Weekly Favorites: Are Americans fleeing because of taxes? and more

7:01 PM
Weekly Favorites: Are Americans fleeing because of taxes? and more -

TaxACT Weekly Favorites - September 27

weekly TaxACT Favorites :. September 27, 2013

Americans are fleeing because of taxes? via Kay Bell (Bankrate)
the State Department estimates that 7.6 million people call home in the United States. And while US statisticians do not follow why people move, it's a safe bet that many of the movements are due taxes. Continue reading ...

How the New Health Care Law Affects Deductions for medical expenses via Sally Herigstad
For 2013, new rules adopted under the Care Act affordable 2010, the protection of patients and can affect how much you can deduct medical expenses - or you can take a deduction for medical expenses to all. Continue reading ...

Taxes still due when stopped via Kay Bell (Bankrate)
Here we go again. Congress stumbles toward financial maturity that could throw a lot of our lives into chaos, at least for a while. Unfortunately, this is not new. When I worked on Capitol Hill at a time when Republicans and Democrats worked together effectively (yes, this has happened for a long time, long ago), legislators always dragged their feet and put off necessary functions and real up the absolute last minute. Continue reading ...

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Photo credit :. Paul Bica via photopin cc

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