history and tips to keep Halloween monsters at bay

10:29 PM
history and tips to keep Halloween monsters at bay -

will never wonder how Halloween started? This interesting video guide gives you a historical look at how the festival has evolved. It is a fun overview of the series Brand Evolution of fastcompany

Pop Quiz.? What is the scariest place to be on Halloween

If this is not enough scary, please note that the Association of P & C insurers of America says Halloween raises more requests vandalism than any other day of the year, "the average cost per claim was $ 1,660 on Halloween, representing about 9 percent more than the annual average daily cost per claim" vandalism is not the only danger season. - Here infusion liability issues for owners of witches

Here is an overview of some useful links to help ensure you have a fun and safe weekend:

  • perils Halloween. for pets ... and people, as
  • not be too scary, but how your body is
  • pumpkins and peril :? preparing for a fun and safe Halloween
  • Pumpkin Carving security
  • do not let Halloween turn into a nightmare on your street
  • 7 tips to keep your pets safely Halloween
  • Halloween Clean-Up Guide

Oh! And do not forget to get your zombie insurance!

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