What to do after the filing of an extension of the tax

8:27 PM Add Comment
What to do after the filing of an extension of the tax -

What to Do after Filing a Tax Extension - TaxACT Blog

If you have not quite finished your tax return 18 April filing a tax extension was a smart move.

It is easy to mail Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File, the IRS and still get six months to put it all together.

This is too easy, really. And the extension time is longer than most of us need.

The new deadline of October 15 seems so far away. Spring is here, and summer came. Who wants to worry about that now? But - be careful! October will be here before you know it.

Here are some tips to help you keep your tax return on the right track.

do as much as you can on your back

If you have not already, prepare as much of your back as you can now.

If you are waiting for information from someone else, make an estimate.

Mark amounts estimated as such on your return, you will be sure to come back later.

Keep track of your tax notes

When preparing your return, you must keep a laptop or list on your computer tax items that you need yet (use checklist income tax return), the questions you have, and how you arrived at the amounts and other information you enter on your return.

as you find the information you need, you can check the list.

Be sure to note how you arrived at such things as the size of your office, how many days you spent a vacation rental, you are the owner or the amount you spent support of a parent who does not live with you.

Keep these notes with your tax return.

If the IRS ever questioned anything on your return, your notes can help you explain where you got your information.

What to Do after Filing a Tax Extension - TaxACT Blog

organized Keep your tax documents

Before filing your tax documents, take some time to arrange them so that they are easy to find.

take notes on credit card statements, receipts, and so on if necessary.

Check boxes on tax documents to indicate the information you've already entered on your tax return.

A little attention will now save you from everything from the beginning when you return to work on your return.

Finish as soon as possible

you enjoy the summer holidays more if you know that you have already filed your tax return.

This is especially true if you are worried about it, or if you are not really sure if you need more tax when you file effectively.

when you have completed your return, do not forget to enter all payments made when depositing April 18 extension.

do not keep fit on your back forever, hoping to find more deductions. Is this the best you can, and then file.

If you find something important after you file, you can always file an amended tax return.

it will not be easy to remember deductions and other information as time passes.

now that the April 18 crush is over, you might as well complete your return, so you can enjoy your summer without worrying about the other tax time right around the corner.

do you plan to finish your return as soon as possible, or will you wait until the six-month extension is almost up?

Share in the comments below.

5 Shortcuts to create a budget that sticks

7:26 PM Add Comment
5 Shortcuts to create a budget that sticks -

5 Shortcuts to Creating a Budget That Sticks - TaxAct Blog

We know we need budgets. They are absolutely essential to the proper management of our finances.

Creating a budget is the last thing most of us want to do. We may have no idea where to start.

The idea of ​​budgeting sounds like the stuff of great tracking books every penny we spend, or even worse, prevent us from spending money on something fun.

creating and living on a budget should not be as tortuous as you may think, though.

Here are five shortcuts to create a budget that sticks.

once you see how much control a budget provides, you can create more detailed budgets - or you may decide to keep it simple

anyway, check out these tips :.

Create a "rear budget"

If the idea of ​​how much you spend in each category seems impossible, here's a quick way to see what you really spend each month. back early

Take the amount of money you receive each month from your paycheck or other source of income. Do you have money left over each month?

Your net salary, less the remaining amount is equal to your total budget. You can then create categories for your mortgage, insurance, and other expenses.

This is as simple as a budget can be.

But it is much better than no budget, which means not to have idea of ​​how much money you need to live and pay your bills

If you spend more money you have every month. For example, if your credit card balances are higher on each statement, your base is different.

Add your net pay your monthly cash deficit to determine your total monthly budget.

5 Shortcuts to Creating a Budget That Sticks - TaxAct Blog

Create a basic budget

instead of creating a full budget, you can create a basic budget.

This is a budget with only the bare minimum amounts you need to spend. It has your mortgage, the minimum debt payments, insurance, utilities, refined grocery bill, and so on.

It does not include leisure, vacation, eating out (not even fast food), or new clothes.

This budget is easier to create because it has a lot less categories. And because everything in this budget is a necessity, there is little to decide or discuss.

One purpose of core budget is how little you really need in case of financial crisis, such as unemployment or other fluctuating income.

you can also choose to live temporarily on a basic budget if you are trying to achieve an important goal, such as saving a down payment on a house or pay a credit card bill.

once you know your core budget, you can add back categories to create a more comfortable budget for normal expenses.

Estimate certain budget categories in your head

in an age where we seem to follow any electronics - even our total daily steps on our phones. - It seems retro to add things in our heads

Being able to remember how you made on certain budget categories can make life easier. You probably do not want to see your budget, for example, whenever you want pizza.

You can simplify your meals outside of the budget, for example, by planning how much you spend each month in restaurants.

If your monthly food budget is $ 0, you may decide that you can stick to this goal by eating in a nice restaurant once a month, and you eat in a family restaurant in a reasonable prices once a week.

Automate your record budget held

If you keep track of everything you spend on paper, or even if you enter manually into a spreadsheet or software finances personal, you do it the hard way.

Try connecting your finances personal finance software, all you have to do is make sure that each item is correctly classified. Or you can download transactions from your bank to a spreadsheet program.

To put money in savings infallible

The most important thing about budgeting is not if you have spent exactly the amount that you have provided on each category each month, or if you can account for every dollar that came and went from your account

what really matters is whether your total financial situation improves every month -. if you pay the bills, working off debt and put money into savings.

you can be able to get your employer to deduct money from your paycheck to put directly into a retirement account or savings, so you do not even see the money .

you'd be surprised how much you can save in a year this way. Another option is to have automatic transfers to a savings or investment account from your bank account every month.

6 Tax Moves to front Over the summer

6:25 PM Add Comment
6 Tax Moves to front Over the summer -

6 Tax Moves to Make Before the Summer’s Over - TaxACT Blog

Summertime - day of the sun-drenched skin, juicy melon slices water and slippers. The last thing you probably want to think about are your taxes. However, the summer months are actually the perfect time to make a mid-year.

Thus, between broiling, splashing in the pool and take a family vacation, set aside a few minutes to check these simple

Organize your finances back to your list and you save time and money come tax season.

If you are super organized, you probably already marked and deposited all receipts since January and followed carefully your income and expenses for the year to date. You can even find out exactly where your taxes are currently at.

However, for those of us who are not as prone organizationally, we have to catch up. But rest assured, it is not as difficult to start than you may think. It is as simple as do some sorting, throwing things that you do not need, filing and updating of financial records.

The fight against the value of the expenses of the backlog and revenues of months at this stage of the year will be much easier than waiting until you have the value of a year later. In addition, you are much more likely to remember details of the expenses and other items now compared to next year.

Review your withholding income tax

Whether you are owed money or got a big refund last year declaration of income tax, is now the time to review and adjust your withholding tax on income if you want a different result when you file next year.

Adjust your deductions by completing Form W-4, employee withholding allowance certificate , and change your exemptions accordingly. In general, in order to have less tax withheld from your paycheck, more exemptions are necessary, but for more tax withheld, you'll want to score fewer exemptions on form.

To make it quick and easy to connect to your TaxAct account and click the "Next Year" tab at the top of the page to access the W-4 form. After answering a few questions, you can print your new Form W-4 and give it to your payroll department. Do not send to the IRS.

Continue with

estimated taxes

If you own a business or have substantial income not subject to withholding tax on income, you may have to pay quarterly estimated taxes.

If this is the case, you'll want to pay particular attention to due dates as estimated taxes for the third and fourth quarters of the year are due before the quarters are more. September 15 is the deadline for the third quarter and January 15 is the deadline for the fourth quarter.

Although it may be difficult to find money for the estimated taxes each quarter, it can be even harder to pay the entire amount in a lump sum at tax time. In addition, you will be liable for penalties and interest for late payment at that time also apply.

