Vinyl Siding is melting in your home?

6:12 PM Add Comment
Vinyl Siding is melting in your home? -

This is the Renaissance member agency client Alliance Wolpert Insurance
So ... your vinyl siding is melting but the neighbor's house is on fire. What is the problem? Tech Talk MAIA, author Irene Morrill, Vice President of Technical Affairs, discussed a "claim for interesting property" involving vinyl siding in November 2010. Unfortunately, these allegations have been reported here in Worcester, as well as other nearby and also cities in the country
so, as you're looking at the side of your house, scratch your head and wonder what happened, here are some things to consider.
of new energy-efficient windows in your neighbor; ideal to keep their energy costs down, not so much to keep your vinyl siding up Although these windows meet the requirements of the building code


"these windows can also deform inward and act like a magnifying glass, focusing too much heat on the neighboring houses or business buildings."

heat which is caused by these windows can reach temperatures above 0 degrees Fahrenheit, causing the siding to melt. Glass 'Low E' reflects 70% of the sun's heat, which can easily melt the vinyl siding when the distance between houses / buildings is 15 to 20 feet.
Another cause of the melting of the vinyl siding can be neighbors roof when the heat of the dark roofs re-radiate, deforming path adjacent avoidance.

energy from the sun hits the roof and the heat is re-radiated and absorbed by the siding, causing it to deform. This can happen when you have a slope, dark-colored roof that crosses a vertical wall near a window. Indeed, the building could itself or a local near neighbors melting

Other variables that can contribute to distort the coating :.

  • time outdoors and the wind speed
  • near other sources of heat or ac compressors
  • color and solar absorption route of avoidance (dark colors absorb more heat)
  • angle of the sun and the glass orientation to the siding

Unfortunately, if your home / insurance companies is a "political peril named", such cases would not be covered.
If you have vinyl siding and are curious about other insurance options available to you, please contact Wolpert or local office Renaissance insurance
Photo courtesy of Irene Morrill and Tech Talk, 2010
Related :.
double glazed windows can melt more than vinyl siding

Safety Tips Schoolbus

5:11 PM Add Comment
Safety Tips Schoolbus -

This short video provides some tips from the Insurance Information Institute safety of school buses. They note that, "There is a blind spot around the bus, and unfortunately children think that if they can see the school bus, the bus driver can see them."
They suggest that parents should teach children the safety rules:

  • Get to the bus stop 5 minutes early
  • Stand on the same side of the street, as the door
  • Hold 6 feet from the door.

Brrr ... are you ready for the cold if your car has failed?

3:09 PM Add Comment
Brrr ... are you ready for the cold if your car has failed? -

New England knows the kind of time that is hard to car batteries. Are you well prepared for emergencies when you're on the road? In that time, being stuck on a highway for 20 or 30 minutes waiting for emergency help to arrive can be a constraint. Being stuck on a remote road late at night can be a nightmare time and life threatening in freezing weather.
Keep your car maintained the number one rule, but it is also a good idea to keep a winter car survival kit in your car for the season because you never know. Emergencies by their very nature, take us by surprise. The state of Wisconsin, which has its share of cold and remote routes, offers a good sheet of a page on How to make a winter survival kit car - it is one of the best we have seen . They also offer a video version -. Below

Celebrate the first International Day of happiness

2:08 PM Add Comment
Celebrate the first International Day of happiness -

Sorry, we do not give you more attention, but it only come to our attention that today is March 20 international Day of happiness. Coincidentally, it is also the first day of spring, so there is a good reason to be happy there. Normally Spring begins March 31, but Joe Rao why Spring is early this year.
Going back to happiness, an article in the International Herald Tribune tells us that the small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan began the concept of "day of happiness". The people of Bhutan are so the idea of ​​happiness they think that prosperity and progress must be measured by measuring the levels of happiness of its citizens rather than the typical gauge for measuring GDP.
They are something. Happy people not only enjoy life, they have more of it: link happiness studies to health and longevity
Even if you have spent the first half of the International Day of Happiness in a foul mood and bad mood, there is still much of the. day and night, left to change gears. To start, we have provided background music below and we point out the wonderful site called ZooBorns. Watching 15 minutes of adorable baby animals should do the trick. In fact, we suggest a routine dose of cuteness of animals as a good stress reducer daily
This is another suggestion :. Make a random act of kindness at this time. This will double the happiness quotient. If you are on the East Coast, you have 8 or more hours of happiness potential. Being a good citizen of the world - start

A scammer you should listen

1:07 PM Add Comment
A scammer you should listen -

It has been called the biggest crook in the world. Leonardo DiCaprio played him in the 02 film Catch Me If You Can - based on its drawbacks successfully while posing as a Pan Am pilot, a doctor in Georgia, and a prosecutor of the parish in Louisiana. And it could well be one of the best people to listen when it comes to protecting your identity.

Today Frank Abagnale is one of the most respected authorities in the world on the subjects of forgery, embezzlement and secure documents. He consults with the FBI and with governments, companies and financial institutions around the world for over 35 years.
We have spotted a recent article The Guardian on how Facebook users risk identity theft Frank offers some safety tips - its worth reading. His greatest message is do not expect social media companies to protect your identity - its your responsibility to stay safe. Some of his tips:

"If you tell me your date of birth and where you were born [on Facebook] I'm 98% [of the way] to steal your identity," he said. "Do never give your date of birth and where you were born [on personal profiles], if you say "come steal my identity." "


He also advised Facebook never choose a picture of as Photo style identity, and instead of using group photos.

Click on the link to read the full article and see video interview. It is worth listening to!

How much is a mother

12:06 PM Add Comment
How much is a mother -

We all know that the real answer is "incalculable" - but in economic terms austere, if you hire a mom, you would need to pay about $ 113,568 . There is a little overtime included in this number -. average mom works about 94 hours per week was monitoring how much money moms worth since 08 and they have lots of interesting data, slideshows and graphics -. including a calculator for you to calculate the value of your own mom
Regardless of dollars and cents, we think that Mom is underpaid worker. Do not forget to call or visit him this weekend!

New England summer box tools - road trips and local treasures

11:05 AM Add Comment
New England summer box tools - road trips and local treasures -

Why not stay home this summer and enjoy all the treasures that New England have to offer? We've compiled some tips and tools to help you on your way.

First, before hitting the road, make friends and gas to get the best gas prices. And make sure your car is in top form. Consumer Reports offers an excellent guide to summer road trip with tips for family travel, maintenance and vehicle preparation, fuel economy, travel gear, safety and more

Here are some ideas of where to go:

Find Beaches New England, whale watching and great cycle routes - all these and many more ideas to Discover New England

Yankee Magazine is. a local favorite with lots of information and ideas for travel and local events. Eat healthy, eat local markets by finding the best New England Farmers - match your vegetables with seafood - here are the 5 best tips for cooking lobster at home. On the road, check some benchmarks "only in New England" - or just explore the best of New England with Choice Awards 2013 Editor

If you want to leave the car behind and go foot check. hike on New England to explore more than 0 trails reports for detailed guides that include a description of the hike, distances trails, difficulty rating, and the road; often photos or trail maps are also provided. offers 25 things to do under $ 25 and many other ideas Explore New England.

