Your car never recalled? A new tool allows easy search VIN

7:38 PM
Your car never recalled? A new tool allows easy search VIN -

Another week, another callback. If you feel like every car in the world was reminded last year, your fears are not far from reality. Here is the 2014 countdown reminder, according to Auto News :.

The final statement of damages in 2014 came to federal regulators this month, showing that automakers have sent some 64 million recall notices in the US

This was more than double the previous record for the calendar year of 30.8 million, set in 04.

and that was the largest maker offender Of the industry?

Of the 64 million, nearly 27 million came from GM. It's a 3,466 percent increase compared to the total of GM in 2013.

In other words: In one year, GM recalled the equivalent of every vehicle it sold from mid-September 05 to the end of 2014.

How can we follow? The owners can not always know whether their car was never recalled or if it is yet to be repaired

Good news -. Now, there is a path. Use the VIN search tool NHTSA to see if your car has never been recalled over the past 15 years

new search tool NHTSA allows you to :.

  • Enter a vehicle identification number (VIN) to quickly learn if a specific vehicle has been repaired as part of a safety recall over the past 15 years
  • direct access to databases of recalls of vehicles and major motorcycle manufacturers
  • Get the relevant recall information so you can contact the manufacturer or dealer about repairs if was part of a safety recall

is fairly complete, but there are some things he can not cover - check the page to see what these are.

numerous reminders are minor defects and nuisance, but some are related to security. That's why some lawmakers are trying to pass laws prohibiting car registration until the recalls are completed. At present, it is still legal to sell a car that has been recalled, but not fixed.

"Lawmakers percent of recalled vehicles told 65 are repaired within 18 months. About 46 million cars with unfixed defects were on the road at the end of 2014, and more large number of 5 million change in ownership during the year, according to Carfax Inc., which tracks vehicle sales and accident stories. "

For more information on vehicle recalls, and see

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