AARP Approval of a coup for Bill on Health Insurance House

7:50 PM
AARP Approval of a coup for Bill on Health Insurance House -

U.S. House Chamber With formal approval of AARP yesterday the bill on the House health is moving more confidently towards its floor vote, just one day away. Several aspects of this time gave us break. AARP has never approved this kind of complete overhaul health care, and the law of the House is the most radical overhaul of the health care policy in four decades.

"We started this debate there are more than two years, with the dual goal of making affordable coverage to our members young and protect Medicare for seniors," said AARP CEO Barry Rand to Associated Press . "We" have read the affordable health care for America Act and we can say with confidence that it meets those goals with improved benefits for people in Medicare and necessary reform of the health insurance market to help ensure every American can purchase affordable health coverage. "

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer are undoubtedly breathe a little easier. the support of the AARP (or lack thereof) has proved powerful in the past, helping to adopt the Law on Drug Benefit prescription 03 and stop privatization of Social Security under former President George W. Bush.

But some major problems remain. In particular, coverage of immigrants and illegal restrictions on federal funding for abortion could be both explosive debates. the New York Times did a good job of analyzing the different factions and deals being negotiated around it, which are many and could still unravel legislation. hoping compromise prevails here.

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