alternative funding sources for enterprises

3:23 PM Add Comment
alternative funding sources for enterprises -

You have a great idea for a start-up and are ready for the next step. But first, there are serious decisions to make: Will you work from home or rent space? Hiring Employees or go solo for a while? And perhaps most importantly, how will you finance your new business?

Landing sufficient funding to get a business off the ground can be the most critical problem for someone in startup mode. Many of us have seen the fight in action on television programs that help small business owners to obtain financing. (Think Shark Tank .)

Fortunately for the camera shy (and everyone who does not know where to start), there are other ways to finance your small business who do do not include raiding your 401 (k) or hitting friends and family. While a bank loan is still a possibility, there are now more alternative sources of funding than ever

Four alternative funding sources

  • Fundable :. This crowdfunding company has a fairly simple process, from beginning to end: Create a profile on the fundable site, spread the word about your product and open it for funding. Companies that receive funds on Fundable crowd raised anywhere from thousands to a few dollars more than a million. You can choose to raise funds is paying rewards (sell your product or service) or equity (offering of shares in your company)
  • Program SBA Microloan :. You'll pay a lot types of taxes as a business owner. So why not let the government help your startups get off the ground? This branch of the Small Business Administration (SBA) provides loans of up to $ 50,000 to help small businesses start and grow. The loans are awarded by a local SBA intermediary. (There are in every state.) The small business owners may be required to meet the requirements for training or planning in order to be eligible for a loan
  • Awesome Foundation :. Looking for a little funding unconditionally? It is actually impossible. The Foundation impressive price $ 1,000 grants each month for projects in need of funding. They have locations worldwide. Each chapter has a board of about 10 members who donate $ 100 each month. This pool of money is then allocated to one lucky small business owner. The Foundation does not require an investment in your business or other concession in exchange for funding
  • ACCION USA :. ACCION USA is a microfinance organization that has lent more than $ 272 million for small business owners since its creation in 1991. They offer business loans up to $ 50,000 depending on the status and profitability of your business. There are four different levels of funding available. Relatively new start-ups can receive up to $ 10,000 while the profitable businesses that have been in business for six months or more are eligible for up to $ 50,000.

A you cross the hurdle of financing, do not forget about business insurance to protect your new business. Contact an insurance professional as a local Erie insurance agent to learn more about affordable coverage that gives your business the protection it needs.

There is still time to join the Shift

2:22 PM Add Comment
There is still time to join the Shift -

Join Shift, teen safe driving program ERIE, is out a good start.

Hundreds of teenagers in 12 states and the District of Columbia have logged on to sign promises safe driving, road safety upload videos, sharing content on Facebook® and Twitter®, and more.

Each activity that teens complete wins them points. Sixteen prizes totaling $ 20,000 will be awarded to students and schools that collect the most points. The competition this year also includes a student $ 1,000 prize for the best video. The biggest prize of all, however, is to learn life lessons about the dangers of distracted driving.

This year's program began on September 17 It does not end before November 17, so there is still time to participate. You can start by creating a pledge card as students in the slideshow above. You can also enhance your video creation skills and earn more points by making safe driving video.

For more examples of such creative pledge cards and learn more about the program, visit .

6 Scary Misconceptions

1:21 PM Add Comment
6 Scary Misconceptions - Insurance

There are many frightening things about Halloween. Just a few include ghosts, goblins and the unfathomable: miss Halloween candy

Not many people add insurance to the list, despite the fact that a coverage gap and you could your family in serious financial trouble leaving ..

Read on to learn more about six of the most frightening false insurance ideas and how you can protect yourself.

Six frightening false insurance ideas

    1. Your home insurance policy automatically includes insurance against floods and earthquakes.

    The insurance companies may not cover floods and earthquakes at reasonable rates because they tend to be so devastating. Fortunately, there are options for both risks. the earthquake coverage is usually offered as an endorsement while the federal government provides coverage against flooding through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It is definitely worth considering as people who live outside the floodplain file at high risk of more than 20 percent of NFIP claims. Also, just an inch of water can cause major damage to your home.

    2. Your personal automobile owners and political cover you if you use them to run a small business side.

    Your homeowners and personal auto policies can not adequately cover your business. If you run a home business or another small business, explain your situation to your insurance agent. He or she can advise you on any additional coverage you might need.

    3. Your homeowners policy will automatically replace your items lost or damaged in today's dollars.

    There is a big difference between the actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost. LCA will refund based on the amount of an item is after taking into account depreciation. Guaranteed replacement cost is much better: With it, your policy pays the cost of rebuilding or repairing your home or replacing your possessions without a deduction for depreciation.

    4. Only millionaires need a personal catastrophe liability policy (PCL).

    Anyone can be involved in a serious accident. Most of the time the incidents are caused by simple negligence as forgetting to lock the fence around your pool before the child finds its way to her.

(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: The Phone Call You never want to get

12:20 PM Add Comment
(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: The Phone Call You never want to get -

The words you want to hear when you receive a phone call: "Mom we were in an accident. "My heart sank. I felt instantly sick to my stomach. I panicked.

It was a Sunday night, and my daughter, Maddi, not driving. But she was in the passenger seat of a car with two friends. the driver did not see a stop sign and the car was T-boned. He turned and went down a hill in a small yard and struck the side of a house. the cushions airbags deployed, it had hit a bit and his knee was badly bruised and swollen.

Fortunately, miraculously no one was seriously injured. both cars were totaled, but it could have been much worse. I say she definitely had a guardian angel with her that night because his face was not a single mark of the airbag.

I feel for any parent who receives 'dreaded call and arrived on the scene of the accident to see flashing lights, twisted pieces of metal and broken glass on the road, big trucks towing away broken cars. It is overwhelming. The only reason I'm pretty calm because I knew she was okay because she called me herself.

The scene of the accident

The accident was only two blocks from our house, so I got there quickly. Seeing the damage and the children so shaken was scary. The driver apologized profusely. The three children realized how truly lucky they are. I can not even imagine to attend a scene of the accident and the loss of a child (or anyone else for that matter).

After graduating extracted with ER (just to make sure she did not have a concussion or that there were no serious knee injury), we got the green light from doctors and headed home. It was late. Maddi was afraid - I mean really scared. I think in that moment she understood why he is terrifying for parents to leave their children in the car or even get in the car with another young driver. Accidents happen in a split second. As parents, we can not protect them 24/7, and it's disturbing. But as I said in my previous blog, we can not put them in a bubble.


