(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: The Phone Call You never want to get

12:20 PM
(Bitter) Sweet 16 Series: The Phone Call You never want to get -

The words you want to hear when you receive a phone call: "Mom we were in an accident. "My heart sank. I felt instantly sick to my stomach. I panicked.

It was a Sunday night, and my daughter, Maddi, not driving. But she was in the passenger seat of a car with two friends. the driver did not see a stop sign and the car was T-boned. He turned and went down a hill in a small yard and struck the side of a house. the cushions airbags deployed, it had hit a bit and his knee was badly bruised and swollen.

Fortunately, miraculously no one was seriously injured. both cars were totaled, but it could have been much worse. I say she definitely had a guardian angel with her that night because his face was not a single mark of the airbag.

I feel for any parent who receives 'dreaded call and arrived on the scene of the accident to see flashing lights, twisted pieces of metal and broken glass on the road, big trucks towing away broken cars. It is overwhelming. The only reason I'm pretty calm because I knew she was okay because she called me herself.

The scene of the accident

The accident was only two blocks from our house, so I got there quickly. Seeing the damage and the children so shaken was scary. The driver apologized profusely. The three children realized how truly lucky they are. I can not even imagine to attend a scene of the accident and the loss of a child (or anyone else for that matter).

After graduating extracted with ER (just to make sure she did not have a concussion or that there were no serious knee injury), we got the green light from doctors and headed home. It was late. Maddi was afraid - I mean really scared. I think in that moment she understood why he is terrifying for parents to leave their children in the car or even get in the car with another young driver. Accidents happen in a split second. As parents, we can not protect them 24/7, and it's disturbing. But as I said in my previous blog, we can not put them in a bubble.


My daughter had no interest in driving for a couple of weeks after the accident, but eventually she came up on the horse. She continues to practice in order to take the test driver's license.

The silver lining in all this (if any)? It was a good lesson for all children to learn. He showed them the importance of seat belts, and he hammered the thing we adults continue to say, "You must be careful to 100 percent of the time when you're behind the wheel"

stay safe out there, kids.

Read the next installment of this series regular.

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