A good way to track tax on self-employment and other income is to channel the money in a separate bank account as it comes or at least once a month.

Remember your tax benefit for the summer child care

Do you send all children under 13 years old to daycare during the summer because you work Far from home? If so, you may be eligible for dependent care credit for children.

Whether your child goes to day care, day camp or a caregiver to someone's home, you may be eligible for the credit to help offset some of those additional costs Babysitting children. In addition, parents who do not work, but going to school or looking for work, may be eligible for credit.

However, keep in mind that in most cases, you can not take the credit if you send your child tutoring or an overnight camp.

to take advantage of this credit, be sure to save receipts applicable to childcare. This credit can reduce your taxes up to 35 percent of the amount you spend, then it is definitely one you will not want to miss.

Have your children work for your business

One advantage of owning a business is that you can give your own kids a job. If there is something they can do to help, you can pay and deduct wages.

As an added bonus, if your children are under 18, you do not have to worry about Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Your children will be subject to pay taxes on their earnings, but they are almost certainly in a tax bracket lowest income you are.

in fact, if they're just working a few hours in the summer, they probably will not owe any tax on their income at all.

Make-efficient home improvements in energy

Summer is a great time to be outdoors and make your home more efficient for the cold days ahead.

Check with your utility company to see if it offers free energy audits. You can also do research to learn about effective ways to save energy this fall and winter.

If you buy some energy efficient items such as solar hot water heaters, solar electric equipment, small wind turbines, you may qualify for a tax credit up to 30 percent of the total amount . And that includes the cost of on-site preparation and installation at your home.

track and file all applicable receipts so that you are ready to complete the IRS Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits to claim your credit comes tax time.

Insurance Considerations for freelancers, entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses

5:24 PM Add Comment
Insurance Considerations for freelancers, entrepreneurs and owners of small businesses -

Insurance Considerations for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners - TaxAct Blog

Taking the leap to become a freelancer, contractor or owner small business is huge. If you have recently done, congratulations!

There is no doubt that you have a long list of things to do, but you must ensure that the assurance of a priority.

By becoming your own boss has many advantages, it often means leaving behind a company human resources department to manage all little things -. such as insurance

to you, your family and protect your business, you need to be covered with insurance policies right.


Home / insurance Office

If you work from home and the owners this does not necessarily mean that your business is protected.

You need to check your homeowners policy, but it usually will not cover losses to your business if something happens to your home.

You can buy a home business insurance policy separately from your regular home owner of

There are a myriad of other types of insurance that can be specifically tailored to your business relationships such as :.

  • policies from commercial packaging which often include workers comp.
  • political business-owners , which protects you if a customer comes into your place of business and has an accident.
  • compromise coverage data that protects you against piracy of personal information about you or employees.

do you have an office outside the home? Then you must have insurance such as coverage of commercial real estate.


Under the Affordable Care Act, you are required by law to have health insurance.

Go uninsured carries a fine if you can afford coverage but choose not buy and do not qualify for exemption. In 2015, go uninsured may mean paying a penalty which is the largest amount of 2 percent of your annual household income or $ 325 per person ($ 162.50 per child under 18). The maximum penalty per family using this method is $ 975.

Many people consider jumping into the freelancer / contractor / entrepreneur life, but Medicare is often a big deterrent.

Dealing with both the cost and headaches seen signing up for health insurance on your own can be enough to make you stick to work for the company of someone else.

But if you're ready to hit solo, you must be sure to have adequate health insurance for you, your family and perhaps employees.

If you are an independent, the cost of health insurance can be a heavy burden on your bottom line, so it's important to find the most affordable plan also provides adequate cover

There may be a union, you can join in order to get a better deal on the cover of Medicare -. Freelancers or as the Union National Association for the self-employed

If. you're a small business owner with 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) or less, you can use the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP ) market to offer your employees health coverage. The plans and costs vary by state, but you can explore options on HealthCare.gov.

Keep in mind that you are not required to provide health insurance if you have less than 50 FTE employees. You can choose to offer insurance through the market SHOP if you want, but there is no penalty if you do not.

Disability Insurance

A piece of your financial health often overlooked but essential plan is disability insurance. It is especially important if you are the breadwinner or a full-time freelancer without a secondary income stream. If you are unable to work, your future income (your largest financial asset) quickly disappears

Fortunately, you have two options: .. short- and long-term Disability Insurance

short-term disability insurance provides coverage for the first three to six months, you're out of a job.

many companies offer this form of insurance, but if you are a small business owner or freelancer it will be your responsibility to ensure that coverage.

long-term disability insurance generally does not begin until after being disabled for a period of three to six months time, but it generally pays as long as you are disabled.

This type of insurance often stops payments over time you reach age 65 (retirement age).

life insurance

If you are young and single with no debt or dependents that you could possibly get without life insurance.

Alternatively if you are rich and your children are grown, you can choose to take a pass too. But if you have someone counting on you and your income or you have debt that has co-signed, i loved the life insurance is a good idea.

Life insurance will ease the financial burden on your family if you spend at a time when your income is necessary to support them. It can also be used to solve a debt that will be passed to someone else if you die.

Know your responsibility (and accordingly Prep)

Medical practices must have insurance against malpractice and a lawyer can consider professional liability insurance.

But what about a more run-of-the-mill startup or independent contractor? Do you really need an asset protection as a freelancer?

You probably do not need a separate liability insurance, but you should consider the formation of an S corp or LLC to protect yourself against trade debts and obligations.

The Bottom Line

Placing you with the right insurance is an important piece of the puzzle of self-employed. So while you update each list of things to change, make sure you get the right kinds of insurance is near the top!

Tax Information couples same-sex married should know

4:23 PM Add Comment
Tax Information couples same-sex married should know -

Tax Information Same-Sex Married Couples Need to Know - TaxAct Blog

The Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution gives same-sex couples the right to marry in all 50 states. If you are in a same sex relationship, this change may have tax consequences for you now and in the future.

Prior to this decision, some States already admitted the same-sex marriage. Since 2013, the Internal Revenue Service has helped couples who were legally married in a state that recognized same-sex marriages to file joint federal tax returns and enjoy other benefits to married couples.

If a same-sex couple legally married in one state, moved to a state that does not permit same-sex marriage, these couples can still produce federal returns jointly. However, they had to file returns of the state tax on income that unmarried taxpayers

This meant preparing their taxes on income twice -. And monitoring potentially taxable income, deductible expenses and other tax items together for their federal returns separately for the two statements of the State.

same-sex couples can now file returns from joint federal and state income

For married couples of the same sex, confusion about filing a federal tax return in a direction and filing a state return is otherwise complete. All married same-sex couples across the country are now legally recognized as married for purposes of federal and state.

Filing as a married couple has its advantages.

Many people pay less tax when they file a joint statement they would only do two single taxpayers. This is usually true when one spouse earns a higher income than the other, or if one spouse does not earn an income at all.

It may also be easier to produce a joint statement with someone with whom you pay your bills. If you own a home, for example, you do not have to decide who gets to deduct mortgage interest. The same is true if you have dependents you support together.

Filing as a married couple still does not save on taxes.

Some people find they are paying more tax on total income as a married couple than they would as two single taxpayers. This is the result of how the tax brackets on income and other tax provisions are structured.

Indeed, married couples have long complained that effect and called the "marriage penalty." You are likely to pay more income tax as a married couple if you and your spouse make similar incomes.

If you are in a same-sex marriage, you must file jointly deposit as married or married filing separately. You can not generally choose one of the other filing statuses that can lead to lower taxes.

If you choose to use separately filing status Married, you are not eligible for certain tax breaks, such as the earned income credit, child tax credit and education credit. If you and your spouse file separately and one of you are enrolled in a health plan market, you can not claim the tax credit advanced upscale.

