want to make sure that the doctor you choose to visit your provider is in the network. Going out-of-network is another detail that could cost you a lot of money.

Review your family history.

Your parents have high blood pressure? Is breast cancer in your family? Did your grandparents have specific conditions? Questions like these are important to ask yourself before you visit the doctor. Your doctor will want to know these details so that he or she knows what to look for during your appointment.

Evaluate your own health.

Yes, you see a doctor to be properly diagnosed, but there are some abnormalities or discomforts that you can identify initially. Go through significant changes to your health or your body before your appointment, so that when the doctor asks, you will have answers to share.

Remember why you are there.

you may think you only need to visit the doctor when you are sick, but the reality is, that can often be too late. Health insurance is mandatory for all Americans so that everyone will be proactive about their health, rather than reactive. Planning and attend regular check you will receive the necessary vaccinations, screenings and tests, and well-woman visits can help you live a long and healthy life.

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