If your travels include your pet, consult friendly animal housing New England. The Boston Globe recently revealed a company of choice friendly choices in New England. More travel with pets

Have fun and safe ramblings -.! And do not forget to charge the phone number of your insurance agent in your mobile phone, just in case

Apps that could help save your life in case of emergency

10:04 PM Add Comment
Apps that could help save your life in case of emergency -

If you had to evacuate your home in the next hour or two, you know what? An hour or two gives you a bit of an edge -. Often people caught in emergencies have less time to prepare than September is National Preparedness Month - in the month, we will offer you some suggestions to prepare for the unexpected. Today we will highlight some applications that could help you in an emergency.

Smartphone with cloud of icons

The application FEMA (smartphone application for mobile devices) contains safety tips disaster, an emergency kit list interactive, location information for emergency meeting, and a card with open shelters and open disaster FEMA recovery centers (DRC). Disaster Reporter feature also allows you to take photos and submit GPS relations disaster so they can be displayed on a public map for others to see.

The Insurance Information Institute some applications that will help you prepare, too. Know your plan offers preloaded checklists for information on mitigation and preparedness milestones, or create your own lists from scratch. You can set due dates, track your progress, and include notes with your tasks, and share your lists with family and friends. Organize now so you can be prepared for what may come. III Know Your Stuff also offers an application of home inventory that allows you to keep the piecemeal list and keep pictures of your property.

Red Cross has a great following emergency free apps. These include applications for disasters related to weather such as tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and forest fires, with state by state news, tips, and more. They also have applications for first aid and shelter to find in an emergency.

Pocket First Aid & CPR American Heart Association offers instructions for first aid and CPR quick, concise and clear a smartphone user that can help a user save a life in case of emergency. This is the same application that helped save a life in Haiti after the earthquake of 2010. Read the incredible story of Dan Woolley, who survived 65 hours under rubble using this application

Could You Pass households 10 Minute Challenge?

9:03 PM Add Comment
Could You Pass households 10 Minute Challenge? -

If you heard knocking on the door, telling you that you had 10 minutes to evacuate your home, would you know what to do, what to take? Ten minutes is not much time to reflect and gather all the essentials you might need - but many people are faced with this unexpected scenario due to floods, fires or other emergency scenario. Sometimes people have less than ten minutes to respond.

In a recent post, we talked about how to build an emergency kit, but we spied this quick video on Twitter to challenge thought we would share. How your family fare?

YOLO insurance and approach to life

8:02 PM Add Comment
YOLO insurance and approach to life -

It's Friday of a holiday weekend, so we offer a bit of fun. Some people have a YOLO philosophy and approach to life, but we in the insurance industry would not advise unnecessary risks just for fun - some things in life are really dangerous, and it is not always what you might think. This video YOLO featuring Adam Levine Kendrick Lamar and say is better than we ever could. But if this does not deter you from YOLO approach to life, here is our advice: Make sure your life insurance policy is up to date


Puffback: Avoid the nightmare of the owners

7:01 PM Add Comment
Puffback: Avoid the nightmare of the owners -

If you have not heard this term before being pardoned - but you have an oil furnace, boiler or water heater you may want to instruct you sooner rather than later. Just a hint: if your Google search turns a cute little bird, it's not the kind of cubla you should worry about. Here are the basics: Puff Back: What it is and how to prevent

Puffback is a flashback of the furnace discharge thick, sticky, stinking of soot in every crevice of your home .. Try to remove that nasty residue on your own is frustrating and inefficient - there is no easy solution. natural cleaning products do not spread the damage. Puffback damage requires professional removal process and restoration similar to the type used after fires -. New England ARS restoration specialists talk about the laborious process for addressing cubla and other soot and smoke damage

If you have the misfortune to experience cubla, call your insurance agent while on to start an application and get a referral to a specialist reputable restoration in your area. This will depend on your course insurance policy, but it is likely that your homeowners will cover part or all of the damage. But the bottom line is this: cubla is preventable, so do not let it happen in the first place. Ask for oil heating appliances serviced regularly!

More information

What is a Puffback? -. A blog post by a member of the Gordon Alliance Insurance neighborhood Renaissance

What is Puff Back? (PDF) - a detailed and useful article

2013 Remembered

6:00 PM Add Comment
2013 Remembered -

Today, we ring the old year and ring in the new. Thank you for visiting us this year and we look forward to bringing you more insurance information and advice in the new year! But for now, here's a summary of some of the highlights of 2013.

What the world wanted in 2013: Google maps

2013 year on Twitter

Time: Top 10 While 2013

New York Times: The year in pictures

CNN: The year in pictures

Time: The Year in Pictures 365

! Crowboarding: This snow is for the birds

4:59 PM Add Comment
! Crowboarding: This snow is for the birds -

This crow knows how to deal with the snow - he is having a blast "raven" boarding a roof. Crows and ravens really enjoy the snow. - "Snow Bains" they like to take

While we humans can also enjoy the snow, first and foremost, we must take care of business. Here are some resources to help you cope.

Sharing the road with snow plows. - Common sense tips for safe driving near plows and heavy equipment
Brrr ... are you ready for the cold if your car is stranded - If you do driving in the storm, here are some tips on what to keep in your car emergency kit
snow shoveling snow removal and security. - basic tips to help you avoid problems shoveling
Are you ready for snowy, icy roads Sharpen your winter driving skills - a fun way to hone your skills season and maybe even learn something new
Dealing with ice dams and other winter weather hazards -. Tips if you have ice dams or storm poster snow overload problems

Time Capsule: New England Blizzard 1978

3:58 PM Add Comment
Time Capsule: New England Blizzard 1978 -

Today is the 36th anniversary of the Blizzard of 1978! Well, actually three days can claim the title of the anniversary because the blizzard lasted from 5 to 7. It is always the storm against which all other storms are measured. We tracked down some videos and links that offer a look back to the 40+ crowd or a new view interesting to those too young to remember.

The clips also offer quite the time capsule!

Here are some additional features:

Great Blizzard of '78 photo gallery with photos of different locations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire - and a gallery of famous 128 caroms and newspaper pages before then.

A special report

personal memories of the snowstorm

meteorology behind the blizzard of 1978

Where do you get insurance for rabbit attacks?

2:57 PM Add Comment
Where do you get insurance for rabbit attacks? -

We thought it would be just perfect for a blog post Friday afternoon.

