Protect yourself with a testament

7:13 PM
Protect yourself with a testament -

As the new year is upon us and you file your taxes and review of your finances, you are looking at your will?

certain life events that took place last year that revisions need to be made?

Nobody likes to think about the possibility of death, but a will is the only way to ensure that your last wishes of your family and property are monitored.

What is a will?

a will is a document that provides that is to receive your property at death, who will administer your estate, the appointment of directors and guardians, if any, and other provisions.

a will is a gift that you leave for your family or loved ones. It makes it easier for them to handle your estate.

What happens if I die without a will?

More than seven in 10 Americans do not have a will in part because people assume legal services and fees are required, therefore, making it expensive.

Without a will, the property is distributed according to the laws of the State or may be forfeited to the state altogether.

The state will decide what happens to your things (house, land, vehicles, furniture, etc.), your children and your financial legacy (bank accounts, benefits, insurance policies, etc. .).

In such cases, state laws "laws of succession intestate" govern who receives your property, regardless of what your wishes might have been.

a court, not you, will decide who is to administer your estate.

Without a will that process could take years to iron and legal costs which could have a negative impact on the finances of your family if they choose to fight for your things.

In other words, make it easy for those you love. Get a will!

Considerations fulfillment of a desire

  • who become guardians for children and trustees of property left for minors.
  • Who is to receive your property when you die, including real estate, money, goods and valuables such as family heirlooms.
  • executor to oversee the distribution of your assets as directed by your will, and pay your remaining bills.
  • Latest remains and funeral-related last wills and burial or cremation.

Reasons to modify or update a will

  1. You marry or divorce
  2. birth or adoption of a child
  3. Death of a family member or beneficiary
  4. changes in federal estate tax laws or tax laws of the State
  5. substantial change in the value of your estate
  6. Change the nature of your real estate assets
  7. A guardian or executor or trustee withdraws, dies, or are no longer willing or able to serve
  8. your children are no longer minors or are old enough to handle financial matters on their own
  9. You go to another
  10. You want to eliminate donations to certain beneficiaries

How to get a will

the most economical and convenient way to get a will is to use a legal document service based on the Web such as LEGALACT will

Creating your will in 4 easy steps:.

  1. Fill a short interview questionnaire (use a checklist to gather information).
  2. Save and preview your will.
  3. Download and print your will as Word and / or PDF document.
  4. Legalize your will.

readers are sure your family and loved ones are protected by a will?

photo credit: Martin Gommel via photopin cc

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