Feel good post Friday: Owl family wake up to a GoPro

2:45 PM
Feel good post Friday: Owl family wake up to a GoPro -

How to start your day today? You would probably not be happy to wake up and find a camera filming you, but that's exactly what happened to an owl family recently - they woke up one morning to find a GoPro camera trained on their burrow . The curious bird spent some time investigating this intruder, who gave us the opportunity to look great up close and personal to some baby birds. (Baby Owls are emerging about a minute or two.) Too cute!

And if you liked, you may also see Screech Owl Kuu bathing and drying.

Now, after all the kindness, if you think you have an owl as a pet could be fun, think again: Here are the top 10 reasons why you do not want an owl for a pet. Owls are sharp-eyed predators that hunt small game - even dipping a small pet. So if you want to know more about the owls, the Audubon Society is a good place to start.

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