If you're curious why all these rabbits, you can learn the history of Animal Planets Okunoshima on a small Japanese island also known There are more than 0 wild rabbits in environment free of predators "Rabbit Island." - But they are acclimated to humans. There are more pictures of rabbits and a back story on how they got to the island.

If you plan to visit the island Okunoshima, you can check your travel insurance to see if it has a "rabbit rider" to cover you in case of rabbit attacks.

Take This Quick Quiz financial literacy and to see how you compare

1:56 PM Add Comment
Take This Quick Quiz financial literacy and to see how you compare -


How savvy are you the money? Think you can beat the national average? Take the fast 5 issue Quiz financial literacy - and check back to see how you compare to the national average or persons who took the quiz in your state. Here is how people across the country are doing:

Financial Literacy Quiz

And the average number of correct answers at the national and New England states:

  • 2.88
  • 2.0 CT
  • 3.01 MA
  • 3.01 ME
  • NH 3.12
  • 2.83 RI
  • 3.01 VT

See the conclusions of the National Financial Capability 2012 report of the study by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation in four key areas: Making Ends Meet Planning Ahead, management of financial products; and financial knowledge and decision making.

Here are some great free tools to learn more about managing money.

Making the most of your money starts with five building blocks for managing and growing your money. MyMoney.Gov provides tools and information on the five key areas of money management: gains; Saving & Investing; Protect; expenses; and loans.

360 degrees of financial literacy
A free program by certified public accountants of the nation to help Americans understand their personal finances through all stages of life.

Ensure U
Impartial insurance information for consumers sponsored by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Information is organized by life stage and cover lines :. Auto insurance, home insurance, health insurance and life insurance

The water in the basement :? What does the insurance cover

12:55 PM Add Comment
The water in the basement :? What does the insurance cover -


With the heavy rains of the weekend. we noticed an increase in site visitors seeking insurance information of damage caused by water in cellars and basements. If you have had problems with water from the recent rains, check out our previous post covers Does homeowners insurance from a flooded basement? The post includes a brief overview, a video about water damage and some useful links

See also Flood Insurance :. Are you covered? of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS).

If you have serious damage, you can seek help from a professional catering service. For do-it-yourself crowd, see Drying out a wet basement and How :. Dry a wet basement

For National Bike Month, here's the scoop on

10:53 PM Add Comment
For National Bike Month, here's the scoop on - Insurance

NBM 2014 May is National Bike Month, time to get the bike from the garage if you have not already. This year, consider participating in the National Bike Challenge - a great way to connect to other bike-friendly - and curious bike - people in your community and across the country. Join the challenge at any time as an individual or a team. The challenge runs from May 1 to September 30, 2014.

Like any other valuable asset, you must think about protection. The Insurance Information Institute has a short video on the cover basic insurance for your bikes.

"Bicycles are covered by Section personal property standard homeowners and tenants insurance policies. This coverage you pay less your deductible, if your bike is stolen or damaged in a fire, hurricane or other disaster listed in your policy. "

for most casual cyclists, this coverage will probably be enough. professional and amateur motorcycle enthusiasts with high-end bikes may want to add coverage: bike insurance: A rider may want a rider. There are also specialty insurance programs available in some states. If you have any needs or concerns, we recommend a conversation one-on-one with your independent agent to determine whether your current coverage is right for your needs or whether you should have additional coverage.

The Insurance Information Institute also has tips on bicycle safety, including tips to lock and secure your bicycle and observing basic safety when driving. They also suggest looking into the entry in the National Bike Registry.

Boston Strong: Hope & Resiliency A year later

11:54 AM Add Comment
Boston Strong: Hope & Resiliency A year later -
Portrait of Heather Abbott by @dearworld

Portrait of Heather Abbott by @dearworld

On this point, the one year anniversary of the bombing of the Boston marathon, we revisit some of the lives that have been touched by the terrible events of that day and bring you inspiring stories of strength and resilience.

First, we note with pride that Renaissance Alliance Agency chief, Jeff Helm will run the Boston Marathon for the Emergency Response Fund Marathon Team Mass General. He and his teammates, many of whom were caregivers tragic bombing last year, are raising funds to support disaster preparedness training throughout the city and state. You can donate to this great cause to the team MGH Emergency Response Fund. You can also read recovery stories and donate to the One Fund Boston or to donate blood in honor of the anniversary of the Boston Marathon.

Here are some stories of some of the people who have been profoundly affected by the events last year. These are stories of courage, hope and community

DEAR WORLD :. Boston Marathon is a very moving tribute Photo survivors and responders returning to the finish line. See the short video below. We opened this post with Heather Abbott portrait of this series. She chose the message "Less Leg, More Heart" and explains why:

"... since I lost my leg in the Boston Marathon, I became what the world views and certainly America considers a person handicap. And this is a very new concept for me after being a healthy woman in her thirties before the marathon. I have a new appreciation for people who are considered disabled and a new compassion for them and the struggles they go through. I think the experience of losing my leg made me become more compassionate, so I can have less of a leg, but I think my heart is bigger because of it. "

Marathon Survivor Bombing Loses Limbs But a new life

Survive the finish line

to Richard family, loss and love

Amidst the chaos near the finish line, bond was forged

for a list of support resources and information about coping with PTSD, see Boston Marathon resources anniversary. in addition, residents and first responders are advised that now and again on the day of the race Monday, free advice will be available for residents. consultation sessions, which will be operated by trained mental health clinicians, are available at the Boston public Library Tuesday the anniversary marathon bombings, and Our Lady of Victories Church in Copley Square on April 22. in addition, the board will be available via the phone line mayor of Health.

Hug a First Responder today
last year, three people died and 16 lost limbs. Total deaths could have been much worse if it were not the courage and bravery of the first responders, including many still grappling with the events: First responders still plagued by the horror of Marathon. While the first human reaction to danger is to run away, our first responders run toward it to save lives. Nothing illustrated the difference they make as their bravery in the bombing of Boston. Hug a first speaker today!