My daughter had no interest in driving for a couple of weeks after the accident, but eventually she came up on the horse. She continues to practice in order to take the test driver's license.

The silver lining in all this (if any)? It was a good lesson for all children to learn. He showed them the importance of seat belts, and he hammered the thing we adults continue to say, "You must be careful to 100 percent of the time when you're behind the wheel"

stay safe out there, kids.

Read the next installment of this series regular.

Insurance to rent a car after an accident

11:19 AM Add Comment
Insurance to rent a car after an accident -
car keys

Did you know that REA provides insurance to rent a car if your car regularly lands in the store for a time?

mention is known as transport costs, and provides coverage for a rental car while your car is regularly being repaired after a covered loss.

This coverage applies to two types of claims in motor insurance: collision claims (resulting from physical damage to your vehicle rolling over or hitting another vehicle or object) and comprehensive claims ( resulting from something other than collision, such as fire, theft or vandalism). As coverage of collision and comprehensive coverage are optional coverages, you can choose to add to your policy.

If you choose to buy full coverage option for your car, ERIE automatically provides basic car coverage after a comprehensive claim. (In North Carolina, this applies to vehicle theft claims only.)

Things are different with a collision request. If you choose to purchase an optional collision coverage for your car, you will need to add transport costs to have a car cover after a covered loss. (The only exception is Virginia, where state regulations require basic coverage at no additional cost.)

Transport cover fees for collision claims can save you the out-of pocket costs cut. It's affordable, too, with a cover for a vehicle from only $ 8 per year.

No surprises at the rental counter

Most insurance companies offer insurance to rent a car in the form of a dollar limit day to a rental car. (Virginia in total by the loss instead of a daily limit). This often leads to guess work from you on this type of vehicle you can get for a given daily limit. Even if you think you have chosen the right boundary, there is no guarantee that it will be sufficient to cover the vehicle you want, or really need.

ERIE decided to adopt a different approach, more intuitive. * Instead of a daily limit, you select a class of vehicle you want. There are five classes to choose from:

Class 1 compact sedan
Class 2 traditional sedan
Class 3: Small SUV or van
class 4 : Minivan or midsize SUV
class 5: luxury sedan or large SUV

"Not all everyone knows that $ 35 per day will rent, but everyone knows what a minivan, "said Cody Cook, vice president and product manager at REA and dad who chose to host class 4 his family of six. "Having to choose a class instead of a daily limit, you know you have the right coverage before you need to use it."

Want to know more about insurance to rent a car after an accident? Then be sure to contact an Erie insurance agent in your community.

* Due to state requirements, ERIE maintains dollar limits for coverage of transport costs in North Carolina and Virginia.

Benefit Graduated Driver Licensing Programs teenage drivers

10:18 AM Add Comment
Benefit Graduated Driver Licensing Programs teenage drivers -

I clearly remember how I could not wait to turn 16 and get my learner, AOS permit. I was a little more driving, a privilege that I equated with freedom.

I quickly learned that the permit process for driver wasn, AOT all the fun. I used to get annoyed by my curfew and my parents, AO refusal to let me take over a friend in the car. As it happens, these precautions were really in everyone, aos best interest.

First time behind the wheel

Research shows that young drivers are much more likely to take risks behind the wheel and have accidents than experienced drivers.

For example, consider this: New teen drivers are three times more accidents than drivers 20 years and older. And the addition of two or more passengers a teen driver, vehicle OSA increases the risk of falls by 88 percent.

The Sobering statistics like these have led some states to implement new measures licensing. Program Just a graduated driver license (GDL). GDL impose stricter regulations on all aspects of the approval process teen hoping to curb teen driving accidents.

The program is divided into three stages: the stage of learning, the intermediate stage and the full privilege phase.

The step of learning

This process starts when a teen receives his license and ends when she is eligible for the examination of driver licenses, AOS . In some states, a new driver can apply for a permit from the age of 14.

Many states also require adolescents to maintain their license for at least six months to complete a certain number of hours supervised driving before can take their state license test driver AOS, AOS.

The intermediate step

Once a teenage driver gets their license, it enters the intermediate phase. It remains at this stage until it reaches a certain age, which varies by state.

Drivers at the intermediate stage have restrictions on the hours of the day they can drive and the number of passengers may be in their car. Currently, all states outside Vermont have restrictions on night driving. All but three states (Florida, Mississippi and South Dakota) have restrictions on the number of passengers a new driver can have in their vehicle. Some states require that new drivers can not have more than one passenger.

Once a driver meets the requirements of its state, AOS intermediate stage, it becomes a fully licensed driver who has all the privileges of a regular driver in his state.

Graduated Driver Licensing Programs at work

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has created an interactive calculator GDL to reduce accidents demonstrate the likelihood of claims teen crashes and fatalities for granting requirements of different licenses. He considers all of the age of the allowed number of hours of practice for the number of passengers. You can also search by state.

These days, some states go beyond typical requirements GDL same. Maine requires 70 hours of supervised practice. Meanwhile, some states have passenger restrictions in place as long as a year.

Graduated Driver Licensing programs could make the process of learning to drive harder for parents and teens alike. However, these regulations have been made with the new security drivers, AO in mind. So if your state has lax requirements, you might consider placing some additional restrictions on your teen. It may just thank you for a day.

If you currently have (or will have) a teen driver in your household, take the time to teach them to drive safely. Also make sure to contact an insurance professional as Erie insurance agent to add a new driver to your policy.

Watch Out for Black Friday Parking Lot Accidents

9:17 PM Add Comment
Watch Out for Black Friday Parking Lot Accidents -

Millions of people will flock to stores and malls this Black Friday. While buyers should be cautious when scoring bids, they must also be careful to avoid Black Friday car accidents.

As we reported in a story earlier, 20 percent of all car accidents occur in parking lots. In addition, 52 percent of injuries resulting from accidents backover occur when a vehicle back into a person in a parking lot.

Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. So you can imagine how crazy things can get and why Black Friday car accidents are a real downside of the day.

Fortunately, there are precautions you can take to reduce your chances of experiencing a car accident. Check our seven solid advice to avoid accidents parking lots. Also take a look at the top 10 tips to avoid Black Friday car accidents International Parking Institute (IPI). (Yes, such an organization actually exists.) Founded in 1962, IPI is the largest and most important parking association of professionals and the parking industry. Members include people who work in hospitals, sports centers, race tracks and more.

