5 most common myths insurance and why they are not true

12:19 PM
5 most common myths insurance and why they are not true -

5 Common Insurance Myths - TaxACT

The insurance can be incredibly complicated, so it is not wonder, sometimes, rumors, myths and lies can be held as fact and distributed as such.

We have listed some of the home and auto insurance the most common myths and explain why they are not true.

The red car owners pay more for coverage

Many people believe that red cars are somehow more prone to accidents, traffic stops, and general chaos. In fact, most carriers do not ask the car color at all when signing up for coverage.


Research shows that the color of your vehicle has no effect on traffic stops, passenger safety, or interactions with other drivers

insurers care much on the make and model: .. aspects of the car that can actually affect your safety and therefore your premiums

If your tree falls on your neighbor's house or yard, your neighbor pays

it can be difficult, but in most cases, your insurance pays for damages -. less the deductible

You want to file a claim with your insurance. The tricky part is if the tree is sick or weakened otherwise - and you can document that you warned the neighbor

In this situation, the neighbor could be liable for damage

Home insurance .. will pay for any damage to natural disaster at your home

It is easy to assume that your house has insurance coverage for any event. Home insurance does, however, have limitations and exclusions

Two main causes of damage that do not get coverage - .. floods and earthquakes

If you live in or near a floodplain, consider buying a separate flood policy through the National flood Insurance Program.

If you live near a fault line or region has a history of earthquakes, buy an earthquake endorsement or separate policy.

All the contents of your home are covered by

home insurance

If you buy only the standard home insurance, you can keep your valuable property (jewelry, art, sports equipment, electronics) unprotected or at least insufficiently.

Carriers set strict limits for items of great value. Sometimes these limits can be as low as $ 0.

If you have valuable items in your home, you can fully protect the purchasing approval, although floater arts, or collection policy.

the good news?

These items may qualify for protection, even if they are damaged or stolen when stored outside the home.

You are not legally responsible for an intruder on your property

you may know that you can be held liable for injuries to customers on your property.

you may not know your responsibility for injuries to unwanted guests on your property as well.

If you have a pool, trampoline, or other "attractive nuisance" on your property and do not protect properly, you could be held responsible if anything goes wrong.

Tell your carrier of all these elements on your property so that you can determine your liability and provide appropriate safety measures.

Understanding the complexity of home and auto insurance can be difficult.

these are just a few ways can be confused perceptions towards your protection.

familiar with insurance databases to make sure that you are covered both at home and on the road. Tweet this

5 Common Insurance Myths Debunked - TaxACT

Better yet, dig your policies and go over them carefully.

If there is something you don 't understand, ask your agent for clarification. Do not be caught off guard by a problem with your policy when you really need

Photo credit :. Giovanni 'jjjohn Orlando via photopin cc

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