The Science Behind Traffic Jams - Infographic

8:51 PM Add Comment
The Science Behind Traffic Jams - Infographic -

Two towns in New England to the list of top 10 most traffic congested cities in North America - Bridgeport at No. 7 and No. 10 in Boston. But even if you are not in commuter traffic, delays may occur: You navigate along the highway when you hit a big traffic jam. A few minutes later he disappears and there is no apparent view that the reason why it happened. This infographic sheds light on some of the most common theories about why this happens. (Click for larger image)

The Science Behind Traffic Jams

Discover other visual like this the largest community of design information of web -. Visually

Forecast summer crime: risk of burglaries, assaults high

7:50 PM Add Comment
Forecast summer crime: risk of burglaries, assaults high -


was perhaps a time to relax, but do not let your guard down when it comes to crime. According to a study of crime patterns season that was recently released by the Federal Bureau of Statistics, most types of crime are more likely to occur in the summer. See Burglaries in summer school in the fall Assault

  • Your home is much more likely to be divided into summer -. Burglary is 11% more common in summer and winter - which is more seasonal. variation than any other single type of crime
  • You are more likely to be victims of violent crime in the summer - "serious violence was significantly higher during the summer than during winter, spring and autumn "

However, as Vox article reminds us that assaults, rapes and assaults -. all crimes, really -. can occur in any season

the law enforcement experts and loss of control offer some tips:

Security-A Personal Home, On the street, while traveling - Posted by the Bureau of diplomatic security

crime prevention for homeowners - councils in the warmer months

keep your home safe holiday: 9 essential tips

Lonely Planet - the best advice for safe travel

prevention Tips LAPD crime - advice sheets on a variety of scenarios

Related prior posts on this blog:

going on vacation? 5 steps to secure your home while you are away

Remember cyber security during your holiday

Holiday rentals and homeowners insurance

Curious Critters Klepto Steal Cameras: coverage insurance does this?

First of all, stay safe. Things are just things and can be replaced - more, the right insurance coverage can help mitigate the loss of property. Your personal safety is what is important!

Be Prepared: Free download of the Red Cross Tornado App

5:48 PM Add Comment
Be Prepared: Free download of the Red Cross Tornado App -

tonado-app Here in New England, tornadoes are not the norm - but we have events like we have seen this week Revere and several other observations. There were 162 tornadoes in Massachusetts alone since 1950, according to the National Weather Service - has a roundup of tornadoes Massachusetts Past. Springfield is still recovering from June 1, 2011 tornado, three of which were killed. And the crowd older among us can recall the horrible tornado in Worcester in 1953, which killed 93. Wikipedia has an historical overview of tornadoes in New England

With the rarity of events, tornadoes not the fame of mind for people when bad weather threatens. Get the free app Red Cross Tornado have everything you need to know to prepare for a tornado in the palm of your hand. To download:. Text "GETNADO" to 0999 or search "Red Cross Tornado" in the Apple App Store or Google Play

Some of the features of the application include:

  • Step- -Step by instructions to help you know what to do even if the cell towers and TVs are falling. Priority actions before, during, and after requires no mobile connectivity.
  • siren sound will automatically even if the application is closed when NOAA issues a TORNADO WARNING help reduce the risk of sleep through a formal real guard.
  • Push notification sent when WARNING expires -. especially important if a power failure occurs while you or your family are in your safe
  • info on how to assemble an emergency kit for your family in case of power outage or evacuation and how to make an emergency plan.
  • info on the difference between a tornado warning and a tornado warning.
  • Red Cross based on the location of open shelters card when you need the most.
  • Learn to deal with food and water affected by floods and power outages.
  • Let others know where you are with the strobe light functions, flashlight and audible alert of the Toolbox.

Congratulations to RI children and their impressive coach for a great life lesson

4:47 PM Add Comment
Congratulations to RI children and their impressive coach for a great life lesson -

The nation was riveted by the spectacle of Little League pitching phenomena Mo'ne Davis last week - quite the sports story indeed. But while all eyes are on Ms. Davis, here in New England, we had our own reason to be proud.

Congratulations to the children of Cumberland American Little League of Rhode Island who represented New England so well in the recent Little League World Series. Congratulations also to their stellar coach David Belisle, who offered the children a moving lesson in sportsmanship and how to deal with the loss. The team will be welcomed home today - arrival at Diamond Hill Park in Cumberland to 17 hours

The speech is a little more inspired than this classic!

Today's Awareness Day at the National School Backpack

3:46 PM Add Comment
Today's Awareness Day at the National School Backpack -

Today's Awareness Day at the National School Backpack and the American Occupational Therapy Association offers some tips for parents in the form of simple graphics. The first statistics of offers on the number of injuries and weight recommended that children should limit backpacks. The second infographic offers parents and characteristics recommendations caregivers to look for when selecting and purchasing a backpack, as well as tips to ease the burden on children.

Backpack injuries

More and more resources to LDAO. Other tips for parents from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.


Feel good post Friday: Owl family wake up to a GoPro

2:45 PM Add Comment
Feel good post Friday: Owl family wake up to a GoPro -

How to start your day today? You would probably not be happy to wake up and find a camera filming you, but that's exactly what happened to an owl family recently - they woke up one morning to find a GoPro camera trained on their burrow . The curious bird spent some time investigating this intruder, who gave us the opportunity to look great up close and personal to some baby birds. (Baby Owls are emerging about a minute or two.) Too cute!

And if you liked, you may also see Screech Owl Kuu bathing and drying.

Now, after all the kindness, if you think you have an owl as a pet could be fun, think again: Here are the top 10 reasons why you do not want an owl for a pet. Owls are sharp-eyed predators that hunt small game - even dipping a small pet. So if you want to know more about the owls, the Audubon Society is a good place to start.

Take this quiz to see how safe you are online

1:44 PM Add Comment
Take this quiz to see how safe you are online -

october Think you're safe online? October is Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month - a good time to put things test.Take both quiz to see how you fare

Phishing Quiz -.? Think you can Thwart Internet Scammers
will never wonder how good you are to tell the difference between a legitimate website and is a phishing attempt? Take this quiz to find out.

How cyber-savvy are you?
Test your knowledge of the risks of cyber security you face every day. Take the 11-item quiz to find out how cyber-savvy you are!

Whether on a desktop, laptop or mobile device, your password is often your greatest point of vulnerability. Your password on the list of 500 worst passwords of all time? If so, change it now

Here are two Microsoft tools that can assist in the formulation of a better password:

    • Check your password - is -it strong !? - This is a Microsoft service that allows you to test your password in order to assess its strength
    • Tips for creating a password

Tribute to our former fighters

12:43 PM Add Comment
Tribute to our former fighters -

veterans November 11, 1918 marks the end of hostilities in World War I, "the war to end all wars." Unfortunately, it did not work that way - there have been many wars since and since 1919, on 11 November each year, we honor our veterans There are about 22 million veterans living.. the United States, with about 2.6 million of the / 11 era and post-9 just under 1 million World War II

some ways to mark the day :.

ceremonies and Veterans Day events

2014 Veterans Day Free Meals and Discounts

5 ways to honor veterans beyond Veterans Day

How celebrate Veterans Day - If you aren 't a veteran

please support our veterans, especially those who are disabled. Moreover, too are homeless or unemployed.

