What are the chances that you will be struck by lightning?

4:23 PM
What are the chances that you will be struck by lightning? -

Conventional wisdom says the chances of a thunderbolt are one in a million, but actuarially speaking, it really depends on where you live.

in West Virginia, for example, your chances are 1 in about 464,000. But in Maryland, the numbers are on your side - 1 to about 5.8 million. Shocking!

So what is the problem? Some key factors vary from one State to another, such as population size, density rates lightning cloud-ground, and how often the locals go outside. Wherever you call home, it is a good idea to read about the dangers of lightning and how to keep you safe during a storm.

Check the chances of lightning strikes where you live in the DiscoverTheOdds.com source article.

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