How to recycle your Christmas tree

4:36 PM
How to recycle your Christmas tree -
recycle christmas tree

If you enjoyed a real tree throughout the holiday season, you might now be wondering how to recycle your Christmas tree .

If you're like most people, you just have your tree after the holidays. Most cities have special collection schedules, so be sure to check that your city offers. Another option is to see if your area has a recycling center that accepts Christmas trees. Some scout troops, even picking up trees for a small fee.

Other ways to recycle your Christmas tree

Trashing your tree is not the only option. You may not realize it, but your tree can continue giving long after the holiday season. Here are some ways you can recycle your Christmas tree into something new and useful.

  • Making mulch. Remove the branches and use a shredder to cut them to size. Voila, you now have the mulch for your garden.
  • Make it a fish feeder. You have a pond nearby? If so, Christmas trees sunken provide shelter and a feeding area for fish
  • mode in a number -. Bird feeder costs. Just throw the trees in your garden will create a haven for birds. To attract feathered friends, place the orange slices or string popcorn around the tree.
  • help create safe paths or erosion barriers . Some communities use mangled trees as a natural lining the footpaths. Others place Christmas trees around the beaches to help prevent sand and soil erosion. Whether organizations in your community can recycle your Christmas tree for a good purpose.
  • Replant it . Do you opt for a rooted tree? If so, you can simply replant the tree and enjoy for years to come.
  • Create some trades. In search of new coasters and trivets? If so, simply cut slabs of the trunk, sand and apply a coat of polyurethane to keep surfaces without sap.
  • Use it for outdoor firewood. trees Christmas do not firewood, but inside safe, you can lay the branches in an outdoor fireplace. They are quick to ignite, so use them to get a fire started.

Whatever you decide to do, do not let your tree for more than five weeks. That's when they start to seriously dry out and dry trees are a fire hazard.

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