Your Guide Motorcycle

5:36 PM Add Comment
Your Guide Motorcycle -
roar on the shore

Do you dream of owning your own bike? Can you feel the handlebar grip in your hands? Or imagine the road in front of you?

If so, you probably have seriously thought about buying a motorcycle

You're not alone. The popularity of motorcycles is increasing every year, with Statista reporting sales of 440,899 in 2011 increasing to 483526 last year.

Whether you are ready to bite the bullet or if you are interested in renting first, this series of posts will give you the information you need when it comes to your future bike.

We will address the following topics:

  • What to consider when buying a new or used bike: the right information could save you thousands of dollars regarding the purchase of a motorcycle.
  • How to find a good mechanic motorcycle: Sooner or later, you will need to use the services of a good motorcycle mechanic. This post will help you find the right mechanic for your bike so that your ride is safe and enjoyable
  • How to rent a bike :. Not ready to buy yet? No problem. There is a market for bike rentals there. Before signing on the dotted line, make sure you ask the right questions
  • How to ensure your bike :. Just like your car, your bike needs insurance coverage. Learn the ins and outs of insurance and get the right protection for your bike.

Dreaming of the thrill of the road. So what's stopping you? Learn what you need to know so you can soon buy and ride with confidence. Let's start.

Hacking a Smart Home Rising Risk

4:35 PM Add Comment
Hacking a Smart Home Rising Risk

These days, you can control countless things around your home with the touch of a finger on screen of your smartphone.

However, there is also the risk that a hacker can as well.

Plus technology takes over, the more at risk we are against piracy. This is also true for smart homes for your computer. And it does not end there: Cars are more and more connected as well, which means that a hacker could gain access to your vehicle and your home.

Honey, did you leave the lights?

A study by SYNACK, a cyber security company, revealed that many technologies for intelligent home should strengthen their security. One of their analysts was able to break into a variety of devices ranging from 5 to 20 minutes.

A hacker can access your smart house manually by entering your house and tampering with your router; hacking a stolen phone, taking advantage of a public network or planting malicious malware directly into the device before it is purchased and installed.

When it comes to hacking smart home, here are the things you need to keep in mind-and myths that you can reject.

Lock intruders

There are a number of ways to prevent hacking smart home. The first step: making it more difficult for anyone to hack your router.

A hacker will attack your first router because it is designed to be accessed remotely. Be sure to change the entire factory username and password. Stay away from generic passwords like "password" and "123456" one can guess. Experts recommend that you change your password monthly.

Also make sure that your router uses WPA2 security. It is a more secure program that simply prevents anyone from simply connect and surf the net for free your or capture your information.

Once you have configured your router, make your private network and require a password for access. Also, make sure that your data is encrypted to make it more difficult to use if captured.

Hackers can also use a stolen smartphone with applications that control appliances remotely. Protect yourself by making sure that your phone needs a pin for access.

Leave the car worries in the dust

Although difficult to hack a connected car, it is not impossible. (A recent experiment involving pirates "altruistic" proves that it is entirely possible to hack and disable a car.)

In most cases, a hacker needs to physically tamper with your vehicle to have access to its systems. Yet, according to Norton, growing use of wireless systems makes them more vulnerable to hacking cars.

programs in new cars that use wireless connectivity does not necessarily encrypt data or have security guards in place to prevent third party access. This can leave you vulnerable to any person knowledgeable enough (and sufficiently motivated) to go after.

Many of these programs are also linked to basic controls, which means that a hacker can access through your XM radio. They could then trigger your horn, turn your steering wheel or kill your engine before you even realize what's happening.

This will become a real concern from vehicle to vehicle (V2V) wireless and interactive screens are becoming more common in cars. Be sure to ask a dealer or seller of the security measures before buying a new car that has wireless technology.


Whether installing smart technology in your home or adding a new vehicle to your policy, it is important to make sure you have the right insurance. Talking with a professional insurance as an Erie insurance agent for details.

ERIE Help Teens put on the path to success

3:34 PM Add Comment
ERIE Help Teens put on the path to success -

Erie Insurance has a long tradition of giving back.

One recent ERIE means is what is Summer JAM (more jobs). The program based in Pennsylvania Erie, is designed to help prepare young people aged 16 to 21 for college and careers.

Time Management

This summer, 138 teens learn, teamwork and communication skills with 44 employers in the community.

Job training the way ERIE

Six Summer J.A.M. the students began with ERIE June 22 for a seven-week program. They are rotating through different areas, gaining practical experience working in the maintenance of facilities, human resources and strategic marketing. They work 180 hours during the program, which comes out to about 25 hours per week.

Kim Reichert, supervisor of recruitment, said ERIE became involved with Summer J.A.M. this year to have an impact on young people.

"We want to provide students with work experience in the real world, help them earn money and develop skills to education or a career," said Kim.

during their seven weeks ERIE, students meet weekly to "lunch and learn" sessions presented by ERIE recruiters. Topics cover the interviews and etiquette in the workplace, social media environment work, effective communication in the workplace, resume preparation, insurance ERIE career and internship program.

"It helps me become independent and learn to work as part of a team, "student Janiyah Wayne said of his experience. "I learned to multi-task and challenge myself. I met great people, too. "

Janiyah credits the program with her to prepare to start university in the fall at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College by helping to improve her writing and computer skills. She also get a good start by taking a class at Behrend one day a week.

"(the program) taught me to manage my time and will be useful when I start college full time in the fall," said Janiyah, who intends to study nursing.

ERIE in new

Young people working through ERIE J.A.M. Summer program were recently highlighted in the Erie Times-News.

Video: 5 Craziest disaster

2:33 PM Add Comment
Video: 5 Craziest disaster -

We all know about disasters such as tornadoes and hurricanes

as crazy as sound, these disasters really happened. Watch the video above to learn about five of the most bizarre disasters never happen.

Whether something off-the-wall or something more common, it is essential to prepare for a disaster that might come your way. Everyone should think about how they had survived the worst. ERIE can help-check some of these disaster planning resources:

  • Video: Why disaster planning is
  • Five Apps Disaster essential Worth Checking Out
  • Facebook launches safety Check Feature
  • be Prepared

insurance is something you'll be glad if a disaster damages your house, car or 'business. Contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community to learn more and get a free quote.

How to decorate a dorm room on a budget

1:32 PM Add Comment
How to decorate a dorm room on a budget -
decorate your dorm

Whether you are a freshman in the direction of the university for the first time or a higher uprising, the decorating your dorm room (or apartment) is a must.

Unfortunately, the transformation, a rare bland space into a welcoming haven can become quite expensive. I discovered for myself when I had the opportunity to decorate my room after moving into a home of my first year of college.

Yet, while it is almost impossible not to spend money, there is no need to break the bank

Here are six tips to help you decorate a dorm on a budget:.

  • 1. First, become familiar with the rules. Some dorms and apartments do not allow things like halogen lamps or holes in the wall. Learn the rules before shelling out for anything that is prohibited.
  • 2. Do not duplicate ticket items. Check with your roommate ahead of time to decide who brings what. You only need a microwave, there is no need for you both to provide. You will save money if you understand who is responsible for what in advance.
  • 3. Check in with family and friends. Before hitting the stores, let your family members and friends know what you are looking for. They can give you for a flight, or even free. (My aunt generously donated a set of dining set, toaster oven, coffee machine and cooker. Well-equipped kitchen? Check.)
  • 4. Do not be afraid to upcycle. Familiar with Pinterest? It is a site full of inspiring ideas for the renovation of antique furniture and unique creation, cheap decorations. Once you get some ideas, combing thrift stores, garage sales and Craigslist for materials.
  • 5. Compare prices before you buy. Some items that you really need to buy new. But you should not buy the first thing you come across. There are a number of applications you can download to compare prices in stores. lists 10 best comparison shopping applications.
  • 6. Do temporary for now. well-placed control strips and washi tape can do wonders to a room. Washi tape comes in every color and pattern imaginable and can be used for just about everything. control strips allow you to hang and easily remove the decorations of your walls.

