Why your favorite celebrity is a company

4:48 PM
Why your favorite celebrity is a company -

Why Your Favorite Celebrity is a Corporation | by TaxACT

Have you ever wondered about the way the movie business?

because of you, I hope you will never find.

Learn the entertainment industry secrets is like waking up every morning and find that the Easter Bunny Santa killed in a bloody battle to the death, and both of them were creations the imagination of someone else to start

It leaves you feeling a little dead inside

But back to the movie industry ..: as little as it seems that everyone is doing real work in the industry, it is not entirely unpaid trainees and "slashies" (actor / model / server).

there are a select few in Hollywood who earn impressive wages for (usually) outstanding acting.

And like any other person money making, it's not how much you make, it's how you handle it.

power Loan Out Corporation

As New York Magazine revealed in its function Celebrity Economy, almost all actors of importance funnels income through a loan person morality.

The company is used to place a lower tax rate on income of celebrity as if the income were simply provided directly to the person.

it is not Kim Kardashian, she Kimsaprincess, Inc! This is not to Mindy Kaling, your old favorite desktop editor turned lead-actress-in-a-sitcom is Kaling International.

The reason these companies are interesting is that they show the real financial planning by celebrities. Of course, it is their CPA or business manager handling the details, but still.

Do you think you could benefit from a company loan?

Perhaps, although the structure is really ideal for individual artists, especially when they can not receive a handful of large payments during the year, which means that money must be treated the advantageous tax purposes.

Other Time-Honored Celebrity money tricks

fame is fleeting.

he does not feel that way when I see Snooki from Jersey Shore currently 8000th in the securities of my Google News feed, but it is.

Pop culture is a relentless vulture, and savvy figures honored will take full advantage of their time at the top.

using their loan company, they will get contracts for endorsements, appearances and sponsorship which are often more profitable than their interim fees. Musicians make most of their money on tours and merchandise, not albums.

Lesson learned for us average folks?

Learn what skills or opportunities you can take advantage and you might be surprised to see what it turns into.

do not think you need to specialize in just one thing to succeed.

I saw the success people come in many different forms. We do not all have the same path to follow

And always use a trusted accountant when the money starts coming in

Image Source: .! Indabelle

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