Travel in the off-season to save money

10:04 PM
Travel in the off-season to save money -

Travel in the Off-Season to Save Money - TaxACT

Do you plan a family vacation before school starts new?

Or just looking to get out of the daily routine?

in my life, I lived in Michigan and I lived in Florida. It's actually pretty funny to see the very different travel plans between these two states.

In Michigan, winters are getting incredibly cold and snowy, so what we do Michiganders? We travel to the place where it is warm; mostly in Arizona or Florida.

If you live in Florida, summers are terribly hot and sticky, so this is when the majority of Floridians to vacation. They escape north from the heat and head!

When you read the title of this post, your mind probably went to where mine did initially.

Instead Michiganders traveling south in winter to warm, they could save money by postponing their trips until the summer time.

Of course, almost 100 degrees from Florida and 100% humidity, but we could make it for really cheap!

If you can survive the heat, and the trip was a success!

Luckily for you, this is not what this post is about. After all, who wants to travel somewhere to be uncomfortable?

There are two major ways to save money when it comes to travel in the off-season.

Saving money on local travel

My parents like to go to a local bed and breakfast for their holidays. In the state of Michigan, everything is incredibly expensive in July and August because it is the most sunny days and warmer of the year!

It makes sense right? When demand is high, prices will skyrocket, because there are only so demand. It's simple economics.

Who says you have to travel in July and August? There are a few other months are perfect for travel too.

May and June are great times to travel, and if you like to see the leaves change color, September is also a great time to experience your vacation.

Book your travel dates during the month and receive a discount on your stay and you'll still have a great experience.

There's just no reason to spend twice as much money for holidays in July or August.

Save money for long journeys

If you go jump on a plane and head overseas (or across the state), you will be a little more strategic with your travel plans.

for the travel peak times are usually in the summer time and around the holidays. Thus, between June and August, airline tickets can be pretty outrageous.

The same is true around Thanksgiving and Christmas. If you can avoid these delays, you'll most likely save a lot of money.

So the question then remains, when should you go to these remote places?

This is actually quite simple: .. when no one else is

If you can find a time where travel is very light, it's when you find your most great offers

you do not have to wait until the snow storms come either. You can plan a wonderful spring travel, or a fall getaway.

Each of these options could work wonders. Your holiday will not be nearly as busy and you keep some of that green stuff in your pocket.

Have you traveled during the "off season" and saved money on your trip? Where

Photo credit: Werner Kunz via photopin cc

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