With a little patience and some creativity, you'll be happy with your new space and enjoy the savings, too.

College students the effects are often covered by the parents or guardians of owners insurance. It is best to talk to your insurance agent to be sure, especially if you are living off campus. Tell a Erie Insurance Agent to know for sure what is covered.

Now that you are dormitory is looking good, learn some tips to prevent the dorm flight.

No Regrets Road Trip: Go Green in Nashville (VIDEO)

10:29 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip: Go Green in Nashville (VIDEO) -

After cruising along the Blue Ridge Parkway, The Summer of No Regrets Road Trip rolls in Music City, Tennessee. But before going scootin 'in some honky tonk, take the air at Centennial Park in Nashville. This green area of ​​132 acres includes walking and exercise trails, a monuments and gardens, space for events and concerts (of course), a dog park, and - at the heart of it all - . A replica of the iconic Parthenon

There are not that sprawling lawn that makes this must-see place so green. Learn what's in store as Centennial Park becomes more environmentally -. And while you're at it, learn some simple ways your family can be more environmentally friendly at home, too

Next we visit the "Horse Capital of the World" - Lexington, Kentucky.

Do you have the right cover for your roof?

11:30 AM Add Comment
Do you have the right cover for your roof? -
right roof coverage

Replacing a roof is one of the most expensive projects of the house every owner will ever face. In fact, reports that costs consumers an average of $ 11,095 to tear and replace an old roof in 2014.

Although it is possible to record over several months or years to replace an old roof, sudden damage of something like a windstorm does not give you this option. That's why it's so important to have the right cover for your roof

In the world of insurance, there are two major losses settlement options that affect the amount of coverage available to repair damage to your roof :.

  • actual cash value (ACV) regulation factors of the loss in the age and condition of the roof come with an amortization amount to be deducted the cost to repair the damage to the roof.
  • The replacement cost settlement loss reflects the coverage available to repair the damage to the roof without considering depreciation.

replacement cost is the best option regarding the repair of the damaged part of your roof because there is no deduction for depreciation. Yet, roofs covering on a basis of LCA is increasingly common, according to Claims Management Magazine.

Having a covered roof on an ACV basis could become a financial burden for the owner. This is especially true if your roof is older and in poor condition. In some cases, there may be a large capital cost allowance if the roof is damaged near the end of its life.

The replacement cost leaves you in a better position to repair the damage to the roof without having to suffer the consequences of depreciation is taken into account in settling claims. The tradeoff is that the premium will cost more than it would if your house was insured on the basis of stroke. One way to do a more affordable replacement cost policy is to increase your deductible.

Getting the right cover for your roof

When researching home insurance, it is important to talk with your insurance agent about how your roof is covered. Many people find that having their roof covered on a replacement cost basis gives them protection and peace of mind they need.

Erie Insurance provides home insurance automatically covers your roof replacement cost. For more information about this or to get a quote, contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

No Regrets Road Trip in the right mood to Lexington (VIDEO)

9:28 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip in the right mood to Lexington (VIDEO) -

Lexington, Kentucky, has many things: It is the Horse capital of the world, the heart of the Bluegrass region of the state, and - drumroll, please! --- One of the last places where you can get great insurance coverage with ERIE

So when we planned our trip on the road was epic, we knew we had to make a stop -. And no trip to Kentucky is complete without sampling the native spirit, official bourbon of America.

In this video, go behind the scenes of Alltech Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co., the townhouse Bourbon Branch, to see how they honor their rich history while incorporating the latest technology in their business.

Hey ... it sounds a bit like us

Next stop :. Indianapolis, Indiana.

No Regrets Road Trip: Living history at Indianapolis

8:27 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip: Living history at Indianapolis -

We move forward on our road trip going up - in time , which is.

After checking the Bourbon Trail Kentucky in Lexington, we stop by Conner Prairie in Indianapolis. This living history museum recreates everyday life in Indiana in the 19th century, cooking and pottery to the breeding of farm animals and harvesting of corn (it's harder than n 'it seems).

Inside, visitors to Conner Prairie can learn about Indiana rich history of science, technology, engineering and mathematics with hands on fantastic shows. Speaking of technology - did you know Erie Insurance is a participant in the Google Glass program and pilot testing drones to inspect buildings and damage to the house?

Conner Prairie is a must for all ages if you are in the Indianapolis area. Watch the video to see for yourself

Oh, and if you want to see some pictures of adorable baby piglets -. Go to 1:11. We will not even mad

Next stop :. We meet a Fort Wayne, the first carpool drivers in Indiana.

No Regrets Road Trip: Take Me to the River to Milwaukee (VIDEO)

7:26 PM Add Comment
No Regrets Road Trip: Take Me to the River to Milwaukee (VIDEO) -

After all this training - including a tower with an Uber driver in Fort Wayne, Ind. - We need a change of pace, so we took to the water in Milwaukee

in this episode of The Summer of No Regrets Road Trip, we join Edelweiss Boat Cruises for. a look up close and personal to the Milwaukee River - and consider some important water safety tips. (Remember: Check the time early and often, and always wear a life jacket!)

Another important thing to remember before you set sail: Talk to your insurance agent . Coverage for your boat can protect your financial security in case of accident. Lightning storms to bad decisions of reckless boaters, many things can happen at sea (or river), and the right insurance can give you peace of mind.

Then was our last stop of the tour: Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Three main reasons why people buy life insurance

6:25 PM Add Comment
Three main reasons why people buy life insurance -
why buy life insurance

Before you can get the life insurance coverage you need, you have to understand why you need them. Although there are many reasons to buy life insurance, the most common reasons are:

1. final expenditure: final expenditures refer all expenses related to the death of someone. This can include a coffin, the funeral preparations, memorial service, cremation and more.

Life insurance for final expenses is to consider, after all, reports the National Funeral Directors Association that the median price of a funeral with a coffin is over $ 7,000. Funeral directors say families without sufficient funds are forced to reduce the service or ask friends and family for donations. A small term life insurance policy can relieve your loved taking care of these expenses.

2. Income replacement: Your family depends on your income to meet daily needs for food, health care, utilities, car payments and more. There is also the future costs such as education or the contributions you made to the pension of a surviving spouse of a college kid. If you die without a way to replace your income, living standards could be in grave danger. If you have young children, there may be child care costs or maintenance costs at home to consider if your spouse needs to return to work.

How much life insurance you need is based on two factors: your salary and the number of years until you retire. An insurance agent will also take into account all other factors such as social security benefits, the income of your partner and your savings. Always look to buy the amount you really need, but remember also that something is better than nothing as regards the coverage of life insurance.

3. Paying off a mortgage: A mortgage is often the single biggest item in the budget of a person. Your family could pay the mortgage of your house without your salary in the image? Otherwise, an already grim situation is compounded by their ability to lose the home they love. It could also mean that your children could no longer attend school in their current neighborhood or maintain friendships they currently have.

Life insurance can pay a mortgage to pay for your family can enjoy the house they like without the burden of overdue payments.

These are the three most common reasons people buy life insurance. Yet there are many other reasons for buying life insurance, such as construction or a legacy, saving for retirement, protection of loans to co-signers and students.

Want to learn more about life insurance and get a free quote? Then talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community.

U.S. Traffic Deaths Up in 2015

5:24 PM Add Comment
U.S. Traffic Deaths Up in 2015 -

There's a lot of buzz about how the new automotive technologies are cars and driving safer than ever.

This should reduce the number of fatal traffic accidents. However, the National Security Council recently reported that road fatalities are 14 percent higher through the first six months of 2015 than they were during the same period in 2014. traffic deaths are now the highest they have been since 07.

Although this news is alarming, it is useful to remember that there are many things you can do to stay safe behind the wheel. They include resisting distraction; knowing how to drive in adverse weather conditions such as black ice and rain; obey posted speed limits; and refusing to drive under the influence.

Learn more about rising traffic deaths and the reasons behind them reading the article from source to Newsweek .

