6 reasons why water heater Fail

5:36 PM
6 reasons why water heater Fail -
water heater failure

There are no fun to go without hot water. And this is especially true when the seasons change and temperatures take a bath.

Like almost all other devices in your home, your water heater may fail. And this can lead to leaks (not to mention many nights of cold showers).

Here are some of the reasons why water heaters fail and what you can do to help prevent this happening.

1. internal rust: sacrificial anodes are highly active metal rods that help prevent your water heater from corroding. Sacrificial anodes are consumed in place of metal, they protect hence the name "sacrificial". Over time, they must be replaced

The solution :. Although they usually last several years, it is a good idea to check yours every year and replace it if it appears worn.

2. Sediment accumulation When water is heated, the minerals separate and settle on the bottom of a water heater. The accumulation of sediment over time reduces the efficiency of your water heater and can eventually cause damage. This is particularly a problem if you have hard water

The solution :. Flush your water heater at least once a year.

3. High pressure water. The water pressure that is too high can damage your heater and your pipes and other devices

The solution: Keep the pressure of your water heater no higher than 80 psi.

4. corrosive vapors: For combustion to occur, the water heater must suck air. Problems can arise if the air quality is poor. Especially dangerous is the corrosive air, which can corrode your tank and lead to failure of the water heater

The solution :. Keep corrosive substances such as ammonia and bleach away from your water heater.

5. Wrong heater size: water heaters come in a variety of sizes to accommodate the use of water of all people and devices in your home. If you buy a water heater that is too small for your needs, it will have to work more than it should and can lead to degradation from overuse.

The fix: Speak with an expert from the device to make sure that you buy a water heater that is the right size for your household.

6. Old: The water heaters are designed to last between 10 and 15 years. Longer than that, and you're probably on borrowed time

The solution :. If your water heater is at the end of its service life, consider proactively replace it with a newer efficient model, more.

homeowners insurance may cover damages caused by the water heater. Talk to a professional insurance as an Erie Insurance agent to learn more and get a free home insurance quotes.

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