Top 3 Consumer concerns over 2015 open enrollment

9:15 PM
Top 3 Consumer concerns over 2015 open enrollment -

come with Open Enrollment 2015 for individual health insurance in November, employees and customers are concerned about the cost of health insurance, the number of uninsured and market spreads. This is according to a new survey by

According to the survey, which interviewed just over 1000 American adults, the three consumer worries about the upcoming open enrollment 1) the higher prices predicted plans for health insurance , 2) the amount of uninsured individuals, and 3) the breakdown of the health insurance market consumerworries-1

chart source :.

1. Higher prices for Health Insurance Plans

The uppermost concern about open enrollment 2015, that it will be much higher prices for insurance individual health.

  • 66 percent of respondents who identified themselves as Republicans expect higher prices for health insurance

  • 27 percent of respondents who identified themselves as Democrats expected rates are higher for health insurance

  • 50 percent of respondents who identified themselves as independent expect higher prices for health insurance

the cost concern is a valid concern, as the prices are still coming out for 2015, according to preliminary reports, average rate increases and decreases will largely vary by state.

In 2014, however, the market plans to 60% cost less than employer health insurance. In addition to the premium tax credits, the average market plan cost $ 82 / month

While plans market are likely to see a marginal increase in interest rates in 2015, prices will still be competitive, more than employer health insurance rates. even before the application of the premium tax credits.

2. The number of uninsured individuals

After Bankrate, the second largest concern with open enrollment 2015 is that it is not assured to many people. That was a problem for 29 percent of respondents.

This concern is surprising because the uninsured rate in the US to 13.4 percent by 2.2 percentage points during the second quarter of 2014. This is the lowest quarterly average recorded since 08, according to a recent Gallup poll of more than 45,000 Americans.

, in fact, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many non-group enrollee motivated receive coverage by KFF, with almost six out of ten (57%) market enrollee previously uninsured. Although there are still 30 million are not insured Americans, the marketplace is making it easier and less costly for individuals to obtain health insurance.

3. glitches

Since the marketplaces experienced with the market some technical difficulties in the past year, are many answers were, as the respondents asked whether they believed smoothly open enrollment more to run the second time would be around.

  • 56 percent of respondents felt little or no confidence in a smooth run of open enrollment

  • 39 percent of respondents were somewhat or very confident , in a smooth run of open enrollment

confidence_in_the_marketplace chart source:

to the poll analysis Read

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