Here are some ways to give back to veterans. Please take care to donate to legitimate veterans organizations - FTC says that there are many scams posing as veterans charities and offers tips to ensure your donation goes to a legitimate source


Shedding light on the purchase of energy saving bulbs

10:41 PM Add Comment
Shedding light on the purchase of energy saving bulbs -

If saving money is one resolutions of your new year, one way might be as simple press of a button. Conversion to energy saving bulbs can reap real savings, but many people are confused and frustrated by the range of choices and unknown terminology when buying. What was once a simple purchase is certainly a more complex task, but help is at hand with a simple guide NPR Change bulbs, a practical tool designed to demystify the many options we have now that we go to 'efficient lighting. It compares the standard incandescent bulbs that we all know halogen incandescent, CFL and LED options. It includes pictorial aids, definitions of terminology and comparative tables at hand. Two things we found most useful are the cost comparison of over 10 years (ranging from a low of $ 16.37 to a high of $ 76.70) and watts to lumens equivalency guide.

For those who want a little more detail, CNet provides a guide for techno-geeks, the bulb buying guide. It provides details on the various choices and a discussion on the color of light. Tip: You do not have to give up this soft, romantic glow if you know what to shop for. It also discusses options such as shape, the directivity of the light and dimming.

In addition to the bulbs, you may want to consider replacing some of your devices. Energy Star estimates that replacing your five most used with energy saving models devices could save up to $ 75 per year.

Here are some other guides to help you.

  • Federal Trade Commission: shopping for Lightbulbs
  • - lighting choices to save money
  • Consumer Reports: Lightbulbs
  • separating Myth Made on CFL and LED bulbs: five addressed concerns

Distracted driving - five seconds is all it takes

11:42 AM Add Comment
Distracted driving - five seconds is all it takes -


Distracted driving is a major factor in car accidents - leading to many deaths. And distraction is a matter of seconds - if you are traveling at 55 mph in just five seconds will take you the length of a football field. The video spot of public service below shows how quickly something can go terribly wrong.

Today, the focus is on all text messages. While texting is indeed a major culprit (it is involved in 18% of all deaths related to distraction), there are many other forms of distraction.

Distraction falls into three main categories
Manuel - Take your hands on the wheel
eye ​​ - take your eyes road
cognitive - take your mind of conduct

is a list of fun activities common:

  • Texting
  • the using a cell phone or smartphone
  • Eat and drink
  • Lighting a cigarette
  • Talking to passengers
  • for the kids on the bench back
  • grooming
  • reading, including maps
  • Go to the glove
  • using a navigation system
  • Watch video
  • animals that are not secured in the car
  • Adjusting the radio, CD player or MP3 player
  • external distractions

more on distracted driving in

need a car insurer? Check with one of our independent agents New England.

Blizzard damage: what your insurance covers

9:40 PM Add Comment
Blizzard damage: what your insurance covers -

There was one for the record books for many in New England. When assessing the damage, the Insurance Information Institute reminds us that:

"standard homeowners policies provide coverage for damage caused by wind, snow, intense cold and freezing rain, "said Jeanne M. Salvatore, senior vice president and chief communications III" car accidents caused by slippery roads are also covered by standard automobile insurance policies. "

See Concerned About Winter Storm damage to your home or car III Reviews What is covered by your insurance - call your local independent agent if you have questions

New England is digging begins today .. When digging, remember to clear your exhaust pipes in your car and your home.

This is a retrospective of some images related to the storm.

warm thoughts for the holiday Valentine fresh

8:39 PM Add Comment
warm thoughts for the holiday Valentine fresh -


With the day of Valentine's Day looming, we certainly need a few hugs here New England - for warmth if nothing else! It was a few difficult weeks and if the weather reports are true, it will get worse before it gets better.

hard to remember, but New England is famous for more than snow. One of our famous creations is distributed in the millions at this time of the year: the hearts of ever popular conversation candies were invented in Massachusetts in Necco factory, where they are still being produced today ' hui. But there's a modern twist: they have added some new conversational phrases for 2015:

The five other new conversation hearts for 2015 are: "BFF", "TE AMO", which is "I love you" in Spanish, "I love," which is "I love you" in French, a picture of a smiling face, and a picture of a handlebar mustache.

learn more about history of heart conversation. And you can even make your own personal jpg version to use on your blog or website to ACME Heart Maker. Here are ours:


Here are some cute Valentine music to get you in a sincere spirit. Thank you to one of our favorite sites, Neatorma, for links

Your car never recalled? A new tool allows easy search VIN

7:38 PM Add Comment
Your car never recalled? A new tool allows easy search VIN -

Another week, another callback. If you feel like every car in the world was reminded last year, your fears are not far from reality. Here is the 2014 countdown reminder, according to Auto News :.

The final statement of damages in 2014 came to federal regulators this month, showing that automakers have sent some 64 million recall notices in the US

This was more than double the previous record for the calendar year of 30.8 million, set in 04.

and that was the largest maker offender Of the industry?

Of the 64 million, nearly 27 million came from GM. It's a 3,466 percent increase compared to the total of GM in 2013.

In other words: In one year, GM recalled the equivalent of every vehicle it sold from mid-September 05 to the end of 2014.

How can we follow? The owners can not always know whether their car was never recalled or if it is yet to be repaired

Good news -. Now, there is a path. Use the VIN search tool NHTSA to see if your car has never been recalled over the past 15 years

new search tool NHTSA allows you to :.

  • Enter a vehicle identification number (VIN) to quickly learn if a specific vehicle has been repaired as part of a safety recall over the past 15 years
  • direct access to databases of recalls of vehicles and major motorcycle manufacturers
  • Get the relevant recall information so you can contact the manufacturer or dealer about repairs if was part of a safety recall

is fairly complete, but there are some things he can not cover - check the page to see what these are.

numerous reminders are minor defects and nuisance, but some are related to security. That's why some lawmakers are trying to pass laws prohibiting car registration until the recalls are completed. At present, it is still legal to sell a car that has been recalled, but not fixed.

"Lawmakers percent of recalled vehicles told 65 are repaired within 18 months. About 46 million cars with unfixed defects were on the road at the end of 2014, and more large number of 5 million change in ownership during the year, according to Carfax Inc., which tracks vehicle sales and accident stories. "

For more information on vehicle recalls, and see

Add the Poison Help line to your phone - it could save a life

6:37 PM Add Comment
Add the Poison Help line to your phone - it could save a life -

poison-line March 15-21, 2015 is the Poison Prevention Week - if you one thing, the program Poison Help phone number in your phone: 1-800-222-1222. You never know when it might be helpful to you or someone else. Calls are free and confidential and may be translated into 161 languages. Most calls can be handled by phone and do not require a hospital visit. In addition, you can call to get information on chemicals and safety, too - a call does not have to be for an emergency

In 2013, 55 poison centers in America has received over 3.1 million calls .. of these, about 2.2 million were calls about poison exposures up of carbon monoxide to snake bites to food poisoning. The rest were requests for information. Although children under 6 accounted for about half of poison exposure calls to poison control center in 2013, adults accounted for 92 percent of all poison-related deaths reported to poison control centers.