You also must itemize deductions if you file separately and your spouse lists the deductions. One of you can not take the standard deduction while the other claims detailed deductions.

As is the case for any married couple, you may be able to file as head of household if you file a separate return, your spouse did not live in your home for the last six months of the year, you paid more than half the cost of keeping your home for the year, and your home was the main home of your child (or a child who was your dependent unless you release exemption from the noncustodial parent).

same-sex married couples can now make unlimited donations and bequests to spouses

most donors gifts do not have to worry about federal gift tax or state, whatever the receiver. However, it has been possible in the past for same-sex couples have the gift tax status if they have been particularly generous to their partner, or if they gave him an interest in their home, for example.

legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states allows all married couples to give their spouses as they want while living, without any concern about the federal gift tax or state.

Allow to your spouse without fear of tax on inheritances.

Being able to leave unlimited amounts to your husband or wife is called "the exclusion of the spouse." This service was already available at the federal level and in some states for same-sex married couples.

now it is available in all states.

According to state law, married same-sex couples can now inherit other property cases death, even without a will.

When a spouse dies, the other can qualify for the special provisions of the IRA

When a spouse dies, leaving a individual retirement account to the surviving spouse, the provision of transfer to a spouse behind him take distributions allows up to 70 1/2, if desired. the surviving spouse may also choose to stretch the deferred tax payments his own life.

Not only can this help stretch the payments until the surviving spouse needs them, but spreading the payments can lower taxes.

How your business structure can affect your business

3:22 PM Add Comment
How your business structure can affect your business - Taxes

How Your Business Structure Can Impact Your Business Taxes - TaxAct Blog

By Mark Jaeger

This nothing simple starting and owning a business. The choices are everywhere -. In business plans, company names, prices, employees, benefits and office space

But first, to register your business with federal and state agencies you will need to choose a business structure, and that choice can have consequences that are not immediately clear.

structure A business is basically how it is organized. It answers questions such as who is responsible, how the profits will be distributed and if the owners are liable for the debts accumulated by the company

The most common business structures recognized IRS are as follows :.

  • Individual companies , which have an owner. The owner takes home every company profits as personal income. The company and owner are the same legal entity; the owner is personally liable for business debts.
  • Partnerships , which are structured as individual companies, except with an unlimited number of owners.
  • C companies , which have an unlimited number of shareholders. Each shareholder owns part of the company. Profits are distributed (in dividends) between all owners-shareholders. C corporations and their owners are separate legal entities; owners are generally not personally liable for business debts.
  • S corporations , which are structured as C corporations, except that the number of shareholders is limited to 100.

obviously a choice structure affects the way a business operates. Perhaps less clear, it also affects how a company and its owners pay taxes, sometimes dramatically.

The US tax code is fairly detailed, and there are countless tax ramifications to select any particular business structure. But there are some basic tax differences, we can count on to help us decide

federal business taxes are split into four main categories :.

  1. Income taxes , which are income taxes of business
  2. employment taxes , which are the contributions health insurance and social security of employees
  3. self-employment taxes , which are Medicare and social security contributions of individual self-employed
  4. excise taxes , which are special taxes applied to products or services (such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling and some vaccines)] [special

excise taxes, for one, are applied regardless of the company structure. But for the income tax and taxes employment / self-employment, how many businesses and their owners end up paying is directly related to the structure.

Most major US companies are structured as companies, which are separate legal entities from their owners. They are also separate fiscal entities. To the IRS, the corporation is a person to be taxed as any other person. In terms of tax on corporate income, this means that the benefits are often taxed twice.

Since the company is a taxable entity in itself, it pays its own income tax on profits derived. Then, when those profits are distributed to shareholders as dividends, the shareholders pay income tax through their tax returns.

This double taxation is one of the major tax disadvantages to the company's business structure.

Conversely, a company does not distribute every last penny. It is allowed to keep a portion of its profits in the business, usually (or supposedly) to cover post-filing expenses or to put toward future growth

This can be a tax advantage :. While the undistributed money is always taxed a second time, it is taxed at the tax rate on corporate income, which is often lower than the personal rate owners.

to avoid double taxation on profits and reduce the complexity of the tax return, many small businesses choose to organize as one of the pass-through tax entities

sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations are pass-through entities. they and their owners are the same taxable entity in the eyes of the IRS, so that the income tax is levied only once. All profits "pass through" to the company's owners, who pay taxes on that money when they file their personal income tax returns.

Pass-through entities can potentially save a lot when it comes to income tax. It is unique in relation to double taxation. easy decision, right? Not always. invoiced entities may get slammed when it comes to Medicare and Social Security.

Social Security and Medicare contributions, collectively employment taxes are calculated based on a person's income. When you work for a company as an employee, your income is the salary you take home, and you and the company split the cost of your employment taxes.

When you work for yourself, your income is your entire company's net profit, and no one will share anything.

self-employment taxes can be a huge drain. For this reason, many owners of small independent businesses choose the S corporation structure.

Essentially, S corporations combine tax benefit on income from writing off with the advantage of the employment tax to be employed by someone else.

In companies, both types C and S, owners can also be used. The company pays a salary as all other employees. And as employees, business owners pay taxes on employment than on wages, not on whole profits of their companies.

Ultimately, the structure is more beneficial depends on the specifics of the company and the minutiae corresponding US tax code

But in brief :. especially if you are looking for the tax simplicity, sole proprietorship or a company is a good bet; especially if you are looking for tax savings and have less than 100 owners, an S corporation might be the right; and finally, if you have 1000 owners, simplicity is probably not in the cards, and the S-corporation is not an option -. Company C is

7 FAQ on the Earned Income Tax Credit

2:21 PM Add Comment
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7 FAQs about the Earned Income Tax Credit - TaxAct Blog

The tax credit earned income, or EITC is a tax credit to help low to moderate - people working and couples with income go ahead and put more money in their pockets. It can give a strong boost to your income tax refund each year if you meet certain criteria.

For example, if you are employed, but your earnings fall into what the IRS considers a lower level of income based on the size of your family, you may be eligible for the credit.

The maximum EITC credit available in 2015 is $ 6,242.

the best way to determine your EITC is enter your information in TaxAct, which will automatically calculate the credit based on information in your statement.

Here are some questions and answers about the EITC.

1. Do I qualify for the EITC even if I have no income tax withheld and I am not required to file a tax return?

Yes! Thank you for the EITC, you can get money back even if you do not have income tax withheld or pay tax on the estimated income. This type of tax benefit is called a refundable credit.

But you should file a tax return to qualify for the credit, even if you otherwise would not need to file.

2. Do I earn very little income to claim the tax credit for earned income?

If you have no qualifying children, you must earn relatively low incomes to qualify for the EITC. In 2015, for example, you must earn less than $ 14,820 to meet the credit requirements ($ 20,330 for married filing together) if you have no qualifying children.

But 39131 if you just have a qualifying child and make $ or less, you may be surprised to find you qualify for the EITC.

3. Who is eligible for the tax credit on earned income

You must meet the following requirements to claim the credit for 2015 :?

  • Your earned income and adjusted gross income falls within these limits:
Number of Children living with you maximum adjusted gross income and earned income
0 $ 14,820 ($ 20,330 married filing jointly)
1 $ 39,131 (44,651 married filing jointly)
2 $ 44,454 (married 49,974 filing jointly)
3 or more $ 47,747 ($ 53,267 if married filing jointly)
  • you (and your spouse if married) and your children have social security numbers.
  • You earn income either working for yourself or as an employee.
  • Do not use the Married filing separately filing status.
  • You are a US citizen or resident alien all year, a nonresident alien married to a US citizen or resident alien and filing a joint return.
  • Someone else can claim you as a qualifying child for the EITC.
  • you do not have the income earned abroad that you must file Form 2555 or Form 2555 EZ.
  • you do not have more than $ 3,400 in interest, dividends and other investment income.
  • If you do not have a qualifying child, you must:
  • Be between the ages of 25 and 65 at the end of
  • have lived the United States for more than half of the year
  • Do not be eligible child of another person

4. Does military combat wage affect my credit?

If you receive wages battle, you can choose whether or not to include it in your taxable income.

