5 Quick and Easy Tips to fund your budget Lower Paycheck

3:58 PM
5 Quick and Easy Tips to fund your budget Lower Paycheck -

5 Quick and Easy Budgeting Tips to Finance Your Lower Paycheck - TaxACT

elimination of the tax credit on wages, which entered into force on 1 January, 2013 has most likely hit your net pay.

for most Americans, it is up to approximately 2%. The tax credit on wages for 2011 and 2012 effectively replaced the Making Work Pay credit that expired in 2010.

If you do not think it will have a significant effect on your overall finances, consider that if you make $ 45,000 per year, you are now receiving $ 00 less per year.

Here are some car payments, mortgage or rent payment, or several trips to the grocery store. If you have been late behind on your monthly bills, this could be the reason

Here are 5 helpful tips on how budget to get caught :.

1. Start Clipping Coupons

Clipping coupons may seem outdated, but it really is a great way to save. Check your Sunday newspaper for deals on items you buy regularly.

If you prefer to go digital, take a look on the websites of some popular manufacturers and see if they offer print coupons at home. And, if you are skilled enough with your smartphone, you can score excellent there, as well.

2. Pay cash for everything

Do not throw your cards in the trash, just put them in a drawer for a while. Carry cash only and use it for everything you buy.

Pull your wallet and see that you have to spend real dollars could motivate you to cut these daily stops at the convenience store or rethink that flat screen TV you've had your eye on.

Try this for a month and see how much less money you spend.

3. The monthly service costs Cut

Bundle your monthly services such as telephone, Internet and cable TV in one plane instead of going with three different companies and you can save in a significative way. I recently did just that and cut my bills by about 25%.

In addition to the financial savings, you will also spend less time paying your bills, which is always a plus.

4. Eliminate desires and focus on the needs

The difference between wants and needs is simple: Anything you would like to have a need; all you need to survive is a necessity.

Reduce and eliminate your desires and reduce the cost of your needs as possible.

Skip the latest electronic gadget and resist that expensive vacation, and get your home checked by your energy supplier to find ways to save.

5. Save on gas

To save money on gas, register on the GasBuddy website and receive a list of the cheapest gas stations near at your house. Consolidate your errands and combine your trips to and from work to spend less fuel.

Get out your owner's manual, make sure your tires are properly inflated, and get your car tuned regularly.

Some grocery stores offer fuel rewards programs. For example, Kroger rewards program allows you to save 10 cents on a gallon of gas for every $ 100 you spend.

gift card purchases account for this, so pick up some for the stores you frequent.

Remember that rewards can expire.


once you get your head above water again, you might end up with some remnants of the extra money in your checking account each month.

Keep out personal purchases and instead increase your emergency fund, start saving for college for children, or put your newfound surplus to your retirement investments.

Shaping up these areas can help you sleep much better at night and make for a healthier life financially

What are you doing to save money each month

photo credit:.? bobbygreg via photopin cc

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