Here are some practical tools for poison prevention and emergency response:

  • national poison centers
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • 50 + poisoning prevention Tips (PDF)
  • the American Association for poison Control centers

the AAPCC offer this chart to help the poison-proof your home.


Celebrate National Pet Week

5:36 PM Add Comment
Celebrate National Pet Week -


Are you a lover pet? Many people are 43 million households own dogs, 36 million cats own - and there is a large menagerie of other creatures that people claim as pets.

This week is National Pet Week, created in 1981 by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to honor the many important roles animals have in our lives and to encourage responsible pet ownership.

National Pet Week of AVMAvets on Vimeo.

Here is a helpful list of resources for pet owners, which includes expert information about finding and choosing a veterinarian, and key advice for veterinary care for your pets company. Do not have a pet? Why not adopt a shelter pet - there is a search for a good home!

In celebration of Pet Week, we bring you two compilations an hour of hilarious hijinks of animals that help explain our love affair with pets!

Central Flood: tips and tools for heavy rains and flooding

4:35 PM Add Comment
Central Flood: tips and tools for heavy rains and flooding -

The rain is great for spring growth, especially when so many parts the country experiencing drought, but it would be nice to have the rain more measured quantities! It's pretty wet at the moment and the rain may continue off and on through tonight. Here are some heavy rain and flood resources, tips and safety instructions.

covers Does homeowners insurance from a flooded basement?

Are you covered? Check your flood risk


Insurance Information Institute: Flood preparation

flood risk scenarios

Flood Insurance Claims Handbook - FEMA / NFIP

Consumer Reports: How to drive safely in heavy rain and wind

Turn Around, do not drive
"Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm related risk. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than half of all drownings flooding occurs when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood waters. the next the highest percentage of flood-related deaths is due to walking into or near flood water. people underestimate the force and power of water. most of the deaths occur in automobiles as they are swept downstream. Of these drownings, many are preventable, but too many people continue to drive around the barriers that warn you the road is flooded. Only 6 inches of flood water moving fast can knock over an adult. It only takes 12 inches of water rushing to take a small car, while two feet of water can carry rushing most vehicles. It is NEVER safe to drive or walk through flood waters. "

flash protection against flooding (PDF)

How to dry a wet basement

The drying a wet basement

Identity Theft Protection: A Guide to what and when shred

3:34 PM Add Comment
Identity Theft Protection: A Guide to what and when shred -


Wondering what financial records to keep and which to shred? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers this infographic of handy shredder with an accompanying article in the rat shredding pack guide. Both offer helpful advice on what security experts say you should shred immediately (received ATM, credit card offers, sales receipts) that you need to keep forever (birth certificates, tax returns ) and all the rest. This is only one of many major identity theft resources available from the FTC.

Talk to your insurance agent to see if your home insurance covers identity theft and if not, have a conversation about identity theft insurance. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) offers a good introduction to the identity theft insurance.


New DUI law in Connecticut requires

2:33 PM Add Comment
New DUI law in Connecticut requires - immobilizer device

ignition-interlock Since 1 July, if you are found to be driving under the influence (DUI) in Connecticut , you will be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID), an IID is a type of breathalyzer that requires a breath sample before the car will start. (See the short video of Lifesaver in this post to find out how and IID works.) The car will be immobilized if the sample is .025. Previously, the installation of these devices was necessary for repeat offenders, but now extends the law for first offenders too. According to MADD CT, United with IID laws have seen a 40% decrease in alcohol-related deaths.

"The length of time in which the IID must be installed depends on whether the offender is 21 at the time of the incident, if a repeat offender, and the result or refusal of the test alcohol taken.

This law will affect up to 6,500 first-time offenders accused of operating under the influence. the previous law did not require those who entered a diversion program to use the IID but the new law now requires all offenders. "

This is in addition to fines and suspensions which may be imposed. It is the infringer to pay for the equipment and installation. "A device costs about $ 75 to install and $ 75 per month to maintain. They also need about $ 275 DMV fees"

All states have some form of legislation to device Immobiliser -. And almost half of all states have mandatory provisions for all offenses. See the Insurance Information Institute for more on driving laws in an intoxicated state status. MADD also has an update on the state laws related to immobilizers.

DUI conviction also have an important impact on insurance rates
In addition to state fines and penalties associated with a DUI offense, remember that a DUI conviction will be very costly to your insurance rates, too. Just how expensive will vary, depending on the circumstances of the offense, your age, your driving history, your state law and your insurer. You can be designated as a high-risk driver, which limits your insurance options - some insurers may refuse to insure you at all. The amount of a supplement can vary by insurer and the duration of such a supplement will vary by state law. Usually it will negatively affect your rates for at least three years and up to 10 years in some states

Note :. DUI is also sometimes referred to as OUI (operating under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated)

Image Source :. Video screen capture Lifesaver

Enjoy tax free shopping this weekend

1:32 PM Add Comment
Enjoy tax free shopping this weekend -


Save some money this weekend! In Massachusetts, the 6.25% sales tax is levied as a tax holiday on August 15 to 16, an annual tradition that dates back more than a decade. Buy almost any purchase of tax-free goods if they have a $ 2,500 price tag or less - excluding motor vehicles, motorboats, tobacco, gas and meals. Connecticut also launching off a week tax-free from August 16 to August 22, but it is limited to clothing items of $ 100 or less. (Note -. In previous years it was good for clothing items of $ 300 or less)

In both states, you can buy multiple items, as no single item exceeds the limit. You can also get tax breaks among online retailers.

We encourage you to do some research and local purchases. Retailers generally sweeten the pot by adding their own discounts and sales coordinate with these holiday duty - the offers are very generous! But remember, if you shop in your community or online, be a smart shopper and prudent: identity thieves do not take vacations.

2015 Massachusetts holiday sales tax Weekend - August 15 to 16

You can learn the ins and the 2015 outs Massachusetts holiday sales tax Weekend -end the Ministry Site Revenue. Here's a quick summary:

"The law provides that the sales tax holiday will take place August 15 and 16, 2015 and the days, not commercial sales of individual items of property detail tangible costing $ 2,500 or less are exempt from sales and use tax, subject to certain exclusions the following are not eligible for vacation sales tax exemption and remain subject to tax.: all motor vehicles, motorboats, meals, telecommunications services, gas, steam, electricity, tobacco products and any single item whose price is greater than $ 2,500. "

the display provides a few details on the rules - check if you have questions about the details. Here are some other resources:

Massachusetts sales tax holiday weekend 2015: Your guide to skip the sales tax in the state of

Retailers extended weekend tax free

2015 Connecticut tax free week - August 16 to 22

on Hartford Courant offers a good explainer of how whose feast works and some Q & a: what is tax free, which is not free during the week of CT tax.