One thing they all have in common? A vast knowledge store on all things related to parking. Stay safe shopping this season by following these trusted advice.

Read the original article on the best Black Friday and the holiday season parking tips.

Cyber ​​scams in Full Swing this season

8:16 PM Add Comment
Cyber ​​scams in Full Swing this season -

The holidays are a busy time of year for retailers-both sales and fronts safe online.

Take Amazon, for example. The e-commerce giant has recently been a victim of fraud who sent emails with the subject line "Black Friday Amazon Gift Card." Unknowing email recipients were then encouraged to "Activate My Rewards" and enter personal information. Except, there was no reward to receive. Just personal information to be exchanged between cyber crooks.

"The bad guys do not play the rules and they are not afraid to use you to get what they want," said Adam Dzuricky, lead analyst of information security at Erie Insurance. " he called social engineering-technobabble for 'conning' or using techniques to trick their prey to fall into their traps. Unfortunately, the holidays are no exception to this, because it is prime time for us all to be animated about the spread of goodwill. "

So how do you avoid computer scams and still enjoy gift shopping advantages in your pajamas? Check out this list of 12 tips to help you navigate scams cyber this holiday season. ( and here is even safer online shopping tips that could save you from being caught by the digi-Grinch.)

Adding personal protection against computer fraud

Sometimes cyber buyers more cautious are prey to identity theft and ends up costing victims a lot of time and money. This is why it is worthwhile to add coverage for the recovery of identity to your home insurance policy. Available for a low annual fee, identity recovery coverage reimburses you for expenses related to theft and more. for more information and a quote, contact your insurance agent Erie local.

Meet the farm behind the White House Christmas tree

7:15 PM Add Comment
Meet the farm behind the White House Christmas tree -
People with christmas tree

Many people feel pressure around the holidays. But imagine if you had to grow, cut and deliver a Christmas tree to the leader of the free world. Yet that is exactly what Crystal Spring Tree Farm in Lehighton, Pennsylvania, recently.

The farm, which the insurance business with Erie Insurance by T.W. Cooper Insurance Group in Lehighton, has much to celebrate. In addition to providing the Christmas tree in the White House, Crystal Spring is celebrated its 50th year in business.

Margaret Botek is co-owner of the farm with her husband, Francis, and his son, Chris. She had little time to discuss what it takes to get a Christmas tree in 10 Pennsylvania Avenue.

How many times have you provided to the tree of the White House Christmas?

in addition to 2014, we delivered the Christmas tree in the White House in 2013, 2010 and 06.

What type of tree do you deliver the Obamas this year?

Angela Reid, the White House usher, and the White House grounds superintendent Dale Haney and Chief Horticulturist Jim Adams with the National Park Service, a fir handpicked 19 'concolor. We cut down by half a foot to make it a perfect fit for the blue room, once the gloss is removed.

This is only the third time since 1966 that the concolor fir was displayed in the Blue Room.

How did your company get this opportunity?

the honor goes to the winner of Tree National Competition sponsored by the Association of National Christmas Tree producers. We won the first time we participated in 06 with Colorado Blue Spruce. We compete every four years, since you can not win more than once every four years. However, we ended up delivering the tree in 2013 from the firm that won was not quite a tree for the Blue Room.

At any other Christmas tree farm comes as many trees in the White House?

I'm not sure, but I do not think any other firm has delivered four Christmas trees in the White House in 12 years.

What was it like presenting the tree to the first family this year?

He was so special. I went down with my husband and my son, Chris, and two daughters, Ashley and Lauren. We delivered the tree on Black Friday. The tree lot on a wagon. Michelle looks at the tree first, then said 'yes' to it. Sasha and Malia were also there with the dogs.

Since this is our third year deliver their tree, they remember us. Michelle has given each of us a hug and we took a picture together. They always send us a photo of the tree after he and decorated in the Blue Room.

Have your trees have found their way into other illustrious houses?

Yes. We were honored to provide Christmas trees to our state capital in Harrisburg 18 times.

Your company could not count the president among its customers, but it still needs business insurance to protect the unexpected. Talk to a local agent Erie Insurance in your community for more information and a free quote.

7 tips to help stick the New Year's resolution

5:12 PM Add Comment
7 tips to help stick the New Year's resolution -

As the year draws to a close, one thing is certain: people will make resolutions New Year-and many other.

This year, about forty-four percent of Americans make New Year's resolution to get in shape, stop smoking, learn French, less stress and forth and so on.

And yet ...

Anyone who has witnessed a gym in January crowded slow to a trickle in February just know that many resolutions not stick. In fact, research shows that only eight percent of people actually keep their New Year's resolutions.

So how can you be among the few who see the promise through?

I do not pretend to have all the answers, but I found a few things that work. Here are my top tips for making good resolutions and sticking to them.

  • Make mini resolution. Who says you have to run a marathon or model of your house after Martha Stewart? There is nothing wrong with doing less ambitious but more achievable goals like running a 5K or organizing your closet more out of control.
  • Be specific. Many people fail because they make resolutions that are too general or too difficult to measure. Examples: "get healthy" or "spend more time with my spouse" Instead, vow to "Walk an extra 20 minutes every day" or "Schedule a date night a week with my wife.."
  • Plan, plan, plan. Maybe you have a big goal like "start a business." If so, you will have more success if you draw the many steps it takes to make it a reality. There are some monitoring sites enough online order there to help you; only two include Achievr and WeekPlan (and if you're planning to start a business, do not forget to talk with ERIE Agent how the. insurance can protect your investment of time and money.)
  • Take it public. although some people believe the opposite, I find I'm much more likely to keep my resolutions New Year when I tell others about them. I do not know if it is because of the extra motivation others give me or because I'm too embarrassed to quit or not after public but it works.
  • Find a buddy. A friend who shares your New Year's resolutions can provide a massive dose of motivation. If someone in your circle sharing the resolution of your New Year, see MySomeday. This application allows you to create a plan to achieve your goal and invite others in the online community to post ideas to help you along the way.

If all else fails ...

always think it will be difficult to keep your New Year resolution? Then you might consider unconventional approaches to achieve success.

