Expansion of the State Children "of Medicare program to become autonomous Bill This year

10:04 PM
Expansion of the State Children "of Medicare program to become autonomous Bill This year -

children at play Democrats the US House of representatives are preparing for 09 and a new administration in the white House. as regards health care, the first on the list (it seems) is to extend coverage to children's health state Insurance Program (SCHIP).

initially, lawmakers planned on including the funding of the expansion in a draft economic stimulus law, but are now looking to push the effort in the autonomous legislation.

The Associated Press and the Miami Herald , the new bill will be similar to those that have been vetoed by President Bush twice in 07.

But the details remain to be settled. Members must decide how much money to push and how long to extend the program's life. president of the Energy and Commerce Committee of the House, US Representative newly seated Harry Waxman, said the details are still to be determined, wrote the AP article.

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