For National Bike Month, here's the scoop on

10:53 PM
For National Bike Month, here's the scoop on - Insurance

NBM 2014 May is National Bike Month, time to get the bike from the garage if you have not already. This year, consider participating in the National Bike Challenge - a great way to connect to other bike-friendly - and curious bike - people in your community and across the country. Join the challenge at any time as an individual or a team. The challenge runs from May 1 to September 30, 2014.

Like any other valuable asset, you must think about protection. The Insurance Information Institute has a short video on the cover basic insurance for your bikes.

"Bicycles are covered by Section personal property standard homeowners and tenants insurance policies. This coverage you pay less your deductible, if your bike is stolen or damaged in a fire, hurricane or other disaster listed in your policy. "

for most casual cyclists, this coverage will probably be enough. professional and amateur motorcycle enthusiasts with high-end bikes may want to add coverage: bike insurance: A rider may want a rider. There are also specialty insurance programs available in some states. If you have any needs or concerns, we recommend a conversation one-on-one with your independent agent to determine whether your current coverage is right for your needs or whether you should have additional coverage.

The Insurance Information Institute also has tips on bicycle safety, including tips to lock and secure your bicycle and observing basic safety when driving. They also suggest looking into the entry in the National Bike Registry.

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