What are the chances that you will be struck by lightning?

4:23 PM Add Comment
What are the chances that you will be struck by lightning? -

Conventional wisdom says the chances of a thunderbolt are one in a million, but actuarially speaking, it really depends on where you live.

in West Virginia, for example, your chances are 1 in about 464,000. But in Maryland, the numbers are on your side - 1 to about 5.8 million. Shocking!

So what is the problem? Some key factors vary from one State to another, such as population size, density rates lightning cloud-ground, and how often the locals go outside. Wherever you call home, it is a good idea to read about the dangers of lightning and how to keep you safe during a storm.

Check the chances of lightning strikes where you live in the source article.

13 Fun Facts About Boss Day

3:22 PM Add Comment
13 Fun Facts About Boss Day -
boss day

Today marks the Boss Day. No, this is not a day to celebrate Bruce Springsteen, it is a day to remember your manager or supervisor on the job.

Wondering how this feast was born? Or how it is spread? Perhaps you wanted to know where the word "boss" comes from or how many days the Boss Hallmark maps published in 2015.

If so, you're in the right place. lists 13 fun facts about Boss Day just in time for the celebration of this year. Check them out by reading the original article.

10 Scenes from Superstorm Sandy

2:21 PM Add Comment
10 Scenes from Superstorm Sandy -
Superstorm Sandy

When Superstorm Sandy devastated much of the eastern United States three years ago, it caused 62 $ billion in damages and led 8.1 million households lose power.

Today, most (but not all) communities have recovered. And we all learned important lessons as a result of the disaster.

Yet it is easy to forget the lessons as time passes. That is why it is worth examining and reflecting also on the severity of weather events like Superstorm Sandy. Whether a tornado, a severe winter or a sandstorm as a traitor, it is important to be prepared with emergency kits for your home and car. Another thing you'll want to have the insurance coverage is right. (An insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent can help you with that.)

AccuWeather recently compiled a series of before and after photos of Superstorm Sandy. Get an idea of ​​why being prepared is so important reading the article from source to

Date Smart Home Tech Delivers on several fronts

1:20 PM Add Comment
Date Smart Home Tech Delivers on several fronts -
newest smart home technology

Your morning checklist can seem endless: have the windows closed? Is the set security alarm? Does Fido go? And where in the world are the keys?

He does not have to be this crazy. Thank you to the latest technology at home Intelligent few sweeps and taps on your phone can put those concerns and others to rest.

A smart home (or connected) has devices that can be controlled remotely via a computer or mobile device. These include appliances, entertainment centers and security systems. Technology Smart home can make your home safer, more energy efficient and easier to manage.

"home automation technology has been around for about 25 years," says Grant Clauser, technology and the online editor of Electronic House Magazine, a publication covering the latest technologies from home. "But it is recently become affordable and easy for owners to settle."

which is to contribute to its growing popularity. Over the next five years, it is expected that deliveries of smart home appliances will increase by 67 percent. This is a faster growth rate than for smartphones and tablets.

"There are so many ways for homeowners to improve comfort, reduce spending and reduce the risk of various losses with these devices," said Joe Vahey, vice president and product manager, Personal Lines Erie Insurance.

Vahey saw situations in which smart home technology could save homeowners money and grief. "In one case, a machine washing water pipe cracked while the owners were on vacation," he remembers. "When they came home weeks later, several feet of water had accumulated and mold began to form. In a case like this, an intelligent water valve that cuts the leak would have been extremely beneficial."

top smart home technology today

There are a lot of smart home tech there. If you do not know where to start, consider a starter kit as Iris Home Automation Safe and Secure Kit ($ 149). This self-controlled security system allows you to check on your home free from a computer, smartphone or tablet and it only takes an hour to set up.

Looking for something a little more advanced? Then check out these recommendations top tech:

1. facial recognition cameras recognize faces and send an alert to your smartphone when a friend or family member enters your home. The cameras can also alert you when a familiar face enters your home.

Just a template: Welcome Netatmo camera ($ 199). The elegant stand-up tube allows you to enable (or disable) notifications for specific people.

2. Wi-Fi security cameras allow you to monitor your home, family members and even your animals away.

Just a template: Nest Cam ($ 199). An added bonus is its two-way conversation system with an integrated microphone and speaker.

3. smart tags can be attached to almost everything: the collar of a dog, backpacks for your children, antique vase grandma or the remote control that is still missing. Once attached, they allow you to keep track of nearly (or anything) comes out of someone.

Just a template: SmartSense presence sensor ($ 31). It lets you know when a tag leaves set
neighborhood-wide for animals that love to walk.

4. humidity alerts send a message to your smartphone if water is detected in areas prone to leaks. And it can avoid major costs: BI Intelligence reports that some cities have reduced leakage by 40 to 50 percent by placing sensors on their pumps.

Just one Model: Humidity sensor SmartSense ZigBee ($ 49). It can also measure the temperature so you do not end up with a frozen pipe fiasco.

5. intelligent bells send a video to your smartphone to anyone who approaches your front door. They also allow you to act as a digital doorman allowing you to talk to a visitor anywhere.

Two models: Ring or Sky Bell (both $ 199). Both models old store video clips in the cloud for a small fee.

6. motion sensors alert you when the movement in or around your home is detected. Some places where you can place them for added security include windows, doors and garage doors. Want an alert when mail arrives? Then consider a stick on your mailbox.

Just a template: SmartSense multi-sensor ($ 54). It gives you the opportunity to receive a text or push notification when something is moved.

Because smart home technology based on the Internet, security is definitely something to consider.

"Companies that make smart home products know the risks and to add additional levels of security," said Clauser. "But the owners still have responsibilities. As with protecting your computer, you want to lock your wireless network and choose a difficult password that you change frequently."

Other ways to keep your smart home safe to your invisible include Wi-Fi network, to restrict access to your Wi-Fi network and intelligent household appliances, and regularly update the software of your smart devices in the home. Get more tips on how to help prevent hacking smart home.

possible reductions for insurance clients?

Most insurers already offer discounts to homeowners who have safety features such as smoke detectors and security systems.

Now, Erie Insurance is seriously explore how these reductions may also apply to devices for the smart home. Stay tuned for more.

Libel coverage for online reviews

12:19 PM Add Comment
Libel coverage for online reviews -
how libel for online reviews works

Ask ERIE: I sometimes critical after online products and services. Am I covered under my homeowners or renters policy if someone accused of defamation?

From website that collects reviews like Yelp to websites of retailers that regularly seek reviews of products on social media sites like Facebook ® , the comments online have exploded in popularity. No matter whether it's a massage, a restaurant meal or a new car, there is no shortage of places in the digital world where you can share your opinions.

However, a potential consequence of posting a negative review can be a charge of defamation. Libel is a false statement that is negative in nature and can give others a negative impression of a person, company or organization.

The question is more new awareness that non-disparagement clauses are becoming more frequent. These contractual clauses allow business owners to retaliate against people who post negative comments online about their company. As this clip Today illustrates, some companies have even accused those responsible of negative comments online.

Many business owners and renters policies provide coverage for defamation. Yet if this coverage is based on the circumstances of each case. (For example, policies often exclude statements that are knowingly or intentionally false.) The statements made in the context of a continuation of the company are also often excluded from the scope of a personal policy, but coverage may be available under a commercial policy.

An insurer will also consider when the statement was made. Statements made before the policy took effect are almost always excluded from coverage.

"Because of the explosion of social media, there are many more possibilities of" bad "someone ever before," said Terry McConnell, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting at Erie Insurance. "Yet with such comments on social media, there may be a higher level of tolerance before someone can be considered quite difficult to accuse someone of defamation."

More on defamation in coverage by speaking with a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance Agent.

Auto Safety Technology Shown to Save Lives

10:17 PM Add Comment
Auto Safety Technology Shown to Save Lives -
auto safety tech

The automobile safety technology such as automatic braking, adaptive cruise control and has come a long way in recent years. And that is a good thing, because recent research by the Boston Consulting Group shows that driver assistance systems have the potential to reduce US road deaths to 10,000 each year.