  • Consider a deterrent. On, you can have your credit card is charged each time you fall short of your goal. You can direct the money to go anywhere, but you might consider sending it to an organization that you hate. (Two ideas include a political party do you support or university that is the great rival of the one you attended.)
  • Make a resolution to enjoy and protect what you already have. Maybe you recently bought something big as a house, a car or a boat. If so, take the time to enjoy what you already have before thinking ahead to the next thing that you need or want. This is also a good time to think about how to protect some of your favorite activities. For example, you might ask:
    • Can I rebuild the house, I like it if disaster struck
    • Can I afford to replace my assets if they were stolen [1945009?]
    • Can my family live in comfort if I and my wages were not in the picture?

    For these questions and more, contact ERIE Local Agent in your Community. He or she can examine the risks you face and create a plan to protect the people and things you love the most. (Also, talk to an agent is an easy solution to make the list.)

With planning, effort and maybe some incentives, you can really see your resolution through.

Join ERIE at MLK Unity Breakfast in Lexington

4:11 PM Add Comment
Join ERIE at MLK Unity Breakfast in Lexington -
hands of unity

Beta Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Lexington Fraternity, Inc. will once again honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr., at their 21st annual Unity Breakfast. The theme this year is "unity. Seeking justice, equality and world peace "

The breakfast will take place on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 19 in Lexington Heritage Center West Hall. The event will begin at 7:30 am and ends just before the annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Freedom March which starts from Lexington Heritage Center West Hall.

the event is organized by the Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter of the education Committee of the alpha Phi alpha fraternity, Inc. Since its founding in 106, alpha Phi alpha has worked to develop leaders, promote brotherhood to promote academic excellence and for African Americans and people of color around the world . the breakfast unit of product will go to scholarships and other programs Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Education Foundation.

Erie Insurance is proud to sponsor this significant community event that traditionally attracts more than 1,500 people each year. For more information on the 21st Annual Unity Breakfast and to get your ticket, visit Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter.

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Innovation

3:10 PM Add Comment
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Innovation -

Innovation often occurs when connections are made between two or more very different concepts or things.

For example, consider how musical artists have sampled the famous King "I Have a Dream speech." An example includes a Russian duo who put the speech against techno music in the 190s This song came to serve as a rallying cry in the midst of social upheaval in the country.

A mash-up of techno music and a famous speech civil rights can mean something innovative. Dr. King himself was also innovative. He finds much of the inspiration for the civil rights movement in the nonviolent philosophy of Gandhi Mohatma, a man who lived on the other side of the world and who died when King was a young man.

The American civil rights movement had elements of not only the beliefs of the nonviolent resistance of Gandhi but also of Christianity, spiritual music and African-American. All these elements helped the carrier gain momentum and pave the way for important civil rights for African Americans.

ERIE and innovation

REA is proud to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., through events like Unity Breakfast Lexington . REA is also proud to be an innovator in the insurance industry. In 1934 ERIE developed the Super Standard Auto Policy that provides many additional features at no additional cost. Some of these Xtra features (such as "Drive Other Car" coverage) became included later in auto policy standards issued by other insurance companies in the United States. Other features (eg removal of the collision deductible in an accident involving two cars insured ERIE) were adopted by other insurance companies over the years.

Today ERIE offers innovative products such as the risk of franchises and a common sense approach to insurance to rent a car after an accident. To learn more about these coverage options and more, contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

Losses Boost Home Team Collisions Around NFL Stadiums

2:09 PM Add Comment
Losses Boost Home Team Collisions Around NFL Stadiums -

biggest night of football is almost here. As stock up for your big game party, you may want to remember to drive a little safer.

A new study from the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), the rate of collision claims of postal codes around NFL stadiums is higher on the day for the losses of the team house or links.

HLDI analysts examined the collision claims for postal codes in which the 31 NFL stadiums are located, and adjacent zip codes. frequency claim was higher day home game compared to other days. The effect was particularly pronounced in postcodes where the stages are located, but it was also present in the surrounding zip codes.

in data claims HLDI, postal codes reflect the vehicle garage location, not the location of the accident. So, accidents involving vehicles of people who live elsewhere and pushed in the postal code for the game are not included. In addition, some vehicle accidents stored near the stadium would have occurred elsewhere.

However, the reason for the increase in claims frequency on the days of home game is probably related to higher traffic volumes around stadiums on those days.

The days when the home team won, the collision rate requests was 3.2 percent more than on days without home game. On days when the team lost or tied, the claim rate was 9.4 percent more than on days without home game. Only the increase of a loss or tie was statistically significant.

"The effect of a day of play was much more pronounced at some stages than others," said the vice president HLDI Matt Moore. "This may indicate differences in police strategies and traffic management, which could present opportunities for improvement."

Source: The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS)

What to do in Louisville

1:08 PM Add Comment
What to do in Louisville -
Louisville Kentucky

While everyone is familiar with the Kentucky Derby and Churchill Downs, Louisville has many other unique attractions for visitors.

Stacy Arnett, an Erie Insurance Agent Fox Insurance in Louisville, has lived in the area all his life. She recently shared with us some of the things that makes Louisville a "hidden gem" worth the trip.

Here is her take on what to do in Louisville.

Visit a museum or ... 10

Museum Row covers four blocks and includes 10 different museums. With museums like the Muhammad Ali Center, Glassworks, Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory and Museum Hotel 21c (a contemporary art museum and Award- winning restaurant), this is certainly an area worth seeing.

visitors can get a discount when they show a ticket stub from another museum of the line. For native of Kentucky, May is tourist Hometown Celebration: Just show your driver's license Kentucky to receive a discount.

Eat in one of the up-and-coming neighborhoods Louisville

The food is good in Kentucky is not hard to find if you know where to look . Just turn to one of three new neighborhoods to eat hot Louisville: Nu Lu District along East Market, Frankfort Avenue and Bardstown Road Highlands. These up-and-coming areas are known for their wide variety of ethnic restaurants.

"Whenever we want to take someone to lunch, we head to one of these three areas," said Stacy. "You can literally find anything." Just a little tempting options include Vietnamese, steakhouses, Japanese, Latin style tapas and specialty burger places.

See the seafront

Park, that is. Previously considered one of the most unattractive places in the city, Waterfront Park was developed in an impressive green area which is home to many events throughout the year.

The 85-acre park, which is located along the Ohio River is a great place to bike, jog or picnic. Stop by and check out the impressive Big Four Pedestrian / Bicycle Bridge; completed in early 2013, it connects to Louisville Southern Indiana.

