5 Popular save money withholding tax

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5 Popular save money withholding tax -

5 Popular Money-Saving Tax Deductions - TaxAct Blog

You can spend a lot of time determining tax deductions will benefit more throughout the year - and usually, that is time well spent.

For example, if you're in the tax bracket of 25 percent, every dollar you find deductions can save you about 25 cents in taxes.

Let's take a look at how five of the most popular deductions can reduce your tax bill.

Home mortgage interest.

much of your house payment probably goes home mortgage interest costs, particularly in the early years of your loan.

Fortunately, you can usually deduct interest expense if you itemize deductions.

mortgage interest can be deducted on your primary or secondary residence. The second home can be a house, condo, motor home or even a boat if it has a kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.

Your bank or other lender should send you a Form 1098, Mortgage Interest Statement, in January to report the amount of interest you paid for the year.

state and local income taxes.

Depending on where you live or work, you can pay the substantial state and local income taxes. In fact, some people pay more state and local tax that the federal income tax.

The good news? You can deduct state and local income tax with your itemized deductions on Form 1040, Schedule A, in the year you paid them

Generally, state and local taxes are deducted of your salary. You can find the amount of tax you paid on your W-2 form, pay and the tax return.

You should also check your tax return filed for the state during the year to see if you paid the extra tax when you filed.

If you paid sales tax to the state and local, this amount is also deductible. However, you can only deduct the state tax amounts of income tax or sales.

You can not deduct both in the same tax year.

charitable contributions.

If you make contributions to eligible charities, such as religious groups, hospitals or disaster relief programs, you can deduct the amount in dollars with your other itemized deductions.

IRS has stricter rules about revenue and relationships than they did several years ago though, so be sure to get a receipt for your donation before you file your statement.

If you are looking to make a significant contribution, you may want to consider giving property that has increased in value since you purchased it

do this may be beneficial in two ways : .. you can deduct the current value of the property and you may not have to pay capital gains on the amount of property has increased in value

in addition, do not forget the non-monetary contributions . Make sure you get a receipt when you drop off clothing and household items to charity so you can take a deduction on their value.

contribution pension plan.

deductible retirement contributions list of the regime of the ways you can reduce your taxes after the end of the tax year.

according to your plan, you can have up to the deadline for formal submission of tax (18 April 2016) or extended filing date to fund your retirement plan and take a deduction on your contribution .

retained pension plans are classified as deductions "above the line". This means you can take the deduction even if you do not itemize deductions.

As a bonus, they reduce your adjusted gross income, which can help you benefit from other tax advantages.

Real estate taxes.

Real estate taxes vary widely from state to state. In some places, property taxes on a home can be just a few hundred dollars a year.

In other places, property taxes on a home can cost more than the cost of mortgage interest. Property taxes are deductible in the year you or the year of your bank pays on your behalf from your escrow account to pay.

If you pay property taxes on other goods, such as vacant or a second home, you can still deduct the tax.

If you pay property taxes on a rental property, be sure to deduct the tax with your rental expenses on Schedule E, the additional income and loss.

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