Yet the vast majority of American drivers do not have cars with these lifesaving technologies in it. And compared with European and Japanese drivers, US pilots are much slower to buy cars that have latest automotive safety technology.

Find out why this is the case and how the latest automotive safety technologies can save lives by reading the article from source to

How To Organize Your Paperwork Important, once and for all

11:18 AM Add Comment
How To Organize Your Paperwork Important, once and for all -
when to shred

Editor's Note: Navigate your finances, not to mention your life, in your 20s can feel overwhelming ... but it was not to be. Follow our blogger Abby as it appears in all its new series "Adulting: I can not even ... and you too!"

I'll admit it: Now that I'm closer to 30 than 20, I got my swagger adult pass.

during the first half of my twenties, I paid my car, I adopted a dog, and, with the help of a friend, my first artsy place was featured on the ship mother of all tenants blogs: Apartment Therapy.

yeaaaaah! What's up, adulthood! I am that!

But between adult stuff as contributing to my retirement savings and is care on the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber (link for the lazy) I realized I had a problem. .

A paperwork problem

To clarify: I'm not a slob. I zap the dust bunnies and dirty dishes like nobody's business. But when I find an old car insurance card six years ago ... Well, that looks terribly formal. I might need it later. So off he goes to the back of the glove, as well as receiving an oil change there are 75,000 miles. (Better to have piled somewhere than not have it if I have to, right?)

Friends, I need an intervention so I did some research and here is what I found . (You're welcome.)

#Adulting: The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Paperwork Important

First things first:

  • Invest in a good shredder. identity thieves have been known to sift through the waste ( Gross ) to find pieces of your personal information discarded. Shred all documents containing personal information in them so they do not get the chance.
  • Invest in a sturdy safe. At the other end of the spectrum, there are folders you want to keep forever, so buy something solid to keep them protected against theft, water or fire damage. Also keep an inventory of what is out there, and see once a year.
  • Establish a system of trust, and stick to it. What good is an organization binge if the documents are simply stacked in a week because you do not know where to put them? Find what works for you a bill box, file cabinet, desk drawer and stick to it. (I'm a believer in the Getting Things Done method.)
  • Remember to go digital. Consider receive your bills and statements electronically to reduce paper pile-up. Bonus: Many owner and correspondence catalogs manuals are available online, so do not feel too bad to throw them.
  • Get the organization Your financial paperwork can be divided into two categories :.
    • short-term storage For these documents you need to go quite regularly, so keep them in a binder file, drawer or accordion. This includes things that you keep for a year or less (such as your insurance policies) and other things that you shred when you get rid of the item it refers to (think big purchases, like a car or laptop).
    • Deep storage is for the things you need to access less often, but should always keep. These things are better in a safe deposit or fireproof box. They include tax records (save for seven years) and official documents (such as your birth certificate and social security card).

Keep this stuff for a year or less:

  • records of the bank as checking your statements and monthly savings. If you reconcile your deposit and ATM receipts with your return, you can shred them right after.
  • credit card bills. Once you paid 'em, tear' em. An exception is when you need a record to support a charitable donation, you deduct on your taxes.
  • Documents you need for your tax back. There are many different forms and documents that may or may not apply to you. Here is a list of TurboTax.
  • insurance policies. Shred the policy of the previous year when your agent sends you a new one. (While we're chatting, make sure to schedule an annual review with your agent to make sure you are well covered and get all the discounts you are entitled to.)
  • annual investment returns. Shred monthly and quarterly statements from your 401 (k) or IRA, but keep those annual until you sell the investment.
  • Pay stubs. Keep these until you reconcile .. with your W-2
  • most annual revenue Realistically revenue: If you are not currently use them to track your expenses or to reconcile your statement, you can plant them right away. But if you plan to return a purchase or itemize tax deductions, it helps to keep them all together in a folder.

Keep this stuff in the folder (but consider once a year to update):

  • wholesale Paperwork purchases such as furniture, electronics or appliances. This includes guarantees, receipts and instruction manuals.
  • loan documents. Shred closing documents for the mortgage, car, student and other loans when you pay them. (Hooray! No more loan.)
  • savings bonds. Save them until you cash them or convert them to electronic format.
  • vehicle records. Wait revenue, titles, registration information, and maintenance records and repair for as long as you own the vehicle.
  • Notice (s) of personal health for you, your spouse, your children yes, even your pets. Keep a list of important events and information on the medical history of each person, such as vaccinations, medications, surgeries and lab reports / X-ray. Start with the American Health Checklist Information Management Association

Do not even think to throw these things.

  • birth certificates
  • death certificates
  • marriage licenses
  • divorce decrees
  • social security cards
  • military service files
  • Documents Pension-scheme both your current and former employers
  • estate planning documents, such as wills, trusts and proxies
  • life insurance policies. Insider tip: It is best to keep copies in at least two locations to ensure that your beneficiaries will find them. Read the rest of the Insurance Information Institute. Lost your policy? Fortunately, there are steps you can take to find a lost life insurance policy.

Knowing the basics of what to keep and what to shred gave me peace of mind now that my personal information is under control. I'll be the first to admit I'm no expert, but my system works for myself if not perfect Pinterest. (On that note: Who honestly has a fully dedicated to chic bathroom, color workbooks They sleep!) _____________________________________________________________________________

Identity thieves can steal information from your personal documents and use it to open fraudulent accounts, make unauthorized purchases and more. Therefore it is useful to consider ERIE identity recovery coverage. Covered costs include lost wages, costs of monitoring children or elderly parents while you arrange things, certain legal expenses, expenses for filler applications and more. Talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community to learn more and get a free quote.

Holiday dangers laser lights

9:16 PM Add Comment
Holiday dangers laser lights -
holiday laser lights

holiday laser lights are a new trend in holiday decorating. And it's easy to see why.

Instead of climbing a ladder and spend much of the day rope lights around the house, you simply connect the laser to achieve the same dazzling effect.

While holiday laser lights are an easy way to make homes festive look, there are serious safety issues that surround them. Airline pilots raise concerns about holiday lasers emitting a blinding light as they try to man their aircraft. The problems usually occur when the holiday laser lights are not properly used instead to shine directly home, they beam up.

There is a federal crime to shine laser light on a plane. In 2014, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigated more than 3,800 complaints of laser light. This year, that number has doubled.

Learn more about the potential dangers of laser lights holiday and how you can use them safely by reading the source article and watch a video

9 things you should never do with your car

8:15 PM Add Comment
9 things you should never do with your car -
things to never do to your car

You probably rely on your car every day to get you where you need to go. But the way your car can count on you?

There are some things you should never do for your car. Are you guilty of any of them? Check the list below to discover and learn what you can do to give your car the care it needs.

9 things to never do to your car

  1. Turn off the recommended maintenance. There is a reason why the car manufacturer gives you this little book when you buy a car. It contains important maintenance guidelines for the age and mileage of your car. Following what he says, you can keep your car running smoothly and safely and save on paying for major repairs later.
  2. ignore all warning lights. Most cars are equipped with a check engine light and other warning lights. If a warning light goes off, it's time to take your car to a qualified mechanic ASAP.
  3. Never change the air filter. A fresh air filter keeps your engine smoothly and improves the fuel consumption of your car. Most manufacturers suggest replacing your filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles. (Err on the lower side if you drive in dusty conditions or in stop-and-go circumstances.)
  4. Never check for air levels of your tires. not having the correct tire pressure allows reckless driving and reduced fuel consumption. Most tire pressure requirements List of vehicles on the door after the driver's side so you know how much air to give your tires.
  5. Have an unqualified person working on your car. Take time to find a qualified auto mechanic. (Keep in mind that you may qualify as "unreservedly" if a repair is beyond your skill level.) Check out our article on how to run an auto repair for the useful tips on finding a qualified mechanic.
  6. Rev the engine during the winter. Doing so does not warm the car in fact, it can cause damage because the oil has not yet made its way through the engine.
  7. Leave keys in the ignition of a car unattended. This is one of the easiest ways to tempt car thieves, especially during the winter.
  8. Run your vacuum to the gas tank. This cuts fuel pump life and puts you at risk of failing before arriving at a station .
  9. Rarely wash your car. A complete washing helps preserve the exterior of your car. This can ultimately help your car retain its resale value. Thorough washing is especially important during the winter when road salt made a number of cars.

