have 6 Premium refund facts know all small business

8:27 PM Add Comment
have 6 Premium refund facts know all small business -

In recent years, small businesses gradually started individual employees health merges. And with the health care reform in full effect, This trend is accelerating. When small businesses transition employees individual health insurance, how can employers continue to employee health benefits?

Health Plan Coverage understanding

6:25 PM Add Comment
Health Plan Coverage understanding -

The understanding of various types of health coverage options such as HMOs and PPOs will help you choose a health plan that meets your needs best. How to evaluate your health plan options, here are common terms used to describe various health plan coverage options. Understanding Health Plan Coverage

As § 125 cafeteria plans work

5:24 PM Add Comment
As § 125 cafeteria plans work -

Most working Americans have access to a section 125 cafeteria plan at a time during their careers working, but many do not take full advantage of them. When used properly, can increase a cafeteria plan take-home pay without changing the spending. This article gives an overview of how § 125 cafeteria plans work.


Small Business Employees dissatisfied with their health ... the problem and a solution

4:23 PM Add Comment
Small Business Employees dissatisfied with their health ... the problem and a solution -

A recent study showed that the most employees of small businesses are not satisfied with their health benefits. If you are a small business owner, HR professional or insurance agent, this might not surprise you. But the good news is, there is a solution. Fotolia_6437005_XS

Health Insurance Options for pastors and clergy

3:22 PM Add Comment
Health Insurance Options for pastors and clergy -

When it comes to providing health insurance to pastors and clergy, churches can feel out of options. You want to take care to make their pastor and staff, but are not often able and / or qualify for a traditional group health insurance. Health_Insurance_for_Pastors

The 4 main control codes that control Preferred premium refund

1:20 PM Add Comment
The 4 main control codes that control Preferred premium refund - permit

More and more companies rely on self-insured medical reimbursement plans employee tax-free for individual health insurance to be reimbursed. As companies transition to this type of premium reimbursement plans, it is important that four Internal Revenue Code (IRC) key to understand sections that allow for tax-preferred premium refund.

The tax codes that allow tax-preferred premium reimbursement

Study: Majority of Americans Misinformed or uninformed about the ACA

12:19 PM Add Comment
Study: Majority of Americans Misinformed or uninformed about the ACA -

Americans have mixed feelings about healthcare reform and how the Affordable care Act (ACA) has affected them. While most have have formed an opinion on the ACA, a majority was misinformed about the details of the law or not informed. These are the results of the Kaiser Family Foundation July 2014 Health Tracking Poll. Here are the highlights of the survey in July.

Top 3 Consumer concerns over 2015 open enrollment

9:15 PM Add Comment
Top 3 Consumer concerns over 2015 open enrollment -

come with Open Enrollment 2015 for individual health insurance in November, employees and customers are concerned about the cost of health insurance, the number of uninsured and market spreads. This is according to a new survey by Bankrate.com.