Weekly Favorites: Mortgage Deductions, family loans, tax rules on early retirement plan withdrawals

12:06 PM
Weekly Favorites: Mortgage Deductions, family loans, tax rules on early retirement plan withdrawals -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites

weekly favorites from TaxACT: May 17 2013

when the mortgage deduction Really Pays via CNN Money
the mortgage interest deduction is one of the most expensive tax breaks on the books, but its benefits are unevenly distributed across the country, according to a new report by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Continue reading ...

Family Loans: Does the IRS care If I lend my kids Money via Sally Herigstad
You can lend your money for children from when they are not - buying? a bicycle, to get that first car, or buy a house. Does the IRS has something to do with the family ready? For smaller loans, the answer is "no." However, there are exceptions. Continue reading ...

Tax Rules on early withdrawals from retirement plans via IRS
Take money early from your pension plan may cost you 10 percent additional tax. Here are five things you should know about the anticipated pension withdrawals. Continue reading ...

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Photo credit:.! Claudio.Ar via photopin cc


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