Another way to protect your set of wheels is to have car insurance. Contact an insurance professional as Erie Insurance agent to help find the right coverage at the right price.

Fitness Trackers can pose privacy and identity theft risks

7:14 PM Add Comment
Fitness Trackers can pose privacy and identity theft risks -
fitness tracker id theft

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 60 percent of Americans now regularly monitor their weight, diet or exercise activity.

The way rapidly to do is to use a fitness tracker. At the end of 2018, there will be 780 million mobile fitness tracking devices on the market.

From last summer, I became one of those people. It is a huge improvement on the laptop I used to connect while. Now, in addition to more easily track my physical activity and calorie intake, I can measure my heart rate. I can also compete with friends in the business challenges. My unit even lets me set my alarm in the morning and lets me know how I slept at night.

Someone once said, "Now that you have all this information-who else access to your data?" My thought was, who would care how many steps I took today and how many times I woke up last night ?

However, this information can be useful to companies looking to target potential consumers of everything from running shoes to foods diet to sleep aids. My unit also stores my age, sex, height and weight. These data and could be used by identity thieves to obtain a fuller picture of me.

And in real time, tracking location. If potential burglars took ahold of your data, they could learn where you live and when you are away from your home, right?

A recent Symantec report confirms that these risks are real. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself. Here are five:

  • review the privacy policy of your fitness tracker Take a close look at any additional wording on the sale or sharing of your data .. Also know how to protect your data is being transmitted or stored. Is it stored locally on your device or in the cloud? Is it encrypted for transmission? How long the data retained? Will it be shared with third parties? Seriously think twice about using a device that has no privacy policy.
  • Avoid using unsecured networks. public Wi-Fi networks put your personal data at risk.
  • Use strong passwords. Useful tips include using a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols; using a password that is different from those you use for your other accounts; avoid passwords that contain personal or common words; and passwords by keeping away from all prying eyes.
  • Disable location tracking. Turn off Bluetooth when not in use and do not use social sharing features to tell others where you are.
  • regularly check and install updates on your device and application. An update may contain important security fixes.

It is still possible to fall prey to identity theft even after taking these precautions. That is why it is useful to consider a protective cover against identity theft. An insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent can tell you more about this growing need, affordable coverage and.

How to find, install and use a safety seat for children

6:13 PM Add Comment
How to find, install and use a safety seat for children -
child safety seats

So is your most valuable asset, but it is not a safe or a jewelry box. It is not your phone or your wallet, but you take it everywhere. And this is not a safety belt, but state law requires that you use.

What is the answer to this riddle? It is your child safety seat, and it is also the center of the following:

  • The history of safety seats for children: We'll take a look at how the modern child safety seat came to be with ventilation decade by decade of some of the greatest moments in the history of safety seats for children. Jute bags 1930 systems with three straps 1960s to modern options, you can learn about the development of the child safety seat until today.

  • How child safety seats can save lives: Why seat facing the back was important? When should you transfer your child to a booster seat? We answer these questions and more in this post

  • How to choose the right seat child safety. The market is flooded with options. So how do you determine child safety seat is right for you? This message highlights some general tips to ensure that you get the best safety seat for your little

  • How to install your safety seat children :. Buy the right child seat is only half the battle - you also need to install it correctly. This post will help you do just that by identifying some of the most important things you need to remember.

Your child safety seat is many things, but mostly it is essential. Read on to learn more about how to choose and use them.

Backup cameras can prevent accidents and save lives

5:12 PM Add Comment
Backup cameras can prevent accidents and save lives -
backup cameras

You keep your mirrors adjusted, special attention to the road, do not drive distractedand obey the speed limit. You might think you are doing everything you can to avoid an accident, but there is a risk that you might not have considered :. Backover accidents

More than 0 people are killed in accidents each year backover. Even worse? Forty-four percent of those killed are children under five.

Even when you properly use your mirrors and side, there is a large blind spot directly behind your vehicle. If you are not aware of an object or person behind your car, you might not realize until it is too late.

Fortunately, there is a way to beat the blind spot and is installing a rearview camera. Unlike a mirror, a rearview camera gives you a clear view of the entire area directly behind your vehicle.

How do you keep backup cameras and other security

Did you know that 20 percent of accidents occur in parking lots? Today, many new cars come with sensors that warn you of a light or noise if you're about to hit something. Although these sensors can be useful, backup cameras were found to be more effective in helping drivers avoid accidents in reverse.

This is particularly important with regard to children and that children and cars refers to "Bye-Bye Syndrome." Young children do not like to be left behind, so they oftenfollow behind the person saying "bye bye.

many children mistakenly believe that the driver can see them, because they can see the driver. Unfortunately, 70 percent of the time a parent or close relative is behind the wheel in a crash of backover. a backup camera can be a way to preventthese kinds of tragic incidents.

an affordable option

Adding a rear view camera to your car is not as expensive as you may think. If you already have a monitor in your car, the cost of adding a reversing camera is only about $ 50. There is also a wide variety of affordable backup cameras spare parts for cars without integrated display.

If the backup cameras are such a valuable tool for preventing accident, you may be wondering why they are not mandatory in all vehicles. Well, they will soon be.

Thanks to a long-awaited mandate of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, all new vehicles will come with a reversing camera as a standard feature safety May 1, 2018. Until -There, consider installing your own camera. Also make sure you have the right car insurance. An insurance professional as an Erie Insurance agent can provide information about affordable coverage options.


Chris Triplett is president and founder of the camera Source, an online retailer of quality automotive, agriculture and systems commercial cameras.

Win Big with ERIE at Pittsburgh Auto Show

4:11 PM Add Comment
Win Big with ERIE at Pittsburgh Auto Show -

Feeling the effects of cabin fever? If so, stop by the Pittsburgh International Auto Show this weekend.

The automatic four-day show begins Friday at the David Lawrence Convention Center. The show this year will once again include the latest cars, trucks and SUVs on the manufacturers of tens display. All daily up to luxury cars to classic cars will be on display. It is the perfect opportunity to do some comparison shopping (or just window shopping).

REA is proud to sponsor again this event and offer 5,000 participants (who are at least 18 years) "No Regrets" scratch and win tickets to the game. These tickets give you a chance scratch and reveal a code that is then entered . Every day, 10 lucky participants will win prizes that include new Amazon gift cards and a pack prices Pittsburgh Penguins with two tickets to a game and a $ 100 gift card to the Penguins team store.

The Pittsburgh Auto Show hours are 10 am to 10 pm Friday and Saturday; 10:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday and Monday. Admission is $ 12 for adults ($ 10 for military with I.D. and the elderly); children 12 and under are free. To learn more, visit

Why it is useful to snow and ice from your car

3:10 PM Add Comment
Why it is useful to snow and ice from your car -

we get: Winter driving is on worst. You have to wake up early for the conduct takes over so much, watch for black ice, do battle against road salt ...

While you probably know the basics of winter driving you might not always remove snow your car. But you really should.

