Small Business Employees dissatisfied with their health ... the problem and a solution

4:23 PM
Small Business Employees dissatisfied with their health ... the problem and a solution -

A recent study showed that the most employees of small businesses are not satisfied with their health benefits. If you are a small business owner, HR professional or insurance agent, this might not surprise you. But the good news is, there is a solution. Fotolia_6437005_XS

The problem

According to the latest Aflac workforces report for small businesses, o ur 12% of small businesses employees say they are very satisfied with their services, say only 14% say that their service package their current family meets very well need.

And most entrepreneurs' aren t satisfied either.

The cost of traditional health insurance has been for small businesses and employees the past decade on a steep rise. It is estimated that since 09 the cost of small business health insurance has almost doubled. Combine this with declining benefits and increased deductibles and traditional group health insurance is to be much less lovable than before.

Nevertheless, the importance of health benefits for small businesses remains. Just like larger companies to offer value small businesses to recruit a health benefits package, the best and retain employees. This need will only increase the workforce increasingly competitive and mobile.

The solution

The good news is, we are not at an impasse. There is a solution that allows employees access to better, affordable coverage, and allows small businesses a way to provide cost-effective health benefits. But it requires a shift in how we think about small business health insurance.

The solution is to staff from the group health insurance (a defined benefit) to switch to a health money to spend on individual health insurance (a defined contribution).

With this solution, the company sets a repayment plan, usually a tax-free reimbursement plan Healthcare to reimburse employees for their individual health insurance costs up to a certain monthly fee. Companies, various certificates, criteria and waiting periods for different classes of employees adjusted to optimize the program designing their recruitment and retention needs.

individual health insurance costs on average up to 60% less than similar insurance group (, see this state-by-state comparison of the cost of health insurance ). So the store's contribution to employee goes on in health care.

. For employees, this is a better benefit Employees must be able to select any health plan (from any carrier) and the amount of coverage and network of doctors, that best fits their needs. And if they are eligible, they can buy on the market for health insurance and access to premium tax credits.

The end result is that defined money with individual health insurance and a contribution, both small businesses and employees have controlled, affordable healthcare costs.

So, what's next See: How to cancel group health insurance (and to make employees happy)

Download the eBook: How to Cancel Group Health Insurance

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