Life expectancy and your chances of reaching 100

5:24 PM
Life expectancy and your chances of reaching 100 -

Do you plan to live to be 100? There are about 250,000 centenarians alive today, including several hundred "supercentarians" older than 110 years. You can get a good idea of ​​your chances to join their ranks with the Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator. This calculator asks you 40 quick questions related to your health history and family, and takes about 10 minutes. It uses medical and scientific data to estimate how old you are living being. In addition to estimating your life expectancy, it offers a "to do" list for you and your doctor with a list of things you can do differently and how many years you will probably add to your life if you do .
This calculator was developed by Dr. Thomas Perls is founder and director of the New England Centenarian Study, the largest study of its kind in the world. We like it because it makes you think about lifestyle factors that can affect your chances. But for those of you who want a shortcut, you can get an estimate of your remaining years based on the table of life expectancy published by the Office of the Actuary Administration of Social Security.
Interestingly, according to the life of the CIA World Factbook expectancy league table different countries here in the United States, we rank at No. 50 to 78 years and 11 months. Macau leading the table with a life expectancy of 84.36 years. Meet some of the older people of the earth on this site, or see the pictures and read the stories of individuals whose lives span three centuries.
Moreover, if you plan to live to 100, make sure your retirement planning takes this into account - life expectancy is a major factor in your financial planning - talk to your insurance agent if you expect to join the ranks of centenarians

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