First, it helps you and other drivers safer on the road keep. If that is not enough of an incentive, in some states it is against the law to leave the snow and ice on your car while driving.

snow removal laws vehicles

Snow and ice vehicle theft can endanger drivers and pedestrians. This prompted several states to adopt laws snow removal. Just a few include:

  • Pennsylvania Drivers can be fined up to $ 1,000 when snow and ice fly out of their moving vehicle causes damage or injury to another vehicle or a pedestrian.
  • New York It is illegal to drive with anything on your windshield or window that can obstruct the view or harm to another driver.
  • Wisconsin Drivers can be fined if snow and / or ice falls from their vehicle in motion and causes a danger to other drivers

How. to properly get the snow and ice from your car

Some other tips should remember when it comes to getting the snow off your car:

  • roof: snow and ice flying off the roof of your car can cause accidents and even deaths. Do yourself and other drivers a favor and take the extra minute to completely clear on the roof
  • windshield and rear window :. Clear both (not just the windshield) increases your visibility. Make sure to break the snow and ice accumulation around your windshield wiper fluid and washer nozzles, too.
  • The side windows and side mirrors: Snow removal from these areas can be just as important as removing it from your windscreen as this will give you a clear view of traffic on both the side and rear.
  • Head and taillights: Unveil your headlights and taillights help other drivers see you and this is especially important in bad winter weather
  • license plate .: It is often against the law in many countries to have your license plate obstructed in any way. (Also, it literally takes just one shot to clear it.)

Another way to protect your car this winter is to have car insurance. An Erie insurance agent in your community can tell you more about the right coverage at the right price and you get a free quote.

The wild world of weather forecasting

2:08 PM Add Comment
The wild world of weather forecasting -

The time could be the single most common topic of conversation. Indeed, if there is one thing everyone suffers through and enjoy all there is time.

We talk about the weather, because it affects our daily mood and because it is so difficult to predict. Memorable rhymes like "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning, red sky at night, sailors delight," to advanced computer modeling systems, people sought a more perfect method to predict the weather from the beginning time.

Today, concerns about global warming and an increasing number of extreme weather events around the world, the theme of the weather and how to predict it was . found under the spotlight in this series of posts, we'll explore some of the most relevant and interesting aspects of weather forecasting They include:.

  • forecast: Art or science? in this post you will learn the world of the ancient Greeks to modern scientists tried to predict the weather through the years
  • the limitations of weather forecasts.: who was not thrown by a forecast that misses the mark? In this post, we'll see why the forecast can be wrong in the face of so much technology and how advanced this science is still an art.
  • What About old's Almanac farmer Like the oldest periodical published continuously in North America, the old Farmer Almanac is an annual treasure of astrological advice, gardening tips, tide tables, planting schedules and, of course, weather forecast. We'll take a look at the role of this long publication was to predict the weather and if modern forecasters think it has some credit or not.
  • Making Sense of El Niño and La Niña: like two mischievous brothers, these two weather systems are known to cause confusing weather. Learn more about them and get a glimpse of how they play this year.

If you ever wondered why some years, it's hot in December instead of cold or if you have ever been frustrated by a forecast that misses the mark by a long shot, these positions offer a fun and fascinating look all things related to weather. Let's start.

8 Maintenance Hacks Every tenant should know

1:07 PM Add Comment
8 Maintenance Hacks Every tenant should know -

One of the biggest advantages of renting versus buying a place of your own is that you generally do not have to worry about those pesky maintenance needs as mowing a lawn or replacing a water heater. And while most rental agreements include an owner who takes care of your major concerns maintenance, there are some things you can do to keep service calls to a minimum and protect your long deposit term.

Check out this handy infographic with maintenance tips for tenants.

1. Avoid a Deep Freeze

If you have a manual freezer, defrost at least once a year or if there is more than 1/4 inch of ice builds. When defrosting, remember to heat it rather than erode. Empty the contents, place towels under and either let the ice melt at room temperature or, if you're pressed for time by using a hair dryer. When the ice has melted, wipe, bring your freezer back at the appropriate temperature and repopulate.

2. Rout Grout Problems

Gaps and fleas in your shower grout worth calling your owner about, because they could lead to significant water damage (AKA a big headache for your own and you). Fortunately, a good scrub as part of your regular cleaning routine can ensure that you do your part to ward off nasty mold and mildew and help ensure there are no cracks which could lead to problems in walls and floors.

Pro Tip: Baking soda, vinegar and a little hot water can do wonders with grout stains. If stains still will not come out the big gun. hydrogen peroxide

3. Dodge Dust Up

If your heating and cooling system are easily accessible, vacuum vents before using them for the first time each year or ask your landlord to do so. regular changes vent cleaning and filter provide a flow of air. Also make sure that the furniture and the curtains do not cover the vents. Besides the potential maintenance problems, it could become a fire hazard.

4. Clogs Keep in Bay

We probably all know not to pour oil and grease in the sink, but avoiding other solid as coffee grounds will also keep your drains. If you have a sink with a garbage disposal, to avoid dumping of chemicals into the drain for cleaning. In the bathroom (gross-alerting), removing hair from drains immediately rather than washing down

Pro Tip :. Again, baking soda and vinegar are friends. After removing the cover of the drain, pour some baking soda followed by an equal measure of vinegar. Let fizz for a few minutes, then run water. Not only will you relive your favorite science experiment sixth year you will have the slow leak flowing again.

5. Detect and Deter Smoke

Use of summer time to remind you to do more than reset your clocks. Replace the batteries in your smoke detector too.

6. Yep, nailing

A common obstacle for all of your security deposit back leaves scattered nail holes in the landscape of your walls. If you plan to move soon, take the time to patch small nail holes

Pro Tip :. larger holes will require a repair kit of some sort, but believe it or not, pencils are a great way to patch small nail holes. Use enough pressure while staining on the hole so that the wax filled in the hole. Heat the pencil if necessary to soften the wax.

7. Search Lightbulb Moments

As you walk from your car to your building, keep an eye on burnt bulbs. Ask your landlord to replace those that are missing in your building, porch or garage. Not only well-lit prevent you from tripping over this last stage, they can help to deter crime.

8. Ensure your peace of mind

Starting at about $ 10 a month, insurance a must-tenants for any savvy tenant-will not only cover your belongings from your homeowner policy usually does not, it will also cover things such as temporary living expenses and personal responsibility

Pro Tip :. purchasing an automobile policy of the tenant and together can qualify for a discount of multipolicy. In some cases, the discount actually pays for the tenant policy. Find ERIE agent to help you covered.

Because individual policies vary, always check with your Erie insurance agent to confirm local discounts, rates and rules.

Cities Experience with a new way to Report Potholes

12:06 PM Add Comment
Cities Experience with a new way to Report Potholes -
A car narrowly misses a pothole.

Bump, bump ... deflect! After a long winter, harsh, potholes are back.

Potholes are not only a nuisance on your daily commute. They can be a real burden for your wallet if your vehicle is damaged by one. They are also a major cause of car accidents since drivers often brake quickly or unexpectedly divert to avoid.

some cities are turning to interactive online solutions when it comes time to deal with this pain-in-the potholes butt. The solutions are designed to increase the effectiveness of reporting and repairing potholes and get them more involved drivers.

In addition to being able to report potholes, some programs also include the status of the repair request when a pothole has been repaired and how long it took for to repair. A city (unfortunately, not in the US), has taken a step further and resorted to "tweeting" potholes when the government failed to respond quickly to the problem.

If you live in one of these cities, take advantage of this new way to report potholes (and make a mental note of what streets to avoid).

Five cities using technology to report potholes

  • Chicago shows in the Windy City Pothole Tracker that potholes were patched in the last week at the click of a mouse.
  • Indianapolis: The Indy Pothole Viewer has a map which is currently littered with colored dots showing many potholes in need of repair. The site allows you to report potholes and check the status of your request pothole.
  • Philadelphia: You Pothole Tracker Philly also view and report potholes. It also allows you to filter requests to see which cases potholes are open, closed and recognized.
  • Rochester, New York: A local newspaper runs this interactive map that allows visitors to see where the potholes are, read a story running and which areas roads to avoid, and report potholes.
  • Washington, D.C.: In the capital of the nation, the Ministry of Transport, DC hosts an interactive map that warns drivers of hazards on the road. Here you can fill out an online service request and watch your pothole turn from orange to green when filled.

These sites can help you avoid the potholes and the damage they can do to your car. Of course, it is always a good idea to drive safely during the season of potholes. It is also useful to remember that you may be able to file a pothole complaint with your city.

