Celebrate the first International Day of happiness

2:08 PM
Celebrate the first International Day of happiness -

Sorry, we do not give you more attention, but it only come to our attention that today is March 20 international Day of happiness. Coincidentally, it is also the first day of spring, so there is a good reason to be happy there. Normally Spring begins March 31, but Joe Rao SPACE.com why Spring is early this year.
Going back to happiness, an article in the International Herald Tribune tells us that the small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan began the concept of "day of happiness". The people of Bhutan are so the idea of ​​happiness they think that prosperity and progress must be measured by measuring the levels of happiness of its citizens rather than the typical gauge for measuring GDP.
They are something. Happy people not only enjoy life, they have more of it: link happiness studies to health and longevity
Even if you have spent the first half of the International Day of Happiness in a foul mood and bad mood, there is still much of the. day and night, left to change gears. To start, we have provided background music below and we point out the wonderful site called ZooBorns. Watching 15 minutes of adorable baby animals should do the trick. In fact, we suggest a routine dose of cuteness of animals as a good stress reducer daily
This is another suggestion :. Make a random act of kindness at this time. This will double the happiness quotient. If you are on the East Coast, you have 8 or more hours of happiness potential. Being a good citizen of the world - start

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