3 reasons to buy health insurance during tax time

10:53 PM
3 reasons to buy health insurance during tax time -

3 Reasons to Buy Health Insurance During Tax Season - TaxACT

Tax Day is almost upon us, and even if your finances are in order perfect, it's hard not to breathe a sigh of relief when you finally filed your tax return .

Compile information and recipes for the value of personal and business transactions 365 days can sometimes feel like an insurmountable task.

The Tax season is actually the perfect time to buy health insurance if you've been dragging your feet and have not already signed. Not to mention that the deadline for open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is March 31.

What you intend to join a healthcare.gov regime, market your status, or a certified private market as GetInsured here are three other reasons why March is your month to cover

1. a tax refund could cover the cost of your health

According to the IRS, taxpayers about 3 to 4 receive cash back each year with an average refund of about $ 3,211. That's a nice chunk of change. And that means you will not have to cut up your monthly budget to pay for health care.

While much madness can be tempting, why not invest in your health for peace of mind?

more, with many affordable options are now available through the markets, even after the cancellation of the money to the value of premiums a year, you can still have some money to the left.

If you're curious about all the benefits that come with a blanket, GetInsured offers a wealth of information on the advantages and disadvantages of market plans, bronze plate.

2. Your documents are already there to buy health insurance

Since you did the bulk of the collection of information for your taxes, why not get some extra mileage all this work?

The documentation that you put together for your tax preparation is exactly what you will need to register for health insurance :. social security number, employment income, income from self-employment, as well as deductions from income (as student loan interest)

in fact, all the tax information you need apply for coverage is provided in HealthWatch Report TaxACT after entering your tax return information. How convenient is that?

If you want to know exactly what information you will be required to provide when purchasing health insurance, healthcare.gov can generate a personalized list based on your financial situation.

3. It is the perfect time to get personal on medical deductions

During tax season, there is no sweeter word "deduction". According to the IRS, unreimbursed medical expenses can be claimed on your 2013 return (if you itemize your deductions) as long as they exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income. (If you were 65 or older at the end of 2013, you can use the figure of 7.5 percent last year.)

This number may seem a bit high, but if you had serious illness or no insurance in 2013 and ended up with some big medical bills out of pocket, they could make you over that threshold to 10 percent.

Many people do not care about the collection and counting of revenues, assuming that they will not add, but this can be a costly mistake.

If you're self-employed, for example, your monthly premiums may be deductible, acupuncture and air conditioners (if you can prove the medical necessity) to an adapter for your TV displays subtitles if you are hearing impaired, you'd be surprised by most of the expenses you have right to claim.

The IRS provides a complete list and update it can and can not be deducted on your tax return.

Why not put a little time to learn the rules when it could save you a packet?

to learn more, go to GetInsured.com or call 855-224-9212 for help finding the best plan for you

photo credit :. phalinn via photopin cc

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