oops: 7 reasons why you need insurance for expensive collectibles

10:30 AM
oops: 7 reasons why you need insurance for expensive collectibles -

Do your own clumsiness or Butterfingers never result in the loss of property precious? You are not alone. Businessweek has a fascinating slideshow of Whoops! Sept. extremely costly accidents. These tales cringeworthy run the gamut of drilling a hole in a Picasso painting multi-million dollar break the 50 other cellos of Stradivari, an error estimated at $ 20 million.
The case of the damaged painting was wide attention. The painting was the property magnate Steve Wynn casinos, which damaged when showing friends. You can learn more about the unfortunate incident in the New Yorker 's article The elbow of $ 40 million. Of course, the painting was insured - but as one might expect with such an expensive item, things got complicated. Wynn has filed a lawsuit against the insurer Lloyds of London for $ 54 million in lost-damages. Subsequent press reports say that the case was settled out of court.
learn from those mistakes. Whether a Picasso or a dental crown that belonged to Elvis Presley, it is important to ensure that your expensive collections are properly insured.

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