Favourites per week: from A to Z (2014): B is based, and more

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Favourites per week: from A to Z (2014): B is based, and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites - 3/7/2014

weekly TaxACT 7 favorites March 2014

7 Tricky Tax Return unanswered questions!

via Bottom Line Publications

Each new year brings tough changes in the tax code, creating confusion when it comes time to fill out tax forms and make tax planning . soaring stock prices last year and rising property values ​​could further complicate the tasks that many taxpayers to deal with the effects of outsized capital gains. Continue reading ...

Obamacare Open registration ends March 31, 2014

via GetInsured.com

This is the deadline. If you're not registered for health insurance, there is no day like today. A survey shows that less than half of Americans know that 31 March is the deadline to sign up for insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Continue reading ...

from A to Z (2014): B is based

via Kelly Phillips Erb

B is based. The base is, at its simplest, the cost you pay for the assets. The actual cost is sometimes called "cost basis" because you can make based adjustments over time. Continue reading ...

Credit: Nicholas_T via photopin cc

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