HSA, FSA or HRA - How your health plan affects your taxes

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HSA, FSA or HRA - How your health plan affects your taxes -

HSA, FSA or HRA — How Your Health Plan Affects Your Taxes - TaxAct Blog

It is important to understand the account type of health you have or may have, so you can enjoy all the tax benefits.

Three common types of health accounts tax benefits are health savings accounts (HSA), health flexible spending accounts (FSA) and health reimbursement arrangements (HRA) .

What is the difference between these accounts?

HSA are accounts that you set yourself. You can set up an account with your bank or credit union, for example. With this account, you can keep it, no matter where you go or where you work (or if you work at all). You and your employer may contribute to the account of the whole year.

The only requirement is that you must have a high deductible health plan (HDHP) to have an HSA.

An HRA is set up, owned and financed by your employer only.

a Health FSA's like an HRA. It is owned by your employer, but it can be funded by you and your employer.

Can I earn interest on the money in the account?

You can earn interest on the money in your HSA. You can not earn interest in the other two types of accounts.

Can I make taxable withdrawals from my account of health after retirement?

The HSA won again on it. You can accumulate large amounts of money in an HSA and out the taxable income after retirement. In this case, it functions as an individual arrangement of traditional retirement (IRA).

withdrawals taxable for purposes other than health spending are not allowed to CRH and FSA health.

HRA balances can roll from one year to another, but employers often limit the reversal. This will deny access to funds during retirement.

However, in some cases, employers will allow former employees to access their HRA accounts throughout their retirement years.

But there is a good chance they will not continue to contribute to the account once you left the job.

Unfortunately, ASF health generally expire on the date of separation from your employer.

If I don 't use all the money in my account health, do I lose?

Many people are familiar with "use it or lose it" health accounts. If they do not consume their entire account balance of health by the end of the year, money was gone.

Consequently, many will rush to buy glasses or spend the dollars on other health expenditure by 31 December, to take full advantage of the benefit

one of the main advantages of an HSA is that you will lose your balance if you have not used before the end of the year.

in fact, you can accumulate a serious amount of money into an HSA. - which is not a bad idea if you ever have a major medical emergency, the money will be there

an HRA can enable you to achieve your deferred balance. year to year, but only if your employer allows.

A health FSA, on the other hand, limits your ability to carry balances forward. In some cases, employers may choose to allow you to defer up to $ 500 or give you an additional 2.5 months to use your balance. Ask your employer for details.

How health accounts to save taxes?

When you make eligible contributions to an HSA, HRA or FSA health, you can take a deduction for the amount of your contribution or contributions can reduce your taxable income on the Form W-2. Anyway, your tax bill on income decreases.

If your employer makes you eligible contributions for the amount of their contributions are not taxable.

With all three planes, when you spend money on fees for qualified health care, you pay no tax on account withdrawals.

account health contributions will not reduce your income tax subject to Social Security and Medicare tax.

Why not take a tax deduction for medical expenses instead?

Instead of setting up a health account, you can pay your medical expenses with after-tax dollars and take a deduction. However, there is a major problem with this.

You can only deduct medical expenses to the extent they exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income (7.5 percent if you or your spouse is 65 or older).

So does most or all of your deduction. If you qualify for an account of health or another plan, it is usually well worth the setup and use for your medical expenses needs.

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