Normally, combat pay is not included in your taxable income. However, depending on your income earned in total family size and outside combat result from your taxable income could reduce the amount of the EITC for which you qualify. You may be better to count combat pay as taxable income in these cases.

But remember, this decision is all or nothing. You must include all of your combat pay or none of this in your taxable income.

5. Tax Credit Income Can I have my Earned added to my salary throughout the year?

In recent years, the IRS permits taxpayers to receive the Advance Earned Credit income throughout the year. However, in 2010 it was repealed and is no longer available.

6. Can I claim the tax credit on earned income, even if the other parent of my child wants him as a dependent?

If your child lived with you for more than half of the year, you usually take the EITC on the basis of the child, regardless of who takes the dependency exemption.

the number of children you claim as dependents are not always the same number of children that qualify you for the EITC. If the time is equal, the parent with the higher adjusted gross income takes the credit.

Only one person can claim the same child. Non-custodial parents to freedom can not ask children for the EITC

Your qualifying child for the EITC must meet the following requirements: ..

  • age or disability at the end of the reporting year, the child is under 19, or under 24 and a full-time student for at least 5 months of the year. The child must be younger than you (or your spouse if you file a joint return.) He or she can be any age if permanently and totally disabled.
  • Link with you. a child for the EITC can be your son, daughter, spouse, brother, sister, step-brother, step-brother, adopted child, adopted child or a descendant thereof.
  • the child must have lived with you in the United States more than half of the year. If you file a joint return, you can include the time that the child lived with your spouse.
  • No joint statement. Your child should not have produced a joint statement with his spouse, unless it has been filed to claim a refund and he or she was not required to file a return.

7. I would have claimed the tax credit on income earned in previous years, but I have not. Can I go back and claim the credit now?

If you filed your taxes a year earlier, but did not claim the EITC, you can file an amended return and receive the associated credit.

If you do not get the credit because you do not produce, or because you did not know you could ask a child who was living with you, you must file a separate return for each year you qualified.

However, you can not go on indefinitely. You can generally only an amended return for the past three years. Use TaxAct to file Form 1040X, Amended US individual income statement .

Several tax breaks for extended enterprises

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Several tax breaks for extended enterprises -

Several Tax Breaks for Businesses Extended - TaxAct Blog
By Mark Jaeger, director of development of the tax, TaxAct

in December 2015, Congress gave the business owners a nice year-end gift by approving a bill that extends many tax breaks expired or expiring for business owners. Americans Protection Hiking tax (PATH) Act includes several provisions that can reduce your business taxes

The main provisions of the business tax in the PATH Act :.

Enhanced section 179 deduction

With this deduction permanent now, business owners can deduct up to $ 500,000 in the year considered a new or used is put into service. Phases amount of deduction to $ 2 million, after which the amount of the deduction is dollar for dollar. (The deduction would be reduced to $ 25,000 without PATH.)

Eligible expenses include machinery, equipment, software available to the public and real property. (Note :. Although the rental property are not eligible, homeowners can qualify for the next topic, bonus depreciation)

If you include only part of the cost of eligible property deduction of section 179, you can usually depreciate the costs that you do not deduct (see bonus depreciation).

Bonus depreciation

This broad provision allows companies to keep 50 percent deduction of certain long goods production covering new assets (including leasing property) in the year of taxation, it was commissioned. Bonus depreciation will remain 50 percent until 2017, and then fall to 40 percent in 2018 and 30 percent in 2019.

Tip :. If your property is eligible, your tax benefit may be greater with the strengthening of Section 179 deduction above

S integrated company earnings period

If your S corporation has already been structured as a C corporation, the period that you have to hold assets after conversion to avoid tax on gains built was reduced to five years (previously 10 years).

research and development credit

from 14 to 20 percent, now it revolving credit allows companies to perform certain types of research. From 2016, companies can use the credit to offset their minimum tax (AMT) liability and replacement Startups can use it to offset taxes on the payroll.

Empowerment employment credit area

If you qualified employee empowerment employees in the area during 2015, you can claim this credit for 20 percent of eligible salaries, up competition $ 15,000 per employee. This appropriation is now permanent.

Partnerships and S corporations must file Form 8844, Credit Empowerment Zone Employment. Otherwise, report the credit on Form 3800, General Business Credit.

Exclusion of the gain on qualified small business stock

This exclusion should be reduced to 50 percent from 2015, but the PATH Act excluding 100 percent on gains from the sale of small business stock held for at least five years standing.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

taxable companies that hire workers targeted economic groups, as well as tax-exempt employers that hire military veterans can claim the credit until in 2019. the maximum credit is $ 9,0 per qualified veteran and $ 6,240 for tax-exempt organizations, the amount depending on the circumstances of each veteran.

The amount of WOTC is calculated on Form 5884 for taxable companies and reported on Form 3800, General Business Credit. tax-exempt organizations claim the 5884-C form, Credit Opportunity work for exempt organizations tax-qualified hiring qualified veterans, as a credit against the employer portion of the security tax social.

new markets credit

The PATH Act authorized $ 3.5 billion in new retroactive credit markets in 2015 and 2019. The credit is available to individuals and businesses who are qualified investments of shares (Qays) in qualified community development entities (CDES), designed to create jobs and materially improve the lives of residents of low-income communities.

The credit is equal to 39 percent of the QEI and is claimed over seven years, with five percent for the first three credit allocation dates and six per cent for the last four dates of credit the allocation.

Indian employment credit

companies with employees who live on or near an Indian reservation may be eligible for this credit is claimed on IRS Form 8845, the employment credit India, for 2015 and 2016.

the maximum credit is 20 percent of the excess of the current pensionable salary and employee health insurance costs on amounts paid or incurred during 1993 . Your credit is reduced by any amount of credit claimed for the Work Opportunity employee.

Remember, TaxAct business editions will navigate these tax law changes for you while helping you maximize your deductions. Just answer simple questions about your business expenses and income. Start now!

5 of popular tax credits - Are you eligible

12:19 PM Add Comment
5 of popular tax credits - Are you eligible -

5 Popular Tax Credits — Do You Qualify? - TaxAct Blog

There is a good reason why people like the tax credits? . Unlike tax deductions, which reduce your taxable income, tax credits reduce your tax bill dollar for dollar. However, all tax credits is the same. There are two different categories -. Non-refundable and refundable

Most tax credits are nonrefundable, which means they are subtracted from your income tax liability in the amount that you need

once your equals fiscal responsibility. zero, the unused credit expires and is no longer available to you.

the reverse is true for refundable credits. Any amount remaining after your tax liability is covered is refunded to you.

When completing your tax return this tax season, it is important to know which credits are available.

Let's take a close look at some of the most popular tax credits.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

qualifying for the EITC can be a big financial windfall because it is one of the most generous refundable credits there.

The maximum EITC for tax year (TY) 2015 is $ 503 if you have zero children living with you $ 3,359 if you have one child, $ 5,548 if you have two children and $ 6,242 if you have three or more children.

the more children you have living with you, the easier it is to qualify for the credit, and more credit you receive in general.

Although this credit is intended primarily for low-income households, you may be surprised by the amount of income you can earn and still qualify for at least some of the credit.

for example, the income threshold in 2015 is $ 20,330 if you are married filing jointly and have zero children living with you. There is $ 44,651 with one child, $ 49,974 with two children and $ 53,267 if you have three or more children in your home.

tax credit for children.

If you qualify, this credit allows you to reduce your federal tax on income up to $ 1,000 per child under 17 years

However, the credit is limited to amount of tax on your return, which means it is non refundable. It also phases out as your income exceeds $ 75,000 ($ 110,000 if filing jointly).

