What is the individual health insurance?

2:21 PM
What is the individual health insurance? -

Individual health insurance is a policy purchased by an individual for themselves and their family based on personal needs and budget -. as car insurance

While traditional job-based health insurance for most people are more familiar with, it is not the only option. In fact, due to changes in the health care reform, enroll more people than ever before in the individual health insurance.

Why choose individual health insurance?

There are many new benefits associated with individual health insurance, including:

  • portability: the employees can keep their policy if they change jobs

  • choice: the staff, choose the policy that best fits their needs, including the network of providers and level of cover

  • savings: Individual health insurance costs less and an employee may be granted for a premium tax credit to help them with the cost of their monthly health insurance premiums

  • coverage: Individual health insurance covers all the essential health benefits and is accessible to everyone, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions

[1945015weitereInformationenüberdieVorteiledereinzelnenKrankenversicherung], refer to this guide.

How to buy individual health insurance?

guidelines can be purchased through a licensed insurance agent or through the health insurance marketplace. an individual health insurance shopping has never been easier. There follow four simple steps:

  1. contact with a health insurance broker or your individual national health insurance Marketplace Web site (see the list of market sites)

  2. Fill They

    to the online or paper application with basic personal data; Financial information will only qualify for a premium tax credit required

  3. Select a policy to the desired degree of coverage based, or "metallic-animal" (see below) metalic_tiers

  4. you pay the premium (except for the part which is covered by a premium tax credit)

For more on the purchase of individual insurance see this infographic .

How can Premium Tax Credits work?

premium tax credit (also known as "premium subsidies") for measures available, purchased by the result of the individual states marketplaces health insurance.

One thing is for premium tax credits into consideration if they meet income requirements and do not have access to affordable coverage through work or the government

  • income. Prerequisites: families who can earn granted for premium tax credits to 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL). For example, a person earn about $ 46,680 in 2014 would be eligible for a premium tax credit, while a family of four to $ 95,400 would qualify in 2014 to earn

  • persons who have access to affordable, minimum coverage through work (or a spouse's work) or through a government program like CHIP or Medicaid are not eligible for a premium tax credit

For more information on Premium tax credits can be found in this manual.

How can employers help?

employers can provide their employees with a value of health benefits make available, while all offer advantages and flexibility that individual health insurance offer by:

  • not traditionally, offer job-based health insurance. Only job-based disqualified employee health insurance offer (and often their families) of premium tax credits

  • implementation of a defined contribution health plan for employees for individual health insurance premiums to be reimbursed

Read more: defined Contribution use for individual health insurance costs

refund Ultimate Guide to Individual Health Insurance

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