Weekly Favorites: Back to School Tips Articles, child care costs, education financially responsible children

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Weekly Favorites: Back to School Tips Articles, child care costs, education financially responsible children -

Weekly Favorites 28 - August 1 2013 - TaxACT

weekly TaxACT Favorites: August 2, 2013

8 tips to save money on back to school items by Ellie Kay
as the mother of many, I am something of a veteran when it comes to the organization and return to conquer the dam of the school. Here are some tips to save money and mental health while experiencing the most wonderful time of the year - back to school shopping: Continue reading ...

Reflections on costs child care via Trent Hamm
when I think back to the time before our first child was born when we were looking for childcare to the right and try to understand what we should do, I feel a sense of pride mingled with regret. We made things quite right and we did some other things completely wrong. Here is the advice I would give to Sarah and I around 05 regarding child care and child care. Continue reading ...

5 Secrets to raise financially responsible children via LearnVest
Now, more than ever, we must teach our children the lessons they need to avoid some of the financial disasters that struck our generation. Continue reading ...

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Photo credit :. Stuck in Customs via photopin cc

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