have 6 Premium refund facts know all small business

8:27 PM
have 6 Premium refund facts know all small business -

In recent years, small businesses gradually started individual employees health merges. And with the health care reform in full effect, This trend is accelerating. When small businesses transition employees individual health insurance, how can employers continue to employee health benefits?

Facts about Premium Reimbursement

Small businesses can help set up a premium refund program (also known as "Pure" Defined Contribution Health Plan) employees for the health of the individual plans to reimburse.

This article contains six figures on premium refund need to know any small business.

1. There is a formal package benefits

With premium refunds, small businesses a formal plan set up to reimburse employees for their justified individual health insurance premiums. Refunds may be taxable or tax-free, set depending on the type of plan. Either way, the employees see the refunds the estimated health benefits victims.

2. Small businesses can individual health insurance premiums Refund

A premium refund program makes it possible to report a small business employees for their individual health insurance premiums. Business reimbursed employees for eligible premium expenses, up to the amount of their health allowance.

3. Small businesses are using and controlling costs

premium refund is a cost effective alternative to traditional group health insurance. Defining refund of contributions, employer and control costs. There is no minimum contribution requirements and no annual fees.

4. Employees can Premium Tax Credits Access

A great advantage of premium refund is that there is not any employees from the premium tax credits disqualify. Depending on household income, employees qualify when offered by market their national health insurance to buy a plan for federal premium tax credits.

5. premium refund Helps Recruit & employees to keep

premium refund is a cost effective solution to providing health benefits, and it has employees access to quality health insurance coverage. Please refer:. 5 reasons people love premium refund

6. Refunds software requires the business conform

Small businesses use refund Health software compliance ensure the ACA and various federal regulations for this type of health plan. Software also makes administration fast and easy.

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