While the child tax credit does not reduce your tax bill below zero, forcing you to leave some of this money on the table, the tax credit additional children may be able to help.

This credit is refundable and allow you to keep some or all of your child tax credit used.

as an added bonus, you can always take the dependency exemption for the child even if you qualify

education credits

There are two credits .. the American Opportunity tax credit (formerly Hope credit) and the lifetime learning credit - available from different education.

American Opportunity tax credit can be the best deal for you because it is partially refundable.

If your eligible student qualifies, you get 100 percent of your first $ 2,000 in tuition and other fees back as credit and 25 percent of the next $ 2,000. This gives you a grand total of up to $ 2,500 in tax credits for each eligible student you claim on your tax return.

This is for the first four years of college.

The Lifetime Learning Credit is the best thing for the American opportunity credit.

He works with a wide range of choices for higher education and for a number of years. The credit is worth up to $ 2,000 on your tax return, but gradually as your income increases.

The two loans are charged to expenses you pay for yourself, your spouse and dependents.

foreign tax credit.

The foreign tax credit is a bit different than other loans because it helps you to avoid paying taxes on the money that has already been taxed.

If you earn income in another country, either through employment or foreign investment, you can pay taxes to a foreign government.

In this case, the IRS allows you to take credit for any tax paid abroad, so you do not have to pay tax on the same income twice.

Think you do not have foreign income? If you have international stocks or mutual funds, do not be too sure.

Check your brokerage statements for any tax paid abroad during the year.

Certain foreign income can be excluded from your US taxable income, but you can not take a foreign tax credit for taxes paid on excluded income.

Saver credit (formerly Retirement Savings Contributions Credit).

This credit is designed to encourage people to save. If you qualify, it is a real bonus - a credit of up to $ 1,000 in your pocket will

50% of the first tranche of $ 2,000 you put into an IRA or plan employer-sponsored .. If you file a joint statement, it is 50% of the first $ 4,000, or a credit of up to $ 00.

Only relatively modest means taxpayers benefit from this credit, however. It is completely eliminated when your income reaches $ 30,500 ($ 61,000 if filing jointly).

What are the credits you have saved the most money in the past?

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credits

11:18 AM Add Comment
Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credits -

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit - TaxAct Blog

Remembering to turn the lights on Earth Day can help draw attention on energy consumption and commitments to be responsible consumers, but it's not where it ends. If you want to make a permanent difference in the amount of energy you use on a daily basis, it's time to take a serious look at your home. There are a variety of home improvements for energy savings you can do to help increase energy efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint

But if you are worried about how the cost of these projects can influence your piggybank -. There is good news! Two different energy credits are available to homeowners to help reduce this dollar amount.

Non-Business Energy Property Credit

Are you looking to upgrade insulation, windows, doors or the roof of your house? If so, you may qualify for a tax credit for up to 10 percent of the amount you paid or incurred for the improvement of qualified energy installed during the year. This also applies to the cost of residential energy property.

However, there are some key points to know. Credit is available only for those who did not claim energy credits at home over $ 500 in previous years. Any credit amount that was received after 05 must be subtracted from "life" $ 500 credit cap

In this credit limit, there are several limitations on individual items :.

  • Windows: $ 0
  • Furnace circulation fan: $ 50
  • Natural gas, propane, furnace or boiler: $ 150
  • All costs of residential single energy property: $ 300

residential energy Efficient property credit

If you make improvements to energy saving to an existing home or one that is currently under construction, you might be able to hang up to 30 percent return on your cost of any qualified property. This includes alternative energy equipment such as solar power systems, fuel cells, small wind energy systems and geothermal heat pumps. Make sure you take a look at the manufacturer's certification to ensure the product is eligible for the credit.

In addition, there is no limit to the amount of credit you can take. If you can not use all the credit this fiscal year because your income taxes are lower than the credit amount, you can carry the unused portion forward to the following year.

How to claim energy credits

to claim any of these tax credits, you must complete Form 5696 credits 'residential energy . Be sure to keep receipts of your purchases in a safe place until you are ready to tackle the tax filing phase.

And, to make it easy, enter all cost information you have on eligible purchases in TaxAct. The program will calculate the credit for you and automatically report the amount on Form 5696. No sweat, no hassle.

Form 5696, Residential Energy Credits - TaxAct Blog

If these credits may expire

Although the credits were extended regularly, they may not be there forever . Currently both are set to expire at the end of 2016.

additional opportunities to save

In addition to the energy credits at home, a variety of other tax breaks and deductions are available to homeowners. Several government agencies and utilities offer incentives "green". Check Department of Energy of the United States to see what additional power saving benefits may be available in your state.

What improvements have you made to increase energy efficiency of your home?

Your Post-Grad Checklist money - Are you ready

10:17 PM Add Comment
Your Post-Grad Checklist money - Are you ready -

Your Post-Grad Money Checklist – TaxAct Blog

After 12 years in school and another four years college, you have finally earned the right to throw your graduation cap in the air in celebration, only to come and crush the overwhelming reality of student loan debt, cost of living and the high sky the big decisions "to adulting" you feel painfully prepared to handle.

Although the university is more expensive than ever, most of us get to graduate without the basic money skills we need to survive - and that the failure to take financial conscience can be expensive

so, I'm offering a few ways to speed. your financial learning curve - no expensive tuition required. Think of it as your checklist of post-grad money.

1. Find your bearings

Get comfortable in your "real world" footwear takes a fit, but he did not to be painful, as long as you are ready.

If you don 't have a job, get one. If you have already found a job, learn how your benefits programs work and how they can impact your paycheck. Take inventory of your new expenses, including rent, transportation, utilities, groceries and more.

Most of all, be patient with yourself as you adjust to the rigors of your fabulous new life.

2. Understand your student loans

Knowing how student loans work is an important step for sound financial management. What is your monthly payment? Is there a grace period before you are required to repay your loans? What is your interest?

These are important questions and answers will have a direct effect on your financial life. Look for them and determine how to pay your adjustment lending money in your plan.

3. Avoid debt

Since we're on the subject, talking about Iand debt.

It may seem trivial, but avoiding debt is the key to building real wealth. The more you have, the less you can save. Tweet this

Steer clear of large purchases like cars and houses before you settle. Be aware of your spending habits and avoid credit card debt like the plague. If you have debt, pay off quickly. Debt unless you wear, the more your firmer financial footing becomes.

4. Launch a budget

Creating your first budget may seem like a chore, but it's one of the best money moves you can make. But, just so I'm clear, the budget does not mean depriving yourself.

simply, a budget is your financial plan for the month. It helps you understand how much money is available and creates a strategy for the use of your funds in the most efficient manner. It is also an excellent system for keeping track of your bills and the newly acquired expenses.

5. Build an emergency fund

As a recent college graduate, it is easy to feel invincible and forget about possible emergencies. However, contingencies will inevitably arise, and they can destroy your budget if you are not prepared. Creating an emergency fund can help you avoid a fiscal disaster.

An emergency fund is a special reserve of money set aside in an economy to manage unforeseen costs. When an emergency arises, you dive into your eFund to take care of the expense. Not only will you have the money to support the problem, you will not have to break your budget to do so.

Start saving for retirement

Failing to save for retirement is one of the biggest mistakes to millennials, but it can be easily avoided. Your retirement is not that far seems to use the youth to your advantage. Interest

The compound becomes your best friend, and money saving early will give your nest egg a huge jump start. In addition, you do not have to play "catch-up" when you're older.

So start saving for retirement now. Your future self will thank you!

Are you ready?

Although graduated from college prepares us to meet many challenges of life, our fancy degrees often fall short when it comes to fundamental teaching us more convenient, as the management of our money .

following this checklist of post-grad money, you can maximize your dollars and start building the life you have spent all these years in school to prepare for. Enjoy!