"the new state budget, which took effect July 1, gives up 6.35 percent sales tax on most clothing, shoes and priced boots under $ 100 during this period. Since 00, the tax exemption applied to items priced under $ 300 ".

The Current notes that the sales tax is exempted for Connecticut residents who buy online or by phone if purchased in tax-free week , regardless of when the purchases are delivered. Items placed on layaway during the week are also tax free. But out of state residents need to shop in stores in Connecticut for the break.

Here is another resource for more information:
Connecticut Tax Free Week 2015: Your guide to clothing sales annual tax relief of the State

If you are traveling and you miss sales in Massachusetts and Connecticut, residents can shop online. In addition, many states offer tax-free weekends - check to see if they coincide with your travels.

How to Celebrate Labor Day in New England

12:31 PM Add Comment
How to Celebrate Labor Day in New England -

happy Labor Day

As we begin the weekend Labor Day, AAA reported that drivers see Labor Day lowest gas prices since 04 - the current average price for a gallon of regular gasoline unleaded is $ 2.46, although it may vary by state. That's almost $ 1 less than the cost of last year! And gas prices are a major factor AAA to provide a very high number of people who hit the road: it is expected that 35.5 million people will travel 50 miles or more on weekends. If you are on the road, leave early and drive safely!

If you stay in New England and have not yet finalized your plans, we've put together some ideas.

ways to spend Labor Day weekend in New England
Get out and enjoy what many consider the unofficial last weekend of summer with these 15 events taking place throughout New England weekend Labour Day

events Guide Labor Day Boston 2015
Top Activities on Labor Day weekend -. do not miss the section on half price and discount ticket offers

is Labor Day Weekend Hartford! Play!
Suggestions in and around Hartford Hartford Courant

Great things to do around Massachusetts this weekend Labor Day
De MA west of Cape Cod and the islands

Fairs and festivals in Eastern mass.

Celebrate food, festivals, fairs and throughout this weekend Connecticut Labor Day!

Labor Day Weekend Fun for Children CT: Fairs, Farms BBQ September 5-7

Fairs, Festivals & Events NH Big Labor Day Weekend 2015

NH Magazine Calendar events and things to do

Activities and events Maine - September 2015

Vermont events Calendar

Rhode Island monthly events calendar

history and tips to keep Halloween monsters at bay

10:29 PM Add Comment
history and tips to keep Halloween monsters at bay -

will never wonder how Halloween started? This interesting video guide gives you a historical look at how the festival has evolved. It is a fun overview of the series Brand Evolution of fastcompany

Pop Quiz.? What is the scariest place to be on Halloween

If this is not enough scary, please note that the Association of P & C insurers of America says Halloween raises more requests vandalism than any other day of the year, "the average cost per claim was $ 1,660 on Halloween, representing about 9 percent more than the annual average daily cost per claim" vandalism is not the only danger season. - Here infusion liability issues for owners of witches

Here is an overview of some useful links to help ensure you have a fun and safe weekend:

  • perils Halloween. for pets ... and people, as
  • not be too scary, but how your body is
  • pumpkins and peril :? preparing for a fun and safe Halloween
  • Pumpkin Carving security
  • do not let Halloween turn into a nightmare on your street
  • 7 tips to keep your pets safely Halloween
  • Halloween Clean-Up Guide

Oh! And do not forget to get your zombie insurance!

Dying for a good shot of selfie?

11:30 AM Add Comment
Dying for a good shot of selfie? -
From a Russian Selfie Safety campaign

From a Russian campaign selfie security

Overall, more people died in selfie- taking incidents this year than have been killed by sharks. No, unfortunately it is not a joke. So far this year, here are the results: Selfies, 12. Sharks 8. grenades, prosecution bulls and clifftops: people are dying to take selfies

There is even a Wikipedia page following deaths related to the selfie. and serious injury. Some deaths are the result of daredevils trying to get exactly the right sequence adventure. Other deaths are the result of the selfie taker being absorbed in taking pictures they become oblivious to the dangers around.

And this says nothing of scores or injuries and near misses that have occurred while trying to get the ultimate selfie. No matter how strong you think your selfie game is, you probably can not exceed a bear. A phenomenon that causes mad park rangers is the number of people who get way too close to wild animals so they can hang a picture with a bear, buffalo or moose on their shoulder. So many people are doing that at least one park in Colorado closed to visitors to protect both bears and people taking the selfie. The rangers say is close to a bear, bison or wild animal is very risky - and turn your back on them is an invitation to attack.

In Russia, where there were more than 100 injuries selfie, the Interior Ministry has launched a Safe selfie campaign with a motto: "Even a million 'likes' on social media is not not worth your life and well -being. "Our post graph shows the situations of the poster Public Security suggests that the makers selfie avoid

The dangers of taking selfie were exacerbated with the popularity of selfie sticks. - Leading a number growing tourist and public places banning selfie sticks to for reasons of liability insurance.

Pizza Hut got in on the dangers of selfie stick with fake public service announcement quite humorous. It funny because it's true.

Cats & Dogs Christmas Holiday Videos just for fun

9:28 PM Add Comment
Cats & Dogs Christmas Holiday Videos just for fun -

Many people say Christmas is for children, but the truth is that he went to the dogs ... and the cats. Come the holidays, YouTube is flooded with funny cute animal videos ,. Here are our views on the choice of the litter 2015 - .. With a few classics thrown in

The first is an ad, but it is cute and well done

Then we have YouTube animals singing songs

in a slightly different vein, we see how wildlife celebrate holidays

However you celebrate the holidays, have fun, but stay safe!

Welcome to the first season

8:27 PM Add Comment
Welcome to the first season - tax fraud

illustration of online crook Regarding identity theft, you really can not afford to relax - the criminals that are out of you certainly aren 't release: in 2014, there was a new victim of identity fraud every two seconds. In the same year, $ 16 billion has been stolen 12.7 million American consumers. (See III on the scope of identity theft).

Between January and April, imitators IRS and tax evaders are in full force. The scams often occur through aggressive phone calls, email phishing and spam websites online fake, or even via social media. Some of the sites of common scam to watch out for:

  • get a bigger return and get faster ... just click here and sign
  • You must update your online folder .. give your social security number
  • This is the IRS. You need a lot of money in back taxes - pay now or we
  • you need a small amount of taxes or fees, here's a quick way to pay online so that you do not have your refund [stop
  • please make a tax-free gift to <> charity or <> political fund

Two types of fraud are particularly common IRS Impersonators -. usually telephone threats - and tax preparer fraud. You can read about the most common types of tax evasion from the IRS Dirty Dozen last year.

Consumer Reports shares some great ideas to outwit fraudsters. We like this:

The thieves usually claim tax refunds by filing taxes before their victims are. So another way to protect yourself is to file before the deadline of tax, which is Monday, April 18 of this year (April 19 in Maine and Massachusetts).

