The wild world of weather forecasting

2:08 PM
The wild world of weather forecasting -

The time could be the single most common topic of conversation. Indeed, if there is one thing everyone suffers through and enjoy all there is time.

We talk about the weather, because it affects our daily mood and because it is so difficult to predict. Memorable rhymes like "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning, red sky at night, sailors delight," to advanced computer modeling systems, people sought a more perfect method to predict the weather from the beginning time.

Today, concerns about global warming and an increasing number of extreme weather events around the world, the theme of the weather and how to predict it was . found under the spotlight in this series of posts, we'll explore some of the most relevant and interesting aspects of weather forecasting They include:.

  • forecast: Art or science? in this post you will learn the world of the ancient Greeks to modern scientists tried to predict the weather through the years
  • the limitations of weather forecasts.: who was not thrown by a forecast that misses the mark? In this post, we'll see why the forecast can be wrong in the face of so much technology and how advanced this science is still an art.
  • What About old's Almanac farmer Like the oldest periodical published continuously in North America, the old Farmer Almanac is an annual treasure of astrological advice, gardening tips, tide tables, planting schedules and, of course, weather forecast. We'll take a look at the role of this long publication was to predict the weather and if modern forecasters think it has some credit or not.
  • Making Sense of El Niño and La Niña: like two mischievous brothers, these two weather systems are known to cause confusing weather. Learn more about them and get a glimpse of how they play this year.

If you ever wondered why some years, it's hot in December instead of cold or if you have ever been frustrated by a forecast that misses the mark by a long shot, these positions offer a fun and fascinating look all things related to weather. Let's start.

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