Explore the Bourbon Urban Trail

If you do not feel like traveling to the famous distilleries outside of town, just head to downtown Louisville. Many local institutions are from 50 to 150 signature bourbon varieties of Kentucky.

For added fun, stop by the Visitor Centre in advance to pick up a bourbon "passport" special (or download the application). You can collect stamps while shopping in a variety of restaurants and bars on Bourbon Urban Trail. Once you collect six stamps, you get a T-shirt and a certificate proclaiming your status Official Bourbon Country Citizen.

Take a ride on the Belle of Louisville

Take a step into the past and get on the oldest operating steamboat in America. The Belle of Louisville has just turned 100 years old, but his has not slowed down a bit. In addition to the cruise ship, La Belle offers special holiday events and private groups charters.

"I did a cruise on the Belle a few times," said Stacy. "It is always a memorable experience."

If you feel adventurous, you can even get tickets to climb the Belle when she races the Belle of Cincinnati during the Great Steamboat Race held during the Kentucky Derby Festival.

As you can see, there is no shortage of things to do in Louisville. So if you are looking for great sites, food or culture, consider the largest city of the State Bluegrass for your next holiday destination.

ERIE return to Pittsburgh Auto Salon

12:07 PM Add Comment
ERIE return to Pittsburgh Auto Salon
- No regrets logo

long winter days you down? If so, stop by the Pittsburgh International Auto Show this weekend.

The automatic four-day show begins Friday at the David Lawrence Convention Center. This year is revving to be a particularly interesting with cars, trucks and SUVs from dozens of manufacturers. All daily up to luxury cars to classic cars will be on display. It is the perfect opportunity to do some comparison shopping (or just window shopping). There will also be a Ugliest Car contest, children's activities and more.

REA is proud to be the official sponsor of the event insurance company and offer an exciting gift price. It works like this: Every day a ERIE ambassador will give the first 5,000 participants aged 18 years and over a numbered ticket. Participants of this day have until the end of the day to enter their number into a special website for a chance to win 10 prizes each day.

Winners find immediately if they win the grand prize: a package that includes two Penguins game tickets and team store card $ 100 gift. All participants are entered in a draw for the nine Amazon gift cards each day of the auto show

Pittsburgh Auto Show hours are 10:00 to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 10:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday and Monday. Admission is $ 10 for adults ($ 8 for military with I.D. and the elderly); children 12 and under are free. Prices are half price on presidents day Monday. To learn more, visit

Insurance to protect your Nest Egg

10:05 AM Add Comment
Insurance to protect your Nest Egg -
Piggy Bank

It takes years of hard work and discipline to grow a retirement nest egg. Nobody wants to think that a lawsuit could wipe everything they have worked so hard to build. Yet something like this can happen to everyone.

Whether or even save you enjoy your golden years, it is worth thinking about how to protect your nest egg. Indeed, your retirement savings may be fair game if you are hit by a liability lawsuit.

One of the easiest and most affordable to protect your nest egg is with Disaster Personal Liability (CPL) coverage. This insurance commonly called "umbrella" coverage provides an extra layer of liability protection beyond your auto insurance policies and owners in case you (or a member of the family covered) are sued.

As an article in USA Today shows, insurance to protect your nest egg is important, no matter how much you have saved, even if it is a modest amount. Learn more about this important coverage in the article source on .

If additional coverage sounds like something you might need, talk to a professional such as an Erie Insurance agent for more info and a free quote.

What employees really want

9:04 PM Add Comment
What employees really want -
employees really want

Today we celebrate the Employee Appreciation Day. That day, workers across the country will receive cards, treats and office plants and more words of appreciation.

The gifts are always a nice touch. But do you know what employees really want throughout the year?

The conventional wisdom says that it would be more money. But this is not necessarily the case.

U.S. News & World Report magazine looked eight, non-monetary benefits that offer a different perspective on what employees really want. The list shows that employees want to work in a place where they are valued and have room to learn and grow. And with many dual-income and single-parent households, it is probably not surprising that flexible working hours were also on the list.

Ready to learn what employees really want? Then read the original article in .

How to protect the equipment against theft Lawn

8:03 PM Add Comment
How to protect the equipment against theft Lawn -

Now that spring is here, it's probably time to help your house to recover from winter and get your home spruced for the coming warmer months.

as you primp and prune, you will also need to examine ways to protect the lawn equipment against theft. In fact, equipment such as lawnmowers and lawn ornaments are attractive targets for thieves.

Not quite sure how to protect your stuff? Then follow these guidelines to protect the lawn equipment against theft.

    1. Keep an eye on things. The flight is often a crime of opportunity. So make sure you never leave your equipment or lawn keys or remote starters out in clear view when you're not there.

    2. Attach your equipment with chains and padlocks. options are available for everything from lawn mowers to blowers chainsaw blades.

    3. Choose heavier lawn ornaments. They are more difficult to steal than something light. Another option is to screw an ornament on a heavy piece of wood.

    4. Consider installing motion activated lights around your property. Light is a major obstacle for thieves. A fence and a security camera can also help keep thieves from your home.

    5. Consider GPS tracking devices. This is a good option for larger pieces, more expensive lawn equipment such as a lawn mower. A tracking device will allow you to monitor the location of the stolen equipment.

    6. Identify your equipment. engraving your name and contact information in your equipment makes them less likely thieves to target your equipment because they can not sell easily.

    7. Submit your equipment. Ask the seller note the serial number of your article. You can also register your product online or by mail later.

With any luck, these tips should help you protect lawn equipment against theft. But sometimes, theft still happens despite your best efforts. That is why it is important to have insurance owners policy with coverage for lawn equipment and more. Learn more about homeowners insurance and get a free quote by talking with Erie Insurance Agent in your community.

How to prevent food Spoiled in your restaurant

7:02 PM Add Comment
How to prevent food Spoiled in your restaurant -
A worker who knows how to prevent spoiled foods in his restaurant.

A team trustworthy, a building, an attractive menu with lots of restaurant needs to function .

Of course, nothing can be done without food. It is therefore not surprising that one of the biggest fears of any owner of a restaurant's food is spoiled a failure of the refrigeration unit or an extended power outage.

If your refrigerator dies, you must either fix the refrigeration unit or buy a new one. Such a situation (or a power failure) means that you have to move food to another source of refrigeration or rely on a backup generator. Or emergency requires quick action or you will risk losing thousands of the value of spoiled food dollars. For a small restaurant, it can be catastrophic.

