Next Up: The Radar Guns bust Texting Behind the Wheel

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Next Up: The Radar Guns bust Texting Behind the Wheel -
Radar gun

There is no secret that the drivers face many distractions wheel.

Perhaps no source of distraction gets much attention these days as texting while driving. Policy makers have addressed the problem with legislation prohibiting dangerous habit. Text Meanwhile, a state even created constantly on its highways.

It seems crazy, but the following tactics may well be a radar gun to detect drivers who text behind the wheel. A company in Virginia working on such a device.

Certainly the leaders of law enforcement in states that ban texting while driving will use radar guns. But that did not stop people raising questions about whether the technology is an invasion of privacy. Meanwhile, others have questioned the logistics of how the weapon knows a pilot rather than a passenger, is texting.

Learn more about these radar guns by reading the article from source to

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