Weekly Favorites: donations Rules, Old-School Tips money, credit card rewards as taxable income

8:40 PM
Weekly Favorites: donations Rules, Old-School Tips money, credit card rewards as taxable income -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites June 14, 2013

Weekly Favorite TaxACT: June 14, 2013

gift tax rules Franchise via Bankrate
All that is exempt from tax? As the name suggests, this means that organizations granted such status by the Internal Revenue Service does not have to pay income taxes. Continue reading ...

Listen to your Father! money tips Old-School for Today via Credit.com
This month we celebrate dads and all they do for us. They taught us to throw a ball, they fixed the chain on our bicycle, and they imparted their wisdom - wisdom was often they got from their dads. However, times have changed and perhaps the advice they gave us a both money and credit and debt is 100% accurate. Continue reading ...

Will Rewards Credit Card soon be classified as taxable income? via Michael Dolen
Just about anything you can think of is considered taxable income, but one thing you will find are notably absent credit card rewards. At least for now, but that will change soon? Continue reading ...

Is it something that you met this week that caught your attention? We'd love to hear. Leave it in the comments below

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