5 common mistakes to avoid on your tax return

9:16 PM Add Comment
5 common mistakes to avoid on your tax return -

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid On Your Tax Return by TaxACT

Are you spending countless hours organizing and preparing your statement of income tax?

According to the IRS, the average American spends about 12 hours to prepare a tax return on income Form 1040

With so much time invested, the last thing you want do is make a mistake on your tax return -. especially one that delays your refund.

Fortunately, many of the most common mistakes on tax returns are quite simple in nature.

1. incorrect Social Security numbers

They should match perfectly with what's on the social security cards because the IRS compares the registration information revenues with the database of the Administration of social security.

2. misspelled names

All names on returns must also match social security cards. Pay special attention to family names of dependents, as those tend to be misspelled.

3. Filing status errors

There are five filing status options. Your filing status is used to determine your filing requirements, standard deduction, eligibility for certain credits and deductions, and your correct tax.

Choosing the best filing status for your situation is one of the first steps in filing your federal tax return on income.

4. Calculation Errors

In addition to math errors, taxpayers often miscalculate amounts related to their taxable income, withholding and estimated tax payments, credit earned income tax, the burden of care for children and credits the standard deduction for those 65 and over amounts or blind, and taxable social security benefits.

5. Incorrect bank account numbers for filing or direct payments

Check the routing and account numbers for your financial institution so you either get your refund in a timely manner or pay your balance on time (penalties and interest, avoiding).

Tip: Prepare your return when you have less distractions

If you are interrupted, stop and come back when you return later or even the next. day. You should not do your taxes in one sitting

How much time do you spend preparing your tax return on income

Source image:.? graceish

Weekly Favorites: Debt Free College Celebrity is a corporation, 10 Benefits of credit card 20 New Year's resolution ideas

8:15 PM Add Comment
Weekly Favorites: Debt Free College Celebrity is a corporation, 10 Benefits of credit card 20 New Year's resolution ideas -

weekly favorites: December 21, 2012

debt College free by Ellie Kay
How do you get a university graduate with no student loan debt? The amount of the loan debt for students that you can actually determine the following aspects of your life after you graduate. Continue reading ...

Why your favorite celebrity is a company by the project of US debt
Have you ever wondered about the way the movie business ? Like any other person to make money, not how much you make, it's how you handle it. Continue reading ...

10 Free Benefits of credit card you might not know about Mike
You might be surprised to learn that your credit card programs benefits - if used strategically - can end still worth more than the rewards you earn! Continue reading ...

20 ideas for New Year's resolutions DC, Young Adult Money
2013 is just around the corner and that means it's time to . make New Year's resolutions Continue reading ...

Credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

Protect yourself with a testament

7:13 PM Add Comment
Protect yourself with a testament -

As the new year is upon us and you file your taxes and review of your finances, you are looking at your will?

certain life events that took place last year that revisions need to be made?

Nobody likes to think about the possibility of death, but a will is the only way to ensure that your last wishes of your family and property are monitored.

What is a will?

a will is a document that provides that is to receive your property at death, who will administer your estate, the appointment of directors and guardians, if any, and other provisions.

a will is a gift that you leave for your family or loved ones. It makes it easier for them to handle your estate.

What happens if I die without a will?

More than seven in 10 Americans do not have a will in part because people assume legal services and fees are required, therefore, making it expensive.

Without a will, the property is distributed according to the laws of the State or may be forfeited to the state altogether.

The state will decide what happens to your things (house, land, vehicles, furniture, etc.), your children and your financial legacy (bank accounts, benefits, insurance policies, etc. .).

In such cases, state laws "laws of succession intestate" govern who receives your property, regardless of what your wishes might have been.

a court, not you, will decide who is to administer your estate.

Without a will that process could take years to iron and legal costs which could have a negative impact on the finances of your family if they choose to fight for your things.

In other words, make it easy for those you love. Get a will!

Considerations fulfillment of a desire

  • who become guardians for children and trustees of property left for minors.
  • Who is to receive your property when you die, including real estate, money, goods and valuables such as family heirlooms.
  • executor to oversee the distribution of your assets as directed by your will, and pay your remaining bills.
  • Latest remains and funeral-related last wills and burial or cremation.

Reasons to modify or update a will

  1. You marry or divorce
  2. birth or adoption of a child
  3. Death of a family member or beneficiary
  4. changes in federal estate tax laws or tax laws of the State
  5. substantial change in the value of your estate
  6. Change the nature of your real estate assets
  7. A guardian or executor or trustee withdraws, dies, or are no longer willing or able to serve
  8. your children are no longer minors or are old enough to handle financial matters on their own
  9. You go to another
  10. You want to eliminate donations to certain beneficiaries

How to get a will

the most economical and convenient way to get a will is to use a legal document service based on the Web such as LEGALACT will

Creating your will in 4 easy steps:.

  1. Fill a short interview questionnaire (use a checklist to gather information).
  2. Save and preview your will.
  3. Download and print your will as Word and / or PDF document.
  4. Legalize your will.

readers are sure your family and loved ones are protected by a will?

photo credit: Martin Gommel via photopin cc

Key tax benefits to receive a tax refund

6:12 PM Add Comment
Key tax benefits to receive a tax refund -

Tips for a Bigger Tax Refund

Do you dread the time of income taxes each year?

Well, if there is one thing to remember during the time of the income tax, to perhaps facilitate the process, remember this: Three of the four taxpayers receive federal reimbursement and direct reimbursement posted an average last year was $ 3.116

Pretty nice tax refund. You do not think?

opportunities for tax savings

you almost as many opportunities for tax savings than last year, thanks to tax changes on fiscal cliff Averting adopted in early January.

in addition to extending the tax rates on income of the Bush era decline for almost all taxpayers, the Tax Relief Act made permanent US dozens of tax breaks or extended.

tax law changes this year included thousands of dollars in tax benefits for families, students and owners working in particular

When you are ready to file your return federal income tax return, monitor these key tax benefits :.


The tax credit for children is a maximum of $ 1,000 per eligible child, and is due to taxpayers with earned income over $ 3,000.

Parents who work or go to school and pay for child care can qualify for the children and dependent persons credit . The maximum amount is $ 3,000 per qualifying dependent and $ 6,000 for two or more eligible dependents under the age of 13.

The earned income credit is for taxpayers working with low to moderate incomes. The refundable credit amount is based on filing status, number of children eligible and income level.

The families of three or more children eligible could get up to $ 5,891.

The Redeemability the adoption credit has expired, but credit is still available and a value of $ 12,650 in eligible expenses for 2012.

College and education

You can deduct up to $ 4,000 for tuition and fees paid in 2014.

the loan repayment students ? You might be able to deduct up to $ 2,500 in interest paid during 2014.

The American Opportunity credit is a maximum of $ 2,500 per student for post-secondary tuition fees , fees and course materials.

contribute to Coverdell education savings account [? You can exempt up to $ 2,000 per student annual contributions.


If itemize your deductions, you may be able deduct mortgage insurance premiums paid during 2014.

The nonbusiness energy property credit for energy efficient home improvements qualified (insulation, exterior doors and windows, central air conditioners, water heaters and other improvements) was extended for 2012 and 2013.

If you claimed this credit on prior year tax returns after 05, you must subtract the collective amount of $ 500 available for 2012.


K grade -12 educators can deduct $ 250 in costs out of pocket classroom .

You might be able to exempt transportation provided by the employer and car benefits of your gross income.

If you itemize and paid for education-related work , there is a deduction for your expenses paid minus the amount of the employer reimbursed.