Automatic emergency braking will soon be standard in new vehicles

10:04 PM Add Comment
Automatic emergency braking will soon be standard in new vehicles -
automatic braking

automatic emergency braking is a popular new life and technology, it has been shown auto saving. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) estimates that it could prevent 28,000 accidents and 12,000 injuries each year if it were a standard feature on new vehicles. (ERIE recently visited the facility "IIHS state-of-the-art. - Watch video here)

Soon, this statistic will be reality. March 17, 2016, the US Department of the National Highway Safety Administration Transportation and the IIHS announced that 20 manufacturers representing over 99 percent of the US auto market will automatic emergency braking standard on virtually every new car through September. 1, 2022. Participants include manufacturers Audi, BMW, FCA US LLC, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar Land Rover, Kia, Maserati, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi Motors, Nissan, Porsche, Subaru, Tesla Motors Inc. ., Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo Car USA.

The announcement was called both unprecedented and rescue. To learn more about this important development, see the source .

Just use a tiny percentage of what you already spend to protect your children

11:05 AM Add Comment
Just use a tiny percentage of what you already spend to protect your children -
life insurance for kids Do you know how much it takes to raise a child these days? Are you sitting down?

It would be nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

It costs $ 245,000 to raise a child born in 2013 until they reach 18 years, according to the Department of Agriculture of the United States.

There is no mention of a luxury education. It's no baby Kardashian-esque fitted cashmere onesies. We are not talking of a privileged college education, because these figures do not understand the cost of college. That's extra. Add approximately $ 18,000 per year for the public and $ 41,000 per year for the private college.

This Number- $ 245,000-is a place to live, food, clothing, health care ... the basics.

You are here to take care of these expenses now. But what happens if something were to happen to you? If a family medium average income spends about $ 13,000 per year on their child, the money should come from somewhere.

This is where life insurance comes in. If you take between one and two percent of what you spend on your child already each year, or about $ 0, it could pay the annual premium for $ 250,000 in coverage for term life insurance. If something happens to you, your child would be fine financially.

We currently used (March 2016) Rate Erie Family Life for a 30-year-old dad or mom healthy (who does not smoke!) And gets a long term policy in 20 years for the example above. Age and health vary the amount of your premium as your age increases or decreases health, the price goes up.

But the truth is, set aside one to two percent of what you spend on your child already is a small price to pay to protect them. There is no reason to wait. To help you determine how much life insurance you may need, contact your local ERIE agent. He or she can help you decide on the amount and type of coverage is right for you, and how affordable life insurance can protect those you love the most.

Video: Mower Safety Tips

9:03 PM Add Comment
Video: Mower Safety Tips -
Lawn Mower Safety

If you're like most homeowners, you own a lawn mower that starts to hum as soon as the weather warms [

what many people do not realize is that the two push mowers and riding lawn cause a variety of injuries each year. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that more than 80,000 Americans are injured by lawn mowers each year.

Surprised by this stat? Then watch the video below of the Insurance Information Institute. In less than two minutes, it will show you how to stay safe when using your lawn mower.

What to Know About Cat and Dog Tag (aka the label)

8:02 PM Add Comment
What to Know About Cat and Dog Tag (aka the label) -

When you look into the eyes of love, it's hard to imagine your cat or your dog could do no wrong. When your dog barks in the middle of the night, they are just trying to sing. What's wrong with singing? And scratch marks on the couch? Your cat is just getting a little exercise. It's perfectly healthy behavior.

As difficult as it may seem, not everyone will see your pet like creature reproach you believe they are. As cute and adorable as they are, there are some basic rules dogs and cats should follow. And as they tend to have trouble staying on the couch and keep their nose out of human food, it is the owners who have to learn the rules of the label. Not only is it a matter of courtesy to others, there is also an important way to keep your friends safe and happy fur in public places.

In this series of posts, we will give you tips to make sure your pet has a safer experience more enjoyable, wherever they go. The messages include:

  • the label to the vet or groomer: Veterinarians and groomers are used to working with nervous animals, frightened or just unruly . In addition to covering how you can experience your pet better, we'll look at some things homeowners can do in the meantime with their pets, and when they are with a veterinarian or groomer.
  • the label when traveling with pets: If you think traveling is stressful or tiring, try traveling with a pet. Like humans, confined to a small space for a long period of time can cause your pet to grow restless. In this post you will get tips for traveling with pets on airplanes, cars and buses
  • the label to the dog park and other public spaces. With more dog parks arise around the country, it is important to know what some of these expectations are sometimes crowded spaces. We will also share etiquette for hiking, walking around the city and if it is still okay to bring your dog to a restaurant
  • the label to doggy daycare :. you must leave your pet for a few nights or you just want him to be monitored while you are at work, put your dog in doggy day care is a convenient way to make sure they are taken care of while you 're gone. Do you know how to prepare and what (if any) you have to go with the dog sitters?

Although the term "the label" may bring to mind the stuffy dog ​​tag lessons, these positions will be anything but. They will provide simple tips to keep your pet and other safe and happy. Ready to learn more? Then we'll begin.

Arbre difficiles liés à l'assurance Questions [1945001

7:01 PM Add Comment
Arbre difficiles liés à l'assurance Questions [1945001 - ]

Vous avez des questions d'assurance liées aux arbres dans votre cour arrière? Consultez notre fiche de conseils pour certaines réponses

Demandez à un expert

Q:.? Si l'arbre de mon voisin tombe dans ma cour, dont l'assurance couvre ce

A: Les arbres sont difficiles. La meilleure chose à savoir est que chaque propriétaire est responsable de ce qui est dans sa propre cour.

Si les terres d'arbres d'un voisin sur votre propriété, il est alors pris en compte dans votre cour. Votre assurance habitation aidera à couvrir le retrait de l'arbre et tout dommage qu'il a causé, après votre franchise. La même chose est vraie dans le sens inverse: si votre arbre tombe dans la cour de votre voisin ou sur leur toit, ils doivent déposer une réclamation auprès de leur assurance

Dans mon expérience, les voisins sont généralement en mesure de travailler sur ce qui doit être. fait sans trop de désaccord. Cependant, si l'arbre a été identifié comme un problème d'arbre celui qui est en décomposition à l'intérieur ou qui est divisé avant-le cas pourrait être un peu chauffée et une personne peut être considérée comme responsable du dommage. Lorsque cela se produit, la compagnie d'assurance d'un propriétaire peut tenter de régler la demande avec l'assurance du propriétaire de l'autre dans un processus appelé subrogation.

Pour vous assurer que cela ne se produit pas, ont tendance à la santé de tous les arbres sur votre propriété. Taillez-les régulièrement afin de ne pas interférer avec les lignes électriques ou téléphoniques, et si la santé de l'arbre est discutable, appeler un spécialiste avant que des dommages se produit.

Vous avez une question pour un expert d'assurance? Laissez nous savoir. Envoyez-nous un courriel à ou envoyez-nous une lettre.

Belle, Mais Dangerous

Choisissez les bons arbres pour votre propriété et de garder correctement taillés .

Selon l'Institut pour les affaires et sécurité à la maison, des chutes d'arbres et des membres provoquent des centaines de millions de dollars de dégâts chaque année, ainsi que des blessures et des décès.

Tout aussi surprenant, il n'y a pas que les toits et les voitures qui prennent un coup. Parfois, un arbre provoque des dommages sous terre, hors de la vue et sans tomber. racines agressifs peuvent endommager la fondation d'une maison, boucle trottoirs ou boucher les systèmes septiques, ce qui oblige les propriétaires à dépenser des milliers de dollars en réparations

Remarquant le problème:.
Quelques problèmes potentiels sont faciles à repérer. Ils comprennent:

  • membres morts
  • Des fissures dans le tronc ou les principaux membres
  • creux et arbres cariées
  • Les arbres qui ont l'air un... à flancs ou se pencher de manière significative.
  • Branches suspendue au-dessus de la maison ou près du toit.
  • Limbs en contact avec des lignes électriques.
  • Champignons croissance de l'écorce ou sur les racines , indiquant la décomposition ou de la faiblesse dans l'arbre.
  • insectes ou de maladies des problèmes.
  • fourches en V plutôt que ceux en forme de U. en forme de V sont plus susceptibles de diviser.
  • Traverser les branches qui frottent ou interfèrent avec l'autre.

