Abolish the biggest myths loss

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Abolish the biggest myths loss -
A sign points the way toward avoiding claims myths.

The filing of an insurance claim not any top the list of favorite activities. That said, it is usually a much easier process than most people think.

To help relieve worries you may have, we debunking the most common claims myths- and sharing information on how Erie Insurance in particular is there in your time of need.

claims myth # 1: My accident not want to help me.

Your sinister Erie Insurance really wants to help you navigate the process. You can rely on your expert to review your coverage, answer your questions, review your request and to keep you informed every step of the way.

If you've been in a car accident, your expert will discuss your vehicle repair options with you. Some suggestions might include repair facilities that are part of the Direct Repair Program ERIE, which include stores and authorized dealers ERIE by independent car repair. Your expert could also refer to a car rental company (if your policy covers).

"We can send adjusters and appraisers in the field to monitor your home or car damage," said Kristy Musselman, vice president and director of claims, the Indiana Department. "Unlike many other insurers, most of the time, insurance adjusters are ERIE employees who live in your area."

claims myth # 2: once I file my application, I must not do anything else.

It is important to cooperate with the adjuster to ensure that your application is processed quickly and accurately. This could mean the preservation of evidence, provide received or the location of medical records if you were injured.

If you report your claim to an Erie insurance agent, expect a call from a disaster ERIE. "Sometimes we need information followed in order to process your request, "said Christine Tipton, a supervisor claims inside to REA. "If you do not call us back, it only delays the process"

myth claims # 3. It always will regulate my request

. Although the processing time depends on the circumstances surrounding your request, most requests have fast resolutions. This is especially true if your application is not a great loss. for example, a self application involving a collision will generally . faster processing a claim involving three cars and an uninsured driver the same goes for home insurance claims: if there is fire damage, this demand is likely to take longer than if a branch of tree damage your fence

claims myth # 4. I'll let myself fall if I file a claim

This does not just steal the majority. time for ERIE. "Less than one percent of ERIE policies are canceled after an application is filed," said Dave Freeman, Vice President, Personal Lines Underwriting at REA.

However, there are factors that can lead to the cancellation. They include being involved in multiple-fault auto accidents in a short time; receiving several tickets for speeding or driving while impaired citation; and incur damage to the house caused by negligence, as serving alcohol to minors at a house party.

How long have you been a client is also important. If it is your first application in 30 years, which is less disturbing than filing a claim in the first day of your policy. "We do not paint people with a broad brush," says Freeman. "We look at each case on the basis of its own merits"

myth claims # 5. It is normal if my entrepreneur tries to handle my request.

wary if a contractor knocks on your door, highlights the damage to the house and you said it will process your application. These types of entrepreneurs appear usually after storms and are often bad news. Many of these "storm chasers" are not allowed in public settings, so they may not know what they do. others may try to rip you off .

"entrepreneurs are not familiar with your policy and how it covers your loss," Musselman said. "it is always best to first contact ERIE if your home is damaged."

claims myth # 6: Since I pay premiums all these years, it is normal to exaggerate my loss to get some extra money.

Many people do not realize that padding a claim can be considered a form of insurance fraud. Do not inflate your request to fatten your refund in most states, insurance fraud is a crime.

ERIE invests in training adjusters to provide excellent service. For more information on the cover of ERIE, contact an Erie Insurance agent in your community.

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