There are hundreds of other tax benefits to gain on the performance of federal government due April 15 this year

Gather all your tax forms (W-2 , 1099, 1098, etc.), receipts and a copy of the latest first turn of the year. Use a checklist to help determine what information you will need

Photo credit :. Images_of_Money via photopin cc

Finance for couples :? A case for keeping separate Finance

5:11 PM Add Comment
Finance for couples :? A case for keeping separate Finance -

Finances for Couples: A Case for Keeping Your Finances Separate by TaxACT

If you combine your finances or keep your finances separate

The most important implementation warning in personal finance is that it is just as :. personal

it seems that just by sharing stories of successes and failures with money, we learn and we support this growing community and are able to become less anxious and more money interested in living a rich, full life.

If you have finances deeply merged with your partner, it could be great to work and there is no reason to change things.

But if you kept things separate so far and intend to merge your finances, there are some good reasons to keep your finances separate you become established.

Build trust first

do you trust your partner enough to share with your account?

Len Penzo reader shared a story that left me depressed for days. You or I might not be able to consider taking money from someone else and running, but it happens -. Many

You do not want to live your life in fear and without confidence, but you do not want to hand over the keys to your life savings blind either.

Your intuition on a character of people goes a long way here. At the very least, please do not start to merge accounts when you barely been together for a year or even two.

I trust my partner completely. But we are both brand new to be responsible and not overspend and even earn very good salaries.

This is a delicate moment for us and we both have to focus on ourselves get on land before we merge finances.

Set apart spending patterns

How do you spend your money?

I'll be the first to admit that I have the strange spending habits. I'll go days without buying anything, then do all my necessary purchases and fun at the same time.

I also like to check my account every day, if not twice a day. For now, it is so much easier to keep track of my own purchases only.

Although my fiance and I both got better with our expenses, I know he likes to stop at convenience stores for a Gatorade or coffee every day and all those little purchases do not mind like getting stung with a toothpick.

Not a big deal, but I still prefer the trouble with my own expense only for now.

I know he rarely buys clothes for himself when I could buy a shirt or two every two months without thinking much.

Set goals together

You can always work on your goals together. Instead of merging your finances, consider only a joint savings account, you contribute to both.

This is a good way to save for a house down payment, vacation or wedding. You can also keep track of your progress and share the excitement to pay for something without taking any debt.

Finally, it might be wise to share only one account, but do it gradually. Make sure you both understand each other and know what to expect.

I heard marriage is difficult, but I think it can be much less stressful if you are not always fretting about money.

readers, do you currently keep your finances separate with your significant other? Does it help with your personal finances

Photo Credit :? ... -Wink- ... Via photopin cc

Staying in the dark with the Blues ready students

4:10 PM Add Comment
Staying in the dark with the Blues ready students -

Staying in the Black With The Student Loan Blues - TaxACT

How do I repay my student loans and still pay my bills?

This is the time of year when the proud parents of upper-class gather to watch their children prepare to obtain a university degree.

After the hats are thrown, tears are wiped away and the celebration cake went-graduates will start their new life in the real world.

But many classes of recent graduates face a miserable job market where there may be as many as ten candidates for each job. Therefore, one of the most daunting tasks becomes the challenge of not falling behind on student loans.

Although hard times can build the moral fiber, you do not want to build character by participating in the debt trap.

as the mother of seven who saw the difference between his studies with a student loan debt in relation to freedom of debt free, I know the value of trying to stay ahead of these loans .

I think every college graduate can properly manage their loan debt for students by understanding how the system works.

understand the consequences for getting behind on student loans

as a mother of children in college, and a recent graduate, I know personally, the difficulty of labor market and what challenge these graduates face.

First, there will be interest for late payment and the costs that inflate the amount you owe- and chances are good that you can have too much like that!

If you default, the government can garnish your wages and withhold your tax refund. Not to mention a huge success on your FICO score, when you are starting out and trying to build a good score that will help you get lower interest rates on a car or a house.

This is not a good way to start your post-university life!

Understand your grace period

borrowers usually have a few months after graduation before you must start repaying your federal student loans.

For most federal student loans, the grace period is only six months. Most loans have up to ten years to repay.

It is important that you contact your loan provider and find out when the states begin, especially if you have not yet received notification.

Understanding the Qualifications for reimbursement programs based on income

Under this program, your loan payment may be reduced based on the amount of discretionary income you have.

In most cases, your loan payments will not exceed 10% of your total income. After 25 years, what you still owe on the loan will be forgiven

It is not automatic. you definitely need to apply for the program by contacting the company that serves your student loan.

If you have moved a couple of times and your loan documents have not been transmitted to you and you do not know which services your student loan, then you can go to the system's database National student loan data.

you will also need to authorize the IRS to provide the tax return on the Ministry of Education last year. If you feel that your return does not reflect your current situation, there is a form you can use to show how your situation has changed.

Learn about these forms and criteria, as well as links to major student loan services to IBRinfo, a website that is set up by the Project on Student Debt.

Understand the options "Quick Fix" deferment and tolerance

If your new job begins in six months or if you have an unpaid internship or if you are unemployed, yet the school or experiencing economic hardship, you may request that your deferred payments on federal student loans for up to three years.

for subsidized Stafford loans (provided to students who demonstrate financial need), the government will pay the interest on loans for the adjournment.

interest on unsubsidized Stafford loans will accrue during the deferment. If you are not eligible for deferment, then you might still be eligible for forbearance, which allows you to put off payments up to three years.

is more difficult to qualify for the deferral for abstention because in forbearance, you will still have to pay accrued interest.

understand how important it is to start Paperwork Early

It is important that you continue to make full payments until you are notified otherwise. It takes longer for income paperwork reimbursement basis to get treated and does not take as adjournment and patience because the latter two are temporary relief loan payments.

Whereas the repayments based on income could be a longer-term, depending on how long you are in this work and that salary.

it is important to look forbearance and deferment that short-term fixes and not long term which is why it is essential to file for these right away, while you are looking for a job.

But if it looks like your payment problems will last longer than a few months, you definitely need to look repayment based on income.

Understanding the option to extend the term of payment

If you are a borrower owes more than 30K, most lenders will allow you to extend the duration beyond the norm 10 years, reducing monthly payments.

the amount of interest you pay will increase, though, especially if you extend the payment of the maximum period of 25 years. And who wants to spend the next 30 years to repay a student loan? I recommend this as a last resort option.

Try to pay in 10 years of standard time so you can avoid thousands of dollars more in interest.

Understand the company options for private student loans

The outlook is not as sunny for those private loans. You have fewer options.

private educational lenders do not participate in the rebate program based on income and they are not required to allow you to defer payments, even if you are out of work.

If you have problems with your private loans, read your loan agreement. It may require the lender grant you forbearance under certain conditions. Even if your contract does not contain a provision of economic hardship, your lender may be willing to provide relief.

Some lenders have become more flexible in this post-recession environment great. You could ask for interest-only payments or even to modify the loan terms. (More info here at Student Loan Borrower Assistance)

Based on what you just read, what is one thing that you can do this week to stay in the black and avoid student loan blues?

photo credit: aluedt via photopin cc

How to avoid owing money to the IRS

3:09 PM Add Comment
How to avoid owing money to the IRS -

How to Avoid Owing Money to the IRS - TaxAct

Wondering why you have so many taxes this year? You want to ensure that you do not have a big tax bill - or any bill at all - when you file your income taxes

Judging by the amount of the average American has retained more of his salary, we are afraid of death because of the IRS, even the smallest amount at tax time.

This is a bit odd, considering the average American does not seem that worried because of the money to other creditors. There must be something about the IRS that inspires fear and awe in the heart of the taxpayers.

overpay by thousands of dollars "just to be safe" is not the answer. The average tax refund is about $ 3,000.

That's a lot of money to be tied up all year, so you could put it to better use.

You would not overpay your electricity bill by that much and then you really marked when you got excess return.

