Three main reasons why people buy life insurance

6:25 PM
Three main reasons why people buy life insurance -
why buy life insurance

Before you can get the life insurance coverage you need, you have to understand why you need them. Although there are many reasons to buy life insurance, the most common reasons are:

1. final expenditure: final expenditures refer all expenses related to the death of someone. This can include a coffin, the funeral preparations, memorial service, cremation and more.

Life insurance for final expenses is to consider, after all, reports the National Funeral Directors Association that the median price of a funeral with a coffin is over $ 7,000. Funeral directors say families without sufficient funds are forced to reduce the service or ask friends and family for donations. A small term life insurance policy can relieve your loved taking care of these expenses.

2. Income replacement: Your family depends on your income to meet daily needs for food, health care, utilities, car payments and more. There is also the future costs such as education or the contributions you made to the pension of a surviving spouse of a college kid. If you die without a way to replace your income, living standards could be in grave danger. If you have young children, there may be child care costs or maintenance costs at home to consider if your spouse needs to return to work.

How much life insurance you need is based on two factors: your salary and the number of years until you retire. An insurance agent will also take into account all other factors such as social security benefits, the income of your partner and your savings. Always look to buy the amount you really need, but remember also that something is better than nothing as regards the coverage of life insurance.

3. Paying off a mortgage: A mortgage is often the single biggest item in the budget of a person. Your family could pay the mortgage of your house without your salary in the image? Otherwise, an already grim situation is compounded by their ability to lose the home they love. It could also mean that your children could no longer attend school in their current neighborhood or maintain friendships they currently have.

Life insurance can pay a mortgage to pay for your family can enjoy the house they like without the burden of overdue payments.

These are the three most common reasons people buy life insurance. Yet there are many other reasons for buying life insurance, such as construction or a legacy, saving for retirement, protection of loans to co-signers and students.

Want to learn more about life insurance and get a free quote? Then talk to an Erie insurance agent in your community.

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