Insurance and your taxes - What business owners need to know

5:49 PM
Insurance and your taxes - What business owners need to know -

Insurance and Your Taxes — What Business Owners Need to Know - TaxAct Blog

We can provide almost everything we choose: our cars, homes, businesses, the ability to work - even our lives. While pursuing the insurance can be expensive, we pay for peace of mind. It seems that the only thing more expensive that insurance is not to have when something goes wrong.

Fortunately, the insurance premiums are often deductible business expenses.

Here are some common situations that could mean tax deductions for insurance costs related to your business.

insurance premiums in your business

You can generally deduct business-related insurance premiums and other expenses business. This reduces your self-employment tax and taxable income

Deduct premiums for these types of business insurance :.

  • Fire, flood, storm, cultures, theft, liability and other insurance on the company's assets.
  • UI
  • interruption insurance business that pays for lost profits if your business is closed due to fire or any other cause. State employees (deduct that taxes if your state considers premiums as taxes).
  • credit insurance against bad business debts.
  • health insurance premiums for employees, including long-term care insurance premiums.
  • Malpractice insurance.
  • Overhead insurance that pays overhead business when you are disabled.
  • of vehicle insurance
  • business. You must allocate the premiums and other vehicle expenses if you use the vehicle for business and personal use. Note:. If you use the standard mileage rate, do not deduct vehicle insurance separately

Life insurance for employees, if you are not a beneficiary. Do not deduct amounts you put in a reserve set up for self-insurance, premiums for disability insurance, some insurance life and annuity insurance or you pay for a loan.

If you pay the insurance as part of a manufacturing process, including the cost of insurance with other charges in cost of goods sold.

If you have rental property, deduct any insurance related to lease in Annex E with other rental costs.

If you pay insurance premiums, enter the year in which they are, regardless of whether you are on the way of cash or accrual. For example, you pay for insurance premiums covering this year and next year.

You can deduct premiums that cover this year on your current tax return. You can deduct the amount applicable to the next year with the return next year.

health insurance premiums you pay as an independent person

If you're self-employed, you may be able to make an adjustment independent health insurance premiums. You can take this deduction even if you do not itemize deductions.

as an adjustment "above the line", this expenditure reduces your adjusted gross income and can eventually help you benefit from other tax advantages.

If you qualify, you may also be able to include medical, dental, and qualified long-term care for yourself, your spouse, your dependents and your child who was under 27 at the end of the year, even if the child is not your responsibility.

to qualify for the adjustment of independent health insurance premiums, you must be independent and have a net profit for the year. This could also be a sole owner, as a partner with net earnings from self-employment or as an employee received wages from an S corporation in which you were a shareholder more-than-2 percent.

If you were an employee of an S corporation, your W-2 related form must show your health insurance premiums paid or reimbursed by the S corporation

you can not take the deduction for self-employed health insurance for one month during which you were eligible to participate in a subsidized health plan maintained by your employer or your spouse, even if you have not participated.

health insurance premiums as an itemized deduction

you might be able to take an itemized deduction for your medical insurance premiums if you can not take a deduction for the premium health insurance for self-employed.

premiums, combined with other deductible medical expenses, must be important before beginning to receive a tax benefit them. Your total medical expenses, including health insurance premiums, exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income before you can include the amount over the floor in your itemized deductions.

(For taxpayers aged 65 or more total medical expenses are deductible to the extent they exceed 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income, 2016. If you file jointly, a one of you must be 65 or older to use the 7.5 per cent floor.)

long-term care insurance

the IRS limits your deduction for long-term bonuses skilled care insurance according to your age. Long term care insurance eligible is an insurance policy that provides coverage necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, curing, treatment, mitigation, and rehabilitation services, and maintenance services or personal care . This support can be provided in a care center or home, depending on your contract.

TaxAct calculates your allowable deduction when you enter the amount you pay for long term care insurance.

Types of nondeductible insurance

While you can generally deduct the ordinary and necessary insurance costs as a business expense, there are some types of insurance that you do can not write off.

For example, you generally can not deduct insurance your landlord for the house you live. Moreover, auto insurance for a car should generally not be deducted unless you use it in a business.

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