Si vous avez une préoccupation au sujet d'un arbre dans votre cour, appelez un soin des arbres professionnelle d'un arboriculteur certifié est le meilleur choix. Ou, si vous pensez à planter un arbre, assurez-vous de choisir une espèce appropriée pour votre région et qui ne poussent pas trop près ou pencher vers votre maison.

Plus de Couples en baisse pour les mariages d'automne [1945001

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Plus de Couples en baisse pour les mariages d'automne [1945001 - ]

Une enquête 2013 de 13.000 mariées par a révélé que Septembre est maintenant à égalité avec Juin comme le mois le plus populaire pour se marier.

De la beauté naturelle à vivre décor, chute des mariages ont beaucoup à offrir. Voici quelques tendances automne de mariage que vous pourriez envisager pour votre grand jour.


automne a des températures confortables et des paysages remplis de caramels crémeux, les oranges riches, rouges vibrantes et violets profonds.

Profitez de cette beauté naturelle à l'aide de jardins locaux ou la famille ou un cadre forestier ouvert pour votre grand jour. Profitant de la décoration de la nature peut vous faire économiser de l'argent et de fournir une toile de fond brillant pour les photos.

Penser à avoir le mariage à la maison? Ensuite, assurez-vous de tenir compte de ces quatre choses pour votre mariage à la maison.


Peut-être que vous êtes comme moi et que vous vivez dans un endroit où il neige neuf mois sur l'année (ou peut-être il semble juste comme ça). Si oui, tirer profit d'une autre tendance de l'automne - amener l'extérieur à l'intérieur. En utilisant des objets bois comme des branches, des saules, des fleurs sauvages et des guirlandes vertes est non seulement belle-il est aussi bon marché.

Apporter l'extérieur à l'intérieur ne signifie pas coller aux bruns et les verts. Couleurs comme les oranges et les rouges avec pourpre profond feuillage d'inspiration sont également une tendance. L'intégration de l'automne bounty comme les pommes, les citrouilles et les figues économise de l'argent et offre une touche de couleur.

L'éclairage doux

bougies étagées ou votives dispersées créent une atmosphère détendue et romantique pour vos invités. Les bougies sont aussi l'occasion de mettre en valeur les métallisés, une autre tendance populaire à l'automne.


Vaporeux, arrangements fantaisistes sont dehors, alors que les grandes fleurs avec de larges ouvertes, les fleurs vibrantes sont en fleurs comme pivoines et d'hortensias sont un favori des épouses cet automne, la tendance étant désorganisés, fleurs d'aspect naturel -. ou ce que je veux appeler le "juste cueillies" look.


Quoi de neuf? Vous me avez bien entendu: assurance. Vous voudrez certainement considérer les cinq questions que chaque jeune mariée doit se poser. Si vous avez des questions sur la couverture pour votre bling, cadeaux, maison ou plus, contactez un professionnel comme un agent Erie Insurance dans votre communauté.

New Heritage Center ouvre la porte à Past ERIE [1945001

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New Heritage Center ouvre la porte à Past ERIE [1945001 - ]

Certains des plus cool des musées d'Amérique sont Les musées d'entreprise qui racontent l'histoire des marques emblématiques comme Coca-Cola, John Deere et McDonalds.

Erie Insurance a rejoint cette liste lorsque le Centre du patrimoine Erie Insurance a officiellement ouvert le 15 Juin La date était juste un jour après Cofondateur H.O. Hirt de l'anniversaire du Jour du drapeau (14 Juin). Il relève également de l'année du 0e anniversaire de ERIE.

Le Centre est situé dans le CF. historique de Adams Building-ERIE appartient premier bâtiment Home Office.

Une brève histoire du bâtiment

Lorsque ERIE dépassa son foyer d'origine dans le centre de Erie en 1938, la société a acheté le 8,000- pieds carrés CF Adams Building, pour 19.000 $. Le bâtiment abritait le siège national du CF. Adams Company, un fournisseur national d'ameublement. L'effectif de ERIE de 30 employés déplacé dans le bureau.

En 1956, le bâtiment a été plein à craquer avec 180 employés. La société construit le prochain Home Office en face-a 50.000 pieds carrés, la structure Independence Hall d'inspiration, qui a ensuite été désigné H.O. Bâtiment Hirt.

Avant re-achat de ERIE du CF. bâtiment Adams, la structure était à la maison au Centre d'excellence, un organisme à but non lucratif qui fournit des services de réadaptation et thérapeutiques aux enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux. Le centre a déménagé à un plus grand bâtiment en 2013.

Le bâtiment a été récemment rénové pour refléter l'époque où le bâtiment était à la maison à Erie Insurance, de 1938 à 1956. Le Centre conserve les détails historiques de la structure ainsi que artefacts de l'histoire de ERIE. Des expositions interactives guident les visiteurs à travers le Centre.

5 faits cool sur l'Erie Insurance Hertiage Center

    1. Il est un pas en arrière dans le temps: Lorsque vous entrez dans le Centre du patrimoine, écouter étroitement vous pouvez presque entendre le claquement de clic de 40 machines à écrire et la sonnerie d'une douzaine de téléphones rotatifs électriques occidentaux. Les sangles sur H.O. noir serviette en cuir show usure de Hirt de décennies d'utilisation par le co-fondateur de ERIE de porter son manuel de vente personnelle.

    2. Il y a une façon cheminée cool: La cheminée de carreaux Grueby, horloge et millwork dominent l'atrium du Centre. Le foyer a été construit en 1912 et caché sous les cloisons sèches dans les années 1950. Il a été trouvé en grande partie intact et en relativement bon état lors de la récente rénovation. Les tuiles ont été nettoyés et conservés.

    3. Flagpole-séance était une chose et vous pouvez revivre au centre: H.O. fièrement partagé son anniversaire avec le Jour du drapeau, Juin 14. Il a écrit à propos de l'occasion dans un bulletin d'information hebdomadaire à Erie Insurance Agents. Il attire souvent des photos de lui-même assis sur un mât-une épreuve d'endurance qui est devenu une mode dans les années 1920 milieu à la fin. Ces dessins viennent à la vie dans l'un des plusieurs écrans créés pour le Centre du patrimoine.

    4. Débrouillardise (et coulis) sauver la journée: Au cours de la rénovation du bâtiment, les architectes ont essayé de reproduire la formule utilisée pour faire le coulis pour la brique extérieure. Après de nombreux essais, la formule reste n'a pas été assez proche. Joe Popp, des expositions et des archives spécialisées, récuré l'Internet pour obtenir des informations sur le fabricant de briques d'origine. Ses travaux de recherche a inscrit une brochure millésime-voila -!. Inclus la formule de coulis original

    5. Il a un tour doux (et sûr): A l'intérieur du centre est un métal "Silver Sand" 1964 Lincoln Continental. Il a été la dernière voiture possédée par H.O. Hirt et une partie du 0e défilé anniversaire de ERIE. Comme la plupart des véhicules de l'époque, la voiture n'a pas été équipé de ceintures de sécurité. ERIE a lancé une campagne de sécurité dans le milieu des années 1960 et H.O. avait des ceintures de sécurité au tour installés dans les sièges avant de son trajet personnel. Il a également collé un autocollant bleu et blanc avec alors le logo de ERIE sur la face centrale du tableau de bord, en proclamant, "Cette voiture a CEINTURE. Boucle pour la sécurité. "

Le Centre du patrimoine Erie Insurance est pas encore ouvert au public. Restez à l'écoute pour les annonces sur le Centre et ses heures de fonctionnement.