Three tips on how to avoid spoiled food

You can not avoid power outages. And sometimes you can not even prevent a refrigeration failure. But there are ways to reduce the chances of having spoiled food. Here are three tips on how to avoid spoiled food:

  • Regularly check your refrigeration units to ensure temperatures are in the correct range, the compressors and coils are clean, and that the compressor fan has good air circulation.
  • Always replace worn door seals to save energy.
  • Keep the temperature set at or below 40 degrees to keep food at a temperature not freezing sure, but.

Your insurance coverage can help

Sometimes food spoilage that same password if you know how to avoid rotten food in your restaurant. If your refrigeration spits out, it is comforting to know that Erie Insurance offers a restaurant insurance that includes coverage options for mechanical and electrical failures. This coverage option allows you to get an equipment failure as a refrigerator repaired or replaced as soon as possible. There is also coverage options for the lost revenue and lost food stocks from either electrical or mechanical failure.

Looking to learn more about how to protect your unexpected restaurant? Then contact an Erie insurance agent in your community for more information on insurance restaurant and free quote.

Rotary Phones in Drones :? 0 years of innovative insurance ERIE

6:01 PM Add Comment
Rotary Phones in Drones :? 0 years of innovative insurance ERIE -

When you hear the word innovation that comes to mind

If you like many people, you can imagine scientists peering white blouse in a bubbling test tube ... entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley in T-shirts and jeans ... or nodding engineers boards in front of a car elegant sport.

But these are not the only industries that get to have all the fun. For 0 years REA has opened the way for innovative insurance with advanced products that meet customer needs. How, you ask? Check out this infographic:

Abolish the biggest myths loss

5:00 PM Add Comment
Abolish the biggest myths loss -
A sign points the way toward avoiding claims myths.

The filing of an insurance claim not any top the list of favorite activities. That said, it is usually a much easier process than most people think.

To help relieve worries you may have, we debunking the most common claims myths- and sharing information on how Erie Insurance in particular is there in your time of need.

claims myth # 1: My accident not want to help me.

Your sinister Erie Insurance really wants to help you navigate the process. You can rely on your expert to review your coverage, answer your questions, review your request and to keep you informed every step of the way.

If you've been in a car accident, your expert will discuss your vehicle repair options with you. Some suggestions might include repair facilities that are part of the Direct Repair Program ERIE, which include stores and authorized dealers ERIE by independent car repair. Your expert could also refer to a car rental company (if your policy covers).

"We can send adjusters and appraisers in the field to monitor your home or car damage," said Kristy Musselman, vice president and director of claims, the Indiana Department. "Unlike many other insurers, most of the time, insurance adjusters are ERIE employees who live in your area."

claims myth # 2: once I file my application, I must not do anything else.

It is important to cooperate with the adjuster to ensure that your application is processed quickly and accurately. This could mean the preservation of evidence, provide received or the location of medical records if you were injured.

If you report your claim to an Erie insurance agent, expect a call from a disaster ERIE. "Sometimes we need information followed in order to process your request, "said Christine Tipton, a supervisor claims inside to REA. "If you do not call us back, it only delays the process"

myth claims # 3. It always will regulate my request

. Although the processing time depends on the circumstances surrounding your request, most requests have fast resolutions. This is especially true if your application is not a great loss. for example, a self application involving a collision will generally . faster processing a claim involving three cars and an uninsured driver the same goes for home insurance claims: if there is fire damage, this demand is likely to take longer than if a branch of tree damage your fence

claims myth # 4. I'll let myself fall if I file a claim

This does not just steal the majority. time for ERIE. "Less than one percent of ERIE policies are canceled after an application is filed," said Dave Freeman, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting at REA.

However, there are factors that can lead to the cancellation. They include being involved in multiple-fault auto accidents in a short time; receiving several tickets for speeding or driving while impaired citation; and incur damage to the house caused by negligence, as serving alcohol to minors at a house party.

How long have you been a client is also important. If it is your first application in 30 years, which is less disturbing than filing a claim in the first day of your policy. "We do not paint people with a broad brush," says Freeman. "We look at each case on the basis of its own merits"

myth claims # 5. It is normal if my entrepreneur tries to handle my request.

wary if a contractor knocks on your door, highlights the damage to the house and you said it will process your application. These types of entrepreneurs appear usually after storms and are often bad news. Many of these "storm chasers" are not allowed in public settings, so they may not know what they do. others may try to rip you off .

"entrepreneurs are not familiar with your policy and how it covers your loss," Musselman said. "it is always best to first contact ERIE if your home is damaged."

claims myth # 6: Since I pay premiums all these years, it is normal to exaggerate my loss to get some extra money.

Many people do not realize that padding a claim can be considered a form of insurance fraud. Do not inflate your request to fatten your refund in most states, insurance fraud is a crime.

ERIE invests in training adjusters to provide excellent service. For more information on the cover of ERIE, contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

She sings, she dances, she walks faster than you: What Dynamo 0 years can teach you about the retirement

3:59 PM Add Comment
She sings, she dances, she walks faster than you: What Dynamo 0 years can teach you about the retirement -

On 1 January 2011, 10 000 The boomers began turning 65 every day. And it should continue every day until the end of 2030.

Doris Becker crossed this stage anniversary in which many people make the transition from work to retirement to 25 years ago . She is now in full swing to 0 years and wondered how she "never had time to work."

Still, she said she saw a lot of smart and active people are struggling to find direction and sense when their careers come to an end. So what's his secret?
There are actually many factors that contribute to its successful retirement. But before we explore this, it is useful to ask ...

Who is Doris Becker?

Doris Becker was born on April 29, 1925. only nine days after his former employerErie insurance was founded.

Perhaps the most shared birthday was a sign, because 31 years later, she began working as a personal lines endorser Erie Insurance.

"I raised my three children before ERIE coming, "says Doris. "I decided to enter the labor market because they were older and wanted to make money for our family. I was hired on August 28, 1958. I am pleased to work there and not nervous; at the time, there were only 212 employees "(Today, there are nearly 5,000.)

This decision proved to be the right :. Over the years, Doris trained many happy memories, has made countless friends and held a variety of positions at REA.

so, of course, there was bitter when she retired as a commercial underwriter in 190. But it was as a launching pad into a new life that kept him happily occupied for a quarter century and counting

Ready to learn this newly created nonagenarian (definition: a person between 0 and 100 years). maintains the pep in his step? Then read on.

