New DUI law in Connecticut requires

2:33 PM
New DUI law in Connecticut requires - immobilizer device

ignition-interlock Since 1 July, if you are found to be driving under the influence (DUI) in Connecticut , you will be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID), an IID is a type of breathalyzer that requires a breath sample before the car will start. (See the short video of Lifesaver in this post to find out how and IID works.) The car will be immobilized if the sample is .025. Previously, the installation of these devices was necessary for repeat offenders, but now extends the law for first offenders too. According to MADD CT, United with IID laws have seen a 40% decrease in alcohol-related deaths.

"The length of time in which the IID must be installed depends on whether the offender is 21 at the time of the incident, if a repeat offender, and the result or refusal of the test alcohol taken.

This law will affect up to 6,500 first-time offenders accused of operating under the influence. the previous law did not require those who entered a diversion program to use the IID but the new law now requires all offenders. "

This is in addition to fines and suspensions which may be imposed. It is the infringer to pay for the equipment and installation. "A device costs about $ 75 to install and $ 75 per month to maintain. They also need about $ 275 DMV fees"

All states have some form of legislation to device Immobiliser -. And almost half of all states have mandatory provisions for all offenses. See the Insurance Information Institute for more on driving laws in an intoxicated state status. MADD also has an update on the state laws related to immobilizers.

DUI conviction also have an important impact on insurance rates
In addition to state fines and penalties associated with a DUI offense, remember that a DUI conviction will be very costly to your insurance rates, too. Just how expensive will vary, depending on the circumstances of the offense, your age, your driving history, your state law and your insurer. You can be designated as a high-risk driver, which limits your insurance options - some insurers may refuse to insure you at all. The amount of a supplement can vary by insurer and the duration of such a supplement will vary by state law. Usually it will negatively affect your rates for at least three years and up to 10 years in some states

Note :. DUI is also sometimes referred to as OUI (operating under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated)

Image Source :. Video screen capture Lifesaver

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