89% of unfunded Unaware of open enrollment

12:19 PM
89% of unfunded Unaware of open enrollment -

Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) consistently headlines healthcare Community, the vast majority of the American uninsured are not aware about the upcoming open enrollment, which begins on 15 November. This is following the recent Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) Health Tracking Poll.

responded Additionally, more than half of the voters surveyed said they "no longer hear Congressional candidates talk about the ACA and wish they would go to other topics." Here's a look at the October tracking Poll.

America's Uninsured Unconsciously next open enrollment period

when interviewing uninsured voters found KFF that almost nine out of ten (89 percent) of uninsured respondents said they do not know when the next annual open enrollment period begins with more than 60 percent of the uninsured say they know "a little" or "nothing" about where to find individual insurance.

Who America Uninsured?

from the uninsured voters of KFF surveyed more than 60 percent report family incomes of less than $ 30,000 and 46 percent report that they have not insured for 2 years or more.

Although more than half of this group is planning to get about the insurance in the next few months, by those who intend not insured, they remain list affordability as the biggest barrier. This perception is likely to change in the coming years as individual insurance, postal ACA, is cheaper than almost all the specific group health insurance plans.

politicization of the Affordable Care Act

views on the ACA largely coincide with US policy setting consistent. Of the respondents with a favorable view of the health law, 74 percent of candidates would like to encourage other issues, while about 60 percent of respondents with a negative outlook to the Law on the debate about the ACA would continue.

When broken down by political party, the numbers are almost identical. Approximately 70 percent of Democrats want to discuss new topics, while 62% of Republicans want to continue the discussion of the ACA.

is on the question of whether they were affected by the ACA Democrats were 2.8 times more likely to report helped the ACA, while Republicans were 16 times more likely to hurt Report to.

What can we in the Open Enrollment Learn go?

Since the survey showed there is a significant knowledge gap in the American workforce surrounding the cost and accessibility of the Affordable Care Act. beginning November 15 With open enrollment, it is time to look more than ever, information about the ACA, and how it affects on you.

What do you think about the latest findings Health Tracking Poll? Leave a comment or question below.

Read the full Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll here.

Guide to Open Enrollment

Source: Kff.org

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