You have a job: Funny on-the-job flubs

2:09 PM
You have a job: Funny on-the-job flubs -

Mistakes happen in life, even great. Insurance can help you with those costly.

carrots We can not think of a better site for the start of the work week that "you had a job." This is a site that documents the -job blunders, . flubs and screw-ups we see picture after picture workmanship - poorly designed products, stairs that lead to nowhere, typos embarrassing signs and mislabeled products While some are undoubtedly errors we need. think a lot has to be passive-aggressive in the genre "take this job and shove it." We have included a sampling of some of our favorites below - click to learn more. (And here's hoping your work week is better than what he did to these poor workers!)


cheesy frzeeer

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