For Voice Systems :? A positive development or other Distraction

8:51 PM
For Voice Systems :? A positive development or other Distraction -
Car voice systems are becoming more common in vehicles.

In a perfect world, every driver would avoid all distractions while driving. Yet the reality is that many Americans continue to use their phones and more behind the wheel.

In an effort to reduce the dangers posed and to offer customers an attractive new feature of the technology, car manufacturers are increasingly including car audio system in the new models. These systems allow drivers use voice commands to operate their smartphones and infotainment systems in their cars.

It seems like a victory for road safety, right? From a point of view, it is. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recently measured how long the eyes of the drivers were off the road when using voice drive systems instead of manually operating their devices.

The results did show that car voice systems help drivers keep their eyes on the road. But they hardly eliminated the problem. And things vary considerably depending on the particular system of a car.

eyes "Drivers were off the road during telephone calls over the car audio system from three to 14 seconds. In addition, the average total number of drivers seconds eyes off the road when entering an address was even longer.

The IIHS research shows that car audio system are hardly a solution to the issue of distracted driving. And it raises questions about whether vehicles should even include technology that keeps us constantly connected behind the wheel. See where you stand reading the source article

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