Individual health insurance purchasing scary: to know 7 things

10:17 PM
Individual health insurance purchasing scary: to know 7 things -

scary The ACA has new changes that will benefit greatly individuals and individual health insurance. These ACA changes make individual health insurance better and inexpensive way to yourself to get your family, and your employees.

Although individual health insurance more accessible and affordable than ever before, some people are still not sure how to go about selecting a single health insurance. This article answers frequently asked questions about individual health insurance, including how it has changed and how to purchase it

. Tip: This article is an excerpt from our new e-book "Affordable Care Act 101." Download the free guide here.

What is Individual Health Insurance?

Individual health insurance is a policy that you buy for you and your family through a licensed health insurance agent, which is intended to represent the insurance carrier or by the health insurance market in your state. It works just like car insurance.

Where can I buy it?

purchase health insurance is now easier than ever. You can insurance from buy:

  • The ACA Health Insurance Exchange ( "Market") in your state

  • A licensed insurance agent or broker

  • direct from an insurance company

Tip: access to health insurance discounts (premium tax credits), you have offered a plan purchase on health insurance Market your state.

What are the health insurance marketplaces?

health insurance marketplaces are new sites where you shop, compare and enroll an individual health insurance. Each state has a marketplace, which is operated by the federal government (eg: or the Federal Government ( The marketplaces are easier to make shopping for health insurance and give you access to premium tax credits. Check out government website up here.

What has changed about individual health insurance?

While individual health insurance plans are not new, the ACA creates three new benefits that individual health insurance as well make - if not better - than traditional health insurance group. The new benefits are :.

  • coverage for a pre-existing condition (you can not because of illness denied coverage or charged more)

  • cover essential health benefits (a core set of health benefits and services).

  • discounts on the premium tax credits (the lower the cost of premiums for eligible individuals).

How much does it cost?

The average individual health insurance costs less than group health insurance. The amount you pay for health insurance will depend on these factors:

  • Your location (state and county)

  • your age

  • your tobacco use

  • the authorization for state support (the premium tax credits or Medicaid)

  • the plan you select (Carrier, network of providers, and the level of coverage)

When can I register?

You can register time or during a special enrollment period only in individual health insurance during a certain annual open enrollment. The purpose of this registration deadlines is to control costs -. It keeps people wait until they are sick to purchase health insurance

The annual open enrollment period for coverage in 2015 begins November 15, 2014 and extends through February 15, 2015. During this time, you can use any health Buy -Plan on the individual market or change your health plan open_enrollment

source :. Affordable Care Act 101

What if I Miss Open Enrollment?

If you do not purchase health insurance during the annual open enrollment period, you can not cover to buy until next year, unless you qualify for a special enrollment period.

They come for a special enrollment period into consideration, if you have a qualifying life event such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, you move to a new state, or you lose job-based health insurance , The special enrollment period usually lasts 60 days after the qualifying event (see this product on special enrollment periods).

If you miss the deadline for admission of members and do not qualify for a special enrollment period there are short -term health insurance that can help. However, you may also need the single shared responsibility fee charged for nonessential minimum coverage have.

How infographics? See Individual Health Insurance in 4 simple steps to buy.

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