How to stay fit directly impacts your wallet

6:26 PM
How to stay fit directly impacts your wallet -

How Staying in Shape Directly Impacts Your Wallet - TaxACT

As the weather finally starts to warm up and decrease in layers of clothing, people throw their anxiety sneakers or do some crunches before bed.

Who has not seen the magazine covers of dozens proclaiming a fast way to get your body "beach ready?"

Other than feeling good in a bikini (or Speedo), staying in shape has a direct impact on your wallet. Tweet this

How Staying in Shape Directly Impacts Your Wallet - TaxACT

Being fit can reduce medications, avoid co-pays for doctor visits, and maybe even lower your monthly insurance costs.

If you need to get in shape, you can still keep your hard earned money using free or inexpensive methods to break a sweat.

Laura Bennett , a policy coordinator living in Washington, DC, understands the need to shape both his health and his wallet.

Bennett grew up as an athlete and his past years of high school running track and work on the triathlon the road crew of his father, but in college, she was diagnosed with diabetes type 2.

late diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome explained why such an active young woman had a difficult time shedding pounds

"I spend about $ 30 on medicines for diabetes each month - only on the pill every day I take (Metformin). "explained Bennett

" That's a total of $ 360. year, which adds up quickly, more medical visits quarterly to perform glucose and blood tests and check-ups. "

The 24-year-old has decided to become proactive about their health and started running as a way to cope with stress and get healthy in drug withdrawal hope.

"[I figured] I save over $ 500 a year down my medication completely, which means fewer visits to the doctor as well," said Bennett. "this number is still flashing in my head I launch a hill! "

over the years, Bennett has not only fell in love with the race, but she completed two half marathons, a number of 5K and 10K races and started to chronicle his journey on a blog called "Finding My Strong."

on his journey to get healthy and off drugs, Bennett and her husband changed their lifestyle to incorporate organic foods, low glycemic index, and use their trips to work and spare minutes in the day to squeeze in extra workouts.

Bennett points out that it is possible to eat healthy and organic, without spending $ 300 per week at Whole Foods.

She buys in bulk at Costco, which offers low cost of organic products. Bennett and her husband to budget $ 100 a week for meals - they both remain frugal by brown bagging their lunches -. And rarely go on the budget

When healthy couple are stuffing themselves with salad, they take advantage of the changing seasons to find profitable exercise classes in their community .

"Now that spring is here, we have a ton of free fitness opportunities arise, free courses boot outdoor camp, the bi-weekly yoga classes in the park of the operating groups free, and more, "said Bennett enthusiastically.

"I try to take advantage of as many as I can to change my fitness routine."

Bennett is quick to point out that the race is always free, without the membership required to throw on sneakers and go pound the pavement.

for those who need the extra boost for motivation, they can turn to a smartphone.

"There's an app for that" even applies to your work.

"I recently blogged about the 7-Minute Workout app," said Bennett. "It provides a great circuit training with high intensity intervals to add to the end of a cardio workout. I also use MapMyRun, a free tracker running on a daily basis. It allows me to create routes, track my mileage, and find new ways. "

Many others, frugal fitness applications such as Couch to 5K, and Fitocracy Hot5 can help everyone from of couch potatoes to fitness enthusiasts find an engaging workout.

players can even transform their Xbox console into a personal trainer by accessing Xbox Fitness. The system offers courses of famous gurus drive Jillian Michaels and Tracy Anderson.

Modern Luddites will just beside all the free exercise or cheap options technology can afford and stick to just run outside (without music!).

When it comes to your well-being, you need not spend hundreds of dollars on an expensive gym to get fit and stay healthy.

in fact, you should think about what you eat as you think about your bank account.

junk food layout is like taking money from your 401 (k) when running and eating a salad is like putting 20% ​​of each paycheck into savings .

use the devices at your disposal to get a great workout for free, and use the money saved to take a vacation at the beach and show that the new body.

photo credit: Aristocrats-hat photopin via cc

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