Here are some other tips to avoid becoming a victim of ID Theft:

  • do not trust the number that appears on your caller ID or the electronic identification. These can be falsified. Do not click any link or provide any information. Instead, go directly to the site or call the organization yourself to make payments or donations.
  • Do not give out credit cards, birth dates, social security numbers or other sensitive information to callers you do not know. Never send this information by email, which is precarious.
  • Create secure passwords. Use different passwords for all accounts involving sensitive information or payments. This may sound complicated, but this minor inconvenience pales in comparison to the problems you will have if someone steals your ID.
  • Review your credit card and bank statements regularly. Check free credit reports every year with this website allowed.
  • Avoid conducting financial transactions over insecure public WiFi networks.
  • Make sure your browser is up to date and the applied security patches.
  • Keep an eye on the parents or older friends - elderly people are often specifically targeted for fraud

Hoverboards, e-cigarettes and the dangers of lithium-ion batteries

7:26 PM Add Comment
Hoverboards, e-cigarettes and the dangers of lithium-ion batteries -


You may have seen the viral video - a man with a cash in a store in Kentucky when suddenly his pants caught fire. He runs to the shop door, takes off his pants and a good Samaritan comes to the rescue. He was hospitalized, but should be OK. But yikes, what happened

The man - Josh Hamilton - reported that e-cigarette in his pocket was the cause of the fire - he associated with lithium battery that came in contact with the change in his pocket

An NBC news report -. What causes some E-Cigarette Batteries to Explode? - Says that there could be many reasons ranging from lack of industry standards to misuse by users. Because they are not regulated, no one is tracking injuries, but Josh Hamilton is not alone -. They have been other reports of explosions and severe burns to the mouth, face and hands

Many associate the risk of lithium-ion batteries:

Batteries lithium-ion sprays used to power e-cigs are small and powerful. When they fail, the results can be disastrous. We saw that with cell phones, laptops and more recently hoverboards.

In another recent article, The New York Times talks about the risks and other Hoverboards Lithium-Ion Gadgets, noting that problems can apparently occur without warning.

"The problem of hoverboards explosion is pretty serious as hoverboards were banned from university campuses, airlines and subways and buses in New York. The Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a stern letter this month warning that the two-wheeled vehicles "unreasonably dangerous fire hazard to consumers." and fire Marshals have issued warnings and advice to minimize the risk. "

lithium-ion are they safe?

cheap batteries made or cheap charger devices that may be the root of many problems, but the battery safety is a rather important issue that regulators are taking note. the claims Journal reports that e-cigarettes were recently banned accompanied baggage.

"Pipeline Department and hazardous materials safety Administration (PHMSA) previously addressed security issues relating to the transportation of electronic cigarettes. In October 2015, the agency issued an interim final rule to prohibit passengers and crew members to carry portable battery-powered devices electronic smoking in checked baggage and passengers of the prohibition and members crew of charge devices and / or batteries on board the aircraft.

"We know from recent incidents that e-cigarettes in checked baggage can catch fire during transportation," said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "The flight fire hazards are particularly dangerous . Ban electronic cigarettes checked baggage is a measure of prudent security. "

Passengers may continue to carry electronic cigarettes in hand baggage or on their person, but can not use them on flights."

a related story, panel of UN prohibitions freight aircraft batteries lithium-ion

lithium-ion batteries are commonly used in rechargeable products consumption such as cell phones and laptops. The batteries can still be transported in cargo planes, but from 1 April, they will be banned from commercial aircraft. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) said the ban will be in place until a new standard of proof wrapping Fire is designed to transport the batteries, which are not expected until 2018. the ban is mandatory for Member States of ICAO, which include 191 countries worldwide.

Batteries are something we use every day, but we do not often think about the dangers and safety precautions. Obviously, this should change: See our post on another battery type: The little-known fire Batteries 9 volt

We are not chemists or experts Safety products, but we gathered some people of lithium ion battery advice of the security which are:

  • Buy batteries and chargers vendors and renowned producers lithium ion - it is not a place to cut corners
  • do not keep charging the batteries without supervision
  • Check the expiration date and discard batteries that have expired
  • Store batteries carefully
    -Do not allow them to come into contact with metal objects such as coins, keys, tools or jewelry
    -Do not expose to extreme temperatures, direct heat or light sun
    -If you suspect a battery may have been damaged, replace

Boston Marathon Monday, 2016 Toolkit

6:25 PM Add Comment
Boston Marathon Monday, 2016 Toolkit -

Marathon runners on the run in city This year marks the 0th Boston Marathon and the forecast is sunny and warm. If you wish to participate, we gathered links and tools to help you prepare ... or if you're an armchair observer, we have links to mobile devices, social media sites and online. Remember. Marathon Monday coincides with Patriots' Day, a legal holiday in Massachusetts -. One of only two states to commemorate the day as a holiday

Boston Marathon Event Information

Get a road map or download a mobile application to track runners

Policies for 2016 Boston Marathon spectators (PDF)

Mile-by-Mile Guide to the Boston Marathon

Your Guide 2016 Boston Marathon route, the start times and more

Transport in the Greater Boston Marathon Monday region

Follow on social media: Boston Marathon Twitter and Boston Marathon Facebook

Watch online: Official online streaming site

Guidelines Spectator - do not bring (click on the link to enlarge)

Boston Marathon security - what not to bring

security: If you see something, say something

Life expectancy and your chances of reaching 100

5:24 PM Add Comment
Life expectancy and your chances of reaching 100 -

Do you plan to live to be 100? There are about 250,000 centenarians alive today, including several hundred "supercentarians" older than 110 years. You can get a good idea of ​​your chances to join their ranks with the Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator. This calculator asks you 40 quick questions related to your health history and family, and takes about 10 minutes. It uses medical and scientific data to estimate how old you are living being. In addition to estimating your life expectancy, it offers a "to do" list for you and your doctor with a list of things you can do differently and how many years you will probably add to your life if you do .
This calculator was developed by Dr. Thomas Perls is founder and director of the New England Centenarian Study, the largest study of its kind in the world. We like it because it makes you think about lifestyle factors that can affect your chances. But for those of you who want a shortcut, you can get an estimate of your remaining years based on the table of life expectancy published by the Office of the Actuary Administration of Social Security.
Interestingly, according to the life of the CIA World Factbook expectancy league table different countries here in the United States, we rank at No. 50 to 78 years and 11 months. Macau leading the table with a life expectancy of 84.36 years. Meet some of the older people of the earth on this site, or see the pictures and read the stories of individuals whose lives span three centuries.
Moreover, if you plan to live to 100, make sure your retirement planning takes this into account - life expectancy is a major factor in your financial planning - talk to your insurance agent if you expect to join the ranks of centenarians