Distracted driving - five seconds is all it takes

11:42 AM
Distracted driving - five seconds is all it takes -


Distracted driving is a major factor in car accidents - leading to many deaths. And distraction is a matter of seconds - if you are traveling at 55 mph in just five seconds will take you the length of a football field. The video spot of public service below shows how quickly something can go terribly wrong.

Today, the focus is on all text messages. While texting is indeed a major culprit (it is involved in 18% of all deaths related to distraction), there are many other forms of distraction.

Distraction falls into three main categories
Manuel - Take your hands on the wheel
eye ​​ - take your eyes road
cognitive - take your mind of conduct

is a list of fun activities common:

  • Texting
  • the using a cell phone or smartphone
  • Eat and drink
  • Lighting a cigarette
  • Talking to passengers
  • for the kids on the bench back
  • grooming
  • reading, including maps
  • Go to the glove
  • using a navigation system
  • Watch video
  • animals that are not secured in the car
  • Adjusting the radio, CD player or MP3 player
  • external distractions

more on distracted driving in distraction.gov.

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