Why do this with your taxes?

causes underpayment of income tax

to avoid owing the IRS money, it is important to know why you might get in this situation

Here are 5 of the most common reasons people end up owing additional tax :.

1. Too few retained their salary

can give you a fair increase by changing your W-4 form with your employer.

However, if you do this without careful planning, you might be setting yourself up for an unpleasant surprise year-end.

2. extra income not subject to withholding tax

If you sell shares, for example, you can have more income than usual - and a tax bill more . Even unemployment benefits may increase your tax bill.

3. Self-employment tax

For many small business owners, self-employment tax is a much greater burden than income taxes.

4. Difficulty making quarterly estimated taxes

If you have non-wage income important, you usually make quarterly estimated payments.

However, this is easier said than done, especially when people feel like they are on the way financial survival plan most of the time.

5. Changes in your income tax return

Children grow up and leave, and suddenly you do not claim them as dependents.

You refinance your home at a lower interest rate. This is fine, but your mortgage interest deduction may have been cut in half.

Even changes in the tax code can make a difference in your tax bill. If you do not adjust your withholding when things change, you need money.

What you should do

The solution to the problem depends on the cause.

refigure your withholding wages

If you have just too little withheld from your paycheck, you can create a new Form W-4 via the W-section 4 form as next Year main tab in TaxAct.

If you have simple changes to your return, as fewer dependents, you can enter the modifications in this section and TaxAct determine how you should file.

Take the new W-4 form to payroll from your employer. Do not send to the IRS.

You withholding tax on other income

If you have non-wage income, you might be able to have tax withheld voluntarily.

for example, you can have 10% of your unemployment benefits withheld for taxes. This may hurt a little now, but it is much less painful than a big tax bill next spring.

To have the withholding tax on government payments, including Social Security benefits or unemployment benefits, complete Form W-4V from the IRS website and send it to payer.

do not send to the IRS. You can have 7%, 10%, 15% or 25% retained on most government payments.

You can not have 10% withheld from unemployment payments.

If you receive pension or annuity payments, adjust your withholding tax on income on the W-4P form, available on the IRS website.

If you do not say how an annuity payer to withhold tax on income, the IRS generally requires them to retain as if you are married and have three dependency exemptions.

tax plan your small business

self-employed workers have special challenges that pay enough taxes on income for the year.

Their income can be sporadic, and it can be difficult to know how much they will need after business deductions.

and nobody deducted tax on their salary. Naturally it is more difficult to find money for the taxes to do deduct from the wages of a first person.

The only way independent taxpayers can be sure they set aside enough money for taxes is to keep good records throughout the year.

Once a quarter, calculate your net income and estimate the amount you owe. Do not forget the self-employment tax.

If you have trouble making your estimated tax payments, consider opening another bank account only for taxes.

Every time you deposit money into your business checking account, transfer the appropriate amount to the tax account.

Next, consider the untouchable money for anything other than taxes.

refigure your tax liability and withholding necessary

Ensure that you 're having enough tax withheld or paid estimated taxes is never finished task

Whenever your situation changes -. you get married or divorced, you take on an independent project, for example - recalculate your income if necessary and go through the section W-4 in the main tab next year in TaxAct again.

is a little more work than simply paying too much or hoping for the best, but it pays off by giving you more peace of mind about your status with the IRS.


To Itemize or not Itemize: 4 questions

2:08 PM Add Comment
To Itemize or not Itemize: 4 questions -

To Itemize or Not to Itemize: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself - TaxACT

Have you detailed your tax deductions

In 09 ? Almost two thirds of taxfilers claimed the standard deduction, which for married couples filing jointly, was $ 11,400.

Those surveyed in this category, however, averaging a whopping $ 32,000 in deductions.

though you may not personally benefit increases that large it, AOS worth investigating.

To itemize your deductions requires diligent monitoring and accounting, but if you can increase your refund, it, AOS is well worth the effort.

1. Do you have the time?

Retailer your deductions takes time, especially if you aÌ, AOVE never done before.

Keep your receipts and related documents to back up all your deductions. Make sure that each is valid and that the evidence you, AOVE kept is bulletproof.

The last thing you want is for the IRS knocking on your door.

After your first year of retailer, if you file received and recorded in the same system in the following years, the process becomes much more effective.

2. Do you have a lot of medical expenses not reimbursed?

For the 2012 taxation year, you can deduct all unreimbursed medical expenses exceeding 7.5% of your adjusted gross income.

next year, this threshold to 10% jumps. If you don, AOT make many trips doctor or have to pay a lot of medical expenses out of pocket, retailer might not be good for you.

3. Are you the gift of a lot?

If you make a charitable donation to your local church or nonprofit, or donate items to Goodwill or the Army Hi, you can certainly get broken.

Do you enjoy your non-monetary gifts reasonably, keep accurate records, and be sure that all your donations to IRS-qualified charities.

4. Are you a homeowner?

The owners have a lucrative tax benefit at hand with the ability to deduct interest payments on their mortgage.

This is a particularly lucrative deduction for recent buyers because their monthly payments are weighted towards interest, as opposed to capital.

more, you may be able to deduct all the points you paid on your mortgage and your property taxes.

Final Thoughts

If you see a bit of a bargain because of your itemization, make sure you use your savings with caution.

Consider a retirement investment plan, fund education for your child, AOS, or even an emergency fund for your peace of mind.

Saving money on your taxes is great, but only if you put them back rewards work for you.

What are your thoughts on retailer?

photo credit: CarbonNYC via photopin cc

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Set a budget: The difference between what you can afford and what you

1:07 PM Add Comment
Set a budget: The difference between what you can afford and what you -

The Gap Between What You Can Afford and What You Want - TaxACT

Do you head to a purchase with a budget, but end up spending much more than this amount?

This is a theory ...

The difference between what you can afford and what you want can be measured by how marketing works on your aspirations.

If the ambitious marketing works well on you (read: Real Housewives, Dom Perignon and other symbols of conspicuous consumption) there will always be a significant gap between what you can afford and what you want or desire

But. if the ambitious marketing is hardly bat an eyelash you, there is almost never a gap between what you want and what you can afford.

It is easy to get caught in this gap, however. And if you do, you might end up swimming in debt payments or way past your comfort zone

Here are some big gaps to avoid :.

Know your comfort zone and stick to a budget

Have you ever wanted to buy a car and you say, yes, I will spend a reasonable $ 3,000 on a used Ford Escort?

then you will find a walk and watch the cars where the cost of banks increasingly top of your comfort zone until you have a copy of Car and Driver magazine in your hands and you are actually considering buying a $ 72,000 Porsche Cayenne instead.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe not to that extreme, but it happens to the best of us.

It is easy to get caught up in wanting something out of your price range.

It's fun to fantasize and imagine the smooth leather wrapped around the steering wheel or walnut trim accenting your outfit.

If you decide to give your requirements, what is the cost of your financial future?

If you buy a car which is $ 20,000 more than expected, you may be able to finance and it just has a few hundred dollars more each month.

This is OK right? But what about a house?

In real estate, there may be a difference of $ 150,000.

Of course, you can get a mortgage if you qualify, but you are now looking at an extra $ 720 in monthly payments. So with the new car and the house you now see nearly a thousand dollars in monthly payments you do not plan originally.

What does an extra thousand dollars to you?

If you do not have to make payments, you could:

  • Investing an additional $ 1,000 a month
  • Organize a fun and relaxed family event : make a taco truck at home or have a barbecue impressive for $ 300, and put the rest into savings.
  • Take $ 500 per month and put it to a charity or a different cause, and invest another $ 500
  • Buy a new pair of designer shoes or a bag hand each month

instead of giving your needs, focus on setting a budget and live a little below your needs to create some cash flow.


cash flow $ per month creates all sorts of new opportunities for you

by shopping, go in with a budget

photo credit:.? SeeMidTN.com (aka Brent) via photopin cc

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