Doris tips for a successful retirement

  • Discover your passions before retirement. "You have to stay busy!" urges Doris. "I tell people who are about to retire to find something you like and get involved before retiring. Then you know where to spend your time when you withdraw. "

    Doris was lucky to have a hobby, she was passionate about well before his last day at Erie Insurance. At 10, she developed a love of theater and acting. At to date, it has been in dozens of musicals and plays, and she will not soon slows down. in addition to appearing in roles in her local theater, Doris also serves on the board of directors and volunteers of organization at the box office.

    Pursuing something you enjoy gives meaning to your Golden Years and it can also help you live longer. research published in the journal Psychological Science shows that having a sense of objective helps you live longer, regardless of your age.

  • good genes matter, but still go to the doctor. "of course, good genes help-a lot of my parents lived into their late 0s, "admits Doris. But that does not mean you get a pass when it comes to your recommended annual reviews.

    Doris remains above appointments, even when it has nothing to bring to the attention of their physician. But as the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so be sure to consult your doctor on a regular basis to get a handle on all the issues from the start.
  • stay involved in your former career or workplace. Doris remains connected to his former employer as a representative of pensioners in the group employees Activities Association Erie Insurance. In this role, she has a say in the types of activities and employees of corporate events and pensioners can benefit.

    Today, each new employee insurance Erie gets to meet Doris. Indeed, it also gives tours of Home Office ERIE march to new employees and other special guests. (It is not uncommon to see people half his old struggle to keep pace with it during the two-hour tour.) She loves getting to know new people and see how the workplace continues to evolve.

    "Women were mostly clerks and secretaries in my day," she says. "That said, many women did do well for themselves in the underwriting department. But it was still different at the time. Now I look around and see so many women in high positions-I management believes that it is high! "

    See if your former employer has roles that you can complete on a voluntary basis or consider using your skills to fill a hole in your community. For example, former teachers make great volunteer tutors while older business men and women are valuable mentors to entrepreneurs working through a startup incubator or similar organization.

  • Work your brain. "You have to challenge your mind," said Doris, who regularly crosswords and Sudoku in addition to creating complex crocheted and knitted pieces Research shows that she has the right idea. The results suggest that .. these sorts of interesting activities to help ward off diseases of memory
  • Stay connected to the people in your life Doris has three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. whether an infant or child to maturity, Doris enjoys spending time with each of them

    and it can get more than the enjoyment of these interactions. a study shows that social ties can help improve your chances of survival by 50 percent.

boards of Doris use to enjoy a longer healthier and happy retirement. and stay tuned for more, as it is registered to say she plans to do 100!

Another important aspect of retirement is financial security. Erie Insurance has a variety of products to help you achieve a secure retirement. Talk to an Erie Insurance agent for more information.

Pool Drain Safety Tips

2:58 PM Add Comment
Pool Drain Safety Tips -
pool drain safety

The pools are a summer rite of passage for many Americans. And while most people are taking steps to prevent drowning hazards, they might not know how to prevent further injury to the pool. That's why the pool drain safety is so important.

pool drains can cause injury and worse when the body, limbs, hair, jewelry or clothing of a person is entangled with a drain.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that the pool drain entrapments caused 32 injuries and two deaths between 08 and 2012 the issue gained new awareness in 2013 when the son musician and television personality Usher almost drowned in the family swimming pool after stuck in a drain pool. As the son of Usher, most victims are children.

pool drain safety tips

Fortunately, there are simple things you can do when it comes to pool drain safety for you and keep your guests safe. They include:

  • Invest in a good drain cover In 08, Congress enacted the Baker Pool and Safety Spa Virginia Graeme that requires all public pools to US is. provided with anti-jamming drain covers. But the law does not cover private pools.

    Make sure your private pool has a good drain cover. The newer models have more vents than older. They are also high above the bottom of the pool rather than being flat against the bottom.
  • Installing a safety output vacuum system. This device automatically stops the pool pump if it detects that something is blocking the drain of the pool.
  • Keep loose items on the pool. Remove jewelry and tie back long hair before you get in the pool. Make sure you also wear swimwear that is appropriate for ample clothing pool is a risk of draining pool safety.
  • Know how to shut off the pump. Clearly the pump stop switch and make sure you know how to turn it off.
  • Keep on eye on things. People should not swim alone. And this is especially true for children, who are the most frequent victims of the pool drain tangles. Also make sure at least one adult who knows first aid is to keep an eye on everyone. Finally, encourage children to stay away from the discharge area of ​​the pool and other suction zones.
  • Have the closing of the appropriate safety equipment at hand. This includes life rings and studs reach.
  • Fencing your pool. a fence with a self-closing door self-locking will help keep children and others from swimming unattended.

If someone becomes trapped in a drain of the pool, the CPSC recommends immediately turn off the pump. Do not try to pull out town person, insert your fingers or a small object between the drain and the body of the person to break the seal, then roll them out until they are free.

Rev Up for some of the best motorcycle rallies in America

1:57 PM Add Comment
Rev Up for some of the best motorcycle rallies in America -
America's best motorcycle rallies

June is not only the beginning of the summer it is also the beginning of the season motorbike.

If you have not already done so, now is the perfect time to bring your bike from the depths of your garage.

In addition to your favorite routes, you might consider checking out some of the best motorcycle rallies in America. ERIE recently did a roundup of the best rallies motorcycle on its 12-state territory. Each offers something different and allows you to explore a new city and state. To get you revved up a list of 10 best motorcycle rallies in the US between now and September.

