How to Keep Pets Safe in Cars

12:31 PM
How to Keep Pets Safe in Cars -
dog in car

The safety of your pet depends on you. So how can you ensure that your buddies fours are safe and comfortable during car rides, especially more road trips?

It is important to plan ahead regarding how to keep animals safely in cars. The first order of business is to ensure that your pet has a safety harness.

protection Pet harness

Security experts at the Center for Pet Safety, a research and. defense organization based in Reston, Virginia, recommends that pet parents to invest in a quality crash test harness that protects pets and passengers in the event of accidents

" pet travel harness exist in two forms :. those who avoid distraction and those that provide real protection for the accident, "said Lindsey Wolko, founder and CEO of the Center for pet safety." It is important to choose wisely. "

While many car manufacturers retaining pet pretend test their products, there are no standards or design guidelines for safety harness. Recognizing animal safety risks in cars, Pet Centre for Security team with Subaru of America Inc. and MGA Research Corporation to conduct crash tests on pet safety harnesses. MGA is a leader in safety testing equipment and conducts car safety tests for the National Security Administration of the road.

The recent pet harness study found flaws in most restraints animals commonly sold. The Sleepypod Clickit Utility Harness is the only brand that has prevented a dog to run out of a seat for each of the three test harness sizes.

The Pet Safety Center also warns against the use of long extension of fasteners and zipline style produced during travel. "Harnesses that could allow the animal to get into the cabin of a vehicle is dangerous not only for pets, but also for the safety of persons in the car," said Wolko.

Pre- pet travel tips

Here are some additional tips to help keep pets safe in cars:

  • always rein in your dog during car travel Allow. pets stick their heads in a car window is dangerous for many reasons. "While your dog may seem to enjoy his ears flapping in wind, road debris could get in his eyes, nose or mouth and cause serious injury, "said Wolko.
  • Be careful with pet carriers. If you use a hard or soft carrier for your dog or cat, remember that the safest place for them is in the back seat foot well. Do not let your pet ride on your lap or on the front seat. "You never want to use the front seat for your pet or to complete the pet carrier with a safety belt," says Wolko. "In an accident, the seat airbag could kill your pet company, and the safety belt could crush the carrier. "
  • Pack a pet kit. Be sure to pack extra food, treats, toys, collars , leashes and water. water content going from city to city, so bring water in bottles or bottle of home tap to avoid digestive problems. You must also provide medical records, medications and identification, including photos of you with your pet.
  • leave your pet unattended in a car ever. There is a health risk to leave your pet in the car, especially in hot weather. Heat stroke can be fatal and can occur within minutes. It is also an invitation for thieves, even if you are away for just a moment. The American Kennel Club® dogs flights, including incidents of pets being snatched from parked cars, are on the rise.
  • Knowing how to find a qualified vet near your destination. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation or go to, which provides postal code search American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited clinics.

"Your pets depend on you to ensure their safe arrival," said Wolko. "Do not let them down."

Erie Insurance can also help to protect the members of your furry family with cover pet damage is automatically included in automobile policies ERIE *. It covers up to two dogs and / or cats that are injured in your vehicle at the time of an accident. Contact a Erie Insurance Agent in your community to learn more.

* Not available in North Carolina.

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