    1. Hogrock Rally, Cave-In-Rock, Illinois: This event for adults is held on private property in a village on the banks of the Ohio River. Top draws include games, contests, live bands and more. June 11 to 14

    2. Harley Rendezvous Classic, Pattersonville, New York: This annual three-day event attracts runners from all over the country. If you go, be sure to check the bike show and lots of offers from suppliers. June 25 to 28

    3. Roar on the Shore, Erie, Pennsylvania: Join Grand Marshal Jeesse James Dupre rock band Jackyl sponsor Erie Insurance and the only city in the lake Pennsylvania. This free event has multiple rides, live music and many events that you go out in the surrounding area. Now in its ninth year, Roar on the Shore attracts over 100,000 bikers. July 15 to 19

    4. Kentucky Sturgis Bike Rally, Sturgis, Kentucky: The main attractions of this event for adults includes tons of live music with an indoor motorcycle show, races dirt bike and dice charity race. July 16 to 19

    5. Mountainfest, Morgantown, WV: This midsummer rally boasts multiple locations, live music, bike shows, entertainment and more. July 22 to 26

    6. Wetzelland 2015, Van Wert, Ohio: Feel like a rodeo? Or how a poker run? This event for adults offers live bands, a motorcycle show and more. July 23 to 26

    7. 6 Annual Hog Daze, Marion, Indiana: Before "hog" came to be associated with large motorcycles, Harley first round victory Marion International Motorcycle race was taken with a live pig. This event celebrates the story yet, and more groups and featuring a special round. August 14 to 16

    8. Rally Milwaukee, Wisconsin: The largest free motorcycle rally in the Midwest work for five days in a row across multiple sites. Expect lots of great entertainment, street parties and walks. And do not forget to stop in the Museum Harley-Davidson! September 3 to 7

    9. Bull City Rumble, Durham, NC: This world famous vintage motorcycle and scooter rally is now in its 11th year. As in past years, it will include a bike show, live entertainment, food and more. 4 to 5 September

    10. Motorcycle Rally Lynchburg, Lynchburg, Tennessee: There is plenty to do in the two-day event, including a huge outdoor exhibition show bike , scheduled walks, neon light show and much more. September 11 to 12

You can not do it at a rally this year? Then put in mind your bike to work day June 15

Finally, do not forget to insure your bike. Like your home or your car, your bike is a valuable asset that needs good protection. Erie a local insurance agent in your community can advise you on the right coverage and give you a free quote.

Car thefts with keys inside Left upward

12:56 PM Add Comment
Car thefts with keys inside Left upward -
car thefts with keys left inside

It seems as obvious: Take your keys with you when you leave your car [

However, a report from the National Insurance crime Bureau (NICB) reports that there were 126.603 car theft with the keys left inside between 2012 and 2014.

and while flights vehicles overall decrease, car thefts with keys left inside increases

the research revealed some interesting information about where and when the car theft with the keys left inside were the most common :.

  • The five states for car theft with the keys left inside during this reporting period are California (19,597), Texas (8796), Florida (7868), Michigan (7726) and Ohio (7452).
  • The five core based statistical areas were Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, Nevada (6185), Detroit / Warren / Dearborn, Michigan (4882), Atlanta / Sandy Springs / Roswell, Georgia (3234), Philadelphia / Camden, New Jersey / Wilmington, Delaware / Maryland (3141) and New York / Newark / Jersey City (2917).
  • Saturday was the most common day for car theft with the keys left inside (19147) followed Friday (18.719) and Monday (18647).

car theft with the keys left inside are especially unhappy because they should not happen. With so many advanced anti-theft technology for the car there, leaving your keys in the car is probably the only open invitation there for car thieves.

Whether you make a quick dash inside your home or looking to warm your car a chilly morning, the lesson is clear: Never leave your keys in your car.

Coming soon: Emoji

11:55 AM Add Comment
Coming soon: Emoji - passwords
emoji passwords

never get a text message punctuated with a smiling face with eyes and heart shaped afist bump and wonder what happened to the good ol grin shaped side? :-)

Welcome to the new era of emoji, the official term for the cartoonish icons used to convey emotions, objects or events in the messaging applications and social media. (There are 722 emoji in all, for those of you keeping score.)

They may seem a little silly. But do not overlook emoji as a fad among teenagers texting. This month, bank service provider British online Intelligent Environmentsannounced that users can connect to their new banking application using four emoji characters instead of traditional digital pins or text passwords

That is true:. Instead of the birthday of your brother or the last four digits of your childhood street address, you can now set your PIN for heart / incandescent star / monkey / smiling face.

you may wonder why you use emoji passwords instead of numbers. Intelligent Environments is a very good deal for her:

  • Emoji passwords are more secure. More combinations are available as traditional four-digit passcodes.
  • Emoji passwords are easier to remember. Research shows that humans can remember pictures better than words.
  • emoji passwords are less hackable. with a password emoji, fraudsters can not attempt to connect to your account with numerical passcodes common and easy to obtain, as a birthday or anniversary.

Could emoji passwords are the passwords of the future? At a time when 64 percent of millennials admit they regularly communicate using only lowercase cartoons, concept worth considering. Read more in Article Source

Moreover :. (! And fun) If you are wondering how to start using emoji on your Apple or Android device, it is simple to start. Check out this handy guide to install the emoji keyboard.

Regardless of how high you set your passwords, identity theft can happen to anyone. Do you identify with protecting the recovery of insurance coverage that helps restore your reputation if someone steals your personal information. Talk to a professional as an Erie Insurance agent to learn more about this important coverage (and affordable).

Preventing Dorm Theft

9:53 PM Add Comment
Preventing Dorm Theft -
dorm theft

Dorms are a new home, and many new students feel safe. No one will ever steal your stuff ... right?

Think again. This is the exact attitude that campus thieves prey on. worst enemy of a residential dormitory student is an attitude, "it will not happen to me." Most colleges make student safety a top priority. However, students must do their part, too.

having been a resident assistant for the past year, I can say I've seen it all. the students share the key, leaving the doors open when gone for long periods of time, leaving valuables in open areas ... the list goes on. young people tend to be very confident, and it works against them.

What can you do?

Here are six tips to reduce the risk of dormitory theft.

  • Close that door. the "policy of the open door" is a great way to meet new friends. But the door should not be open when you are not there. Even a brisk walk to the bathroom leave much time for a thief to take what they can.
  • Lock it up. Investing in a safe to protect important things. There are so many different safes, one for your laptop, tablet, money, valuables ... basically anything. Learn more about these types of products in the dorm supplies sites such as
  • Keep valuables out of sight. You'd be surprised how many students keep jewelry or money sitting in their office with the door open. Always something of value out of sight and locked away.
  • Be aware. If you notice someone or something strange in your dorm, report it immediately. It is very easy for a strange person to have access to a dormitory, which is why everyone needs to be on the lookout.
  • Keep your keys for you. Do not give your key card or person ID password. If someone needs to go into your room, ask them to wait until you are able to go with them. A person is capable of a crime, even your so-called friend.
  • Tell a ERIE agent. Most students who bring university valuables are able to policyholders under the parent policy. Contact an Erie Insurance agent to investigate this possibility.